30 Day Shred

Hi guys! I'm new to this website, and I am finally ready to take on this extra weight and win! I'm starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow. Has anyone here done this? My goal is to complete the 30 days, then keep doing the 3rd phase or another workout after. If you have done this, did you see results? I'm also terrible in my eating habits. I have a 1 year old, so I get her healthy little meals together and am pretty strict on what she eats, then I neglect myself and make some KD or a grilled cheese quickly! I know, it's terrible. If you have any simple meal recipes, I'd love to have them too! Thanks!


  • darlenewanamaker
    darlenewanamaker Posts: 162 Member
    I so enjoyed the 30ds I'm on level 2 I have lost inches but, have lost some Lbs. not as much as I would like to have but, it takes time..I think you will enjoy it def. makes you sweat. GOOD LUCK N have fun.
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    Hi and welcome, I am new here, too. I also joined MFP the same time I started the 30 day shred (a week ago). I have done the work out every day since (8 days total now). I have only lost 1 pound, but you can definitely SEE the difference. I love the work out because it's not too time consuming (giving me time to incorporate another form of exercise afterwards). I had to take little 5 to 10 second breaks a few times when I started the Shred. On day 5, I was able to complete the workout without stopping (following the beginner moves and the modified push-ups). I am excited to continue the next 3 weeks and see/feel the results. I also think I am already able to increase the weights I use! As far as eating, can you eat the same healthy meals that you are making for your daughter so you're not grabbing unhealthy stuff? Good Luck with the Shred and let us know how it goes!
  • Jessibear2854
    Jessibear2854 Posts: 82 Member
    I have been starting and stopping 30 ds for a while now... would like to start again tomorrow as well! Let's do this!

    So far I've only done level 1 and let me tell you, it makes me SORE! For days. But I have seen results. I have chest muscles for the first time in my life, as well as some pretty good definition in my arms :) And this is from my on again- off again exercising. I'm excited to see what will happen when I stick to it :)
  • katie_eds
    katie_eds Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the advice and encouragment ladies! I already made an excuse this morning as to why I shouldn't start the workout until tomorrow! hahaa. But, after reading your messages, I'm definietly going to start tonight. 1/2 hour is really not that big of a deal!

    Jessibear - lets do this together! We can be motivational partners :)

    joakool - I actually don't even own a scale, so I'm not worried about the weight loss, but more so about the look of my body and toning/defining certain areas. It would be nice to shed a few off the tire around my belly though! Hopefully I'll be able to see a difference with this workout!