Anyone with Thyroid problems?

Hi All,

Ive been on here on and off and never been able to lose weight but ive just been diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis! The weight gain is unreal, and i cant lose anything! Anyone else similar?

My T3 hormone is low and despite controversy they have given me some to replace as my TSH is normal! New studies say TSH can be a load of tosh! I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism!

I take zinc, selenium, sea kelp, cod liver oil....

How are you losing weight fellow thryoid sufferers? Im desperate!



  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed as Hypothryroid in March when I suddenly passed out, fractured both my tibia/fibula in the leg and the ER did lab work. Apparently my TSH was 252 and my body was shutting down. Only symptom was my weight and I WAS losing weight by working hard at that point. I am now on 125mcg synthroid daily and I think it is wonderful. I was laid up for 4 months after breaking my leg and KNOW that if not for the meds there is no way I would have only gained back 7 of the 30 pounds I had lost. A month back into my journey and I am already back up to 30 pounds lost. Now to start working on the other 70!

    You CAN do it. It takes extra work and discipline and regular lab work to insure your levels are right but I am proof that it can be done!!

    Good luck!
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    I have hypothyroidism. And honestly the weight loss is very slow. I have had to mix things up often to keep losing. On a high protein, low carb/ cal diet and really amping up the cardio with Zumba. Just started this as I plateaued last couple months, as I was just watching calorie intake keeping it between 1500-1200 a day. But with the plateau I found that was not enough I also need to exercise to keep losing.

    Good luck and just keep at it. You will find something that will work.

    Feel free to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other to keep losing.
  • haileemou
    haileemou Posts: 153
    I did 7months of dieting and excercising 4 times a week and lost not 1lb! But i cant get it trreated yet theres no cure until its eats my thyroid i guess and it no longer works! Its super hard! Im so worried!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    I would contact another doctor. I've never heard of someone being told that they couldn't get medication for this. I know people w/ different forms of thyroid problems and all have been treated no matter the stage.
  • haileemou
    haileemou Posts: 153
    I know dear! Im in Cyprus and theres only like 5 doctors! Ive seen 2 and they shrug me off! My T3 is very low but TSH normal so they refuse that my thyroid isnt working! Ive been taking T3 hormone and already my thryoid has shrunk back down so its working!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    That is crazy. At the ER they said initial TSH was 252 (which put me almost at the point of coma / death. They could not believe I was walking let alone getting ready to go hiking through the woods that day). My endocrinologist said that there is TSH used for base and then the sub categories/hormones for further clarifications.

    I'm sorry that the docs don't recognize that! I'm always here if you ever need someone who understands the frustration. Nice to know this weight was not ALL my fault (though about 1/2 of it was from first pregnancy 9 years ago!).
  • I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid and, in addition to taking a pill every day, my doctor suggested a gluten-free diet. Before you scream and run away, it's not as scary as it sounds! I actually eat tons healthier now because I'm cutting out so much baked things that are bad for me! Mine is a diet full of veggies and lean meat. I feel much better and exercising feels so much better now!
  • lyyzza
    lyyzza Posts: 22 Member
    Hello there! Wow, I'm so sorry you are going through this. When I was about 12 they located a goiter on my thyroid and prescribed me synthroid to help reduce the size of the goiter. It worked for many years and then when I was about 18 the goiter began to swell again. Within a year from that time, I had surgery and had my thyroid removed and have lived with hypothyroidism for many years (I am now 40). I am still taking 137mg synthroid (actually a generic form). I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Part of it is from my thyroid, part is from pregnancies and the rest is because I'm an emotional eater. I've been able to drop some weight with watching my food intake and exercixe (walking & Zumba).

    I've not heard anything like what you are going through and hope that you are able to find the right help. I would welcome your friendship and would love to support you in any way I can.

    Take care,
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism about 15 years ago, and to make matters worse while trying to find the right dosage of Synthroid, I also had mono! I've been on .175 for a couple of years now and I don't find that it affects my weight loss at all. That being said, I usually get my blood tested about 3 times a year to make sure I'm on the right dose. I prefer to be at the low end of the acceptable range and my doctor seems to think that's fine.

    Be sure to get tested regularly because your levels can change in a flash even while being on medication.
  • haileemou
    haileemou Posts: 153
    Hi all

    Gosh lots of you all with thyroid problems!!

    LisaI have a goitre too and nodules my neck was very swollen up until the doc gave me T3 the doctor before him said 'do nothing'

    I wish my thyroid was just a case of hypothyroidism but it's much more complicated and a lot of doctors are mis-educated!!

    They tell me to lose weight HOW?! Like I don't try. Grrr

    I'm back on the veggies and meat diet but I find it hard to keep to strictly
  • lyyzza
    lyyzza Posts: 22 Member
    Yes, my was very swollen... looked like I swollowed a golfball. I'm not sure what T3 is, but mine shrunk by taking synthroid and then the surgery was the best. Have they mentioned surgery at all?
  • haileemou
    haileemou Posts: 153
    Mine too! It's horrid! I could barely swallow! But no they haven't mentioned surgery! I think T3 is called Cytomel in some places!