Weigh in tomorrow... And I want to eat...

I just had a nice chicken wrap (chicken breast cooked on the BBQ) which is filling me up... I've had 2 bottles of coke... And I made some lovely apple muffins, which I want to eat now, dammit... I'm over by ~200 calories today already...

Argh. I've not been that good this weekend - bank holiday, plus a day off on Friday... :/ Don't know whether to go 'sod it' and have another muffin, or ice cream, or something, or struggle & be good! Help!


  • Lucy1421
    Lucy1421 Posts: 14
    No don't do it!!! You'll only do more damage! I want to eat today too so I'll make a deal with you and we'll BOTH be good the rest of the day. Sometimes eating too much one day can trigger cravings that I haven't had in a while. I think that's what happened with me.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    You need to cut 3500 to lose a pound. So every calorie counts. Just because you are off track doesn't mean you have to change directions. Get outside and exercise and have a salad for dinner! You can do this.
  • RedMuse
    RedMuse Posts: 50 Member
    chew some sugar free gum, drink some water,.. drink some green tea.. Try anything before giving up and giving in...
    do something to take your mind off food.. exercise , walk, dance around...

    that 1st goal is sitting there staring at you on your ticker :)
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Don't throw the day away! I am guilty of that and Coke is my weakness. Just be as good as you can for the rest of the day. I try to keep three things in mind (corny, but they help me):

    -"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
    -"A year from now, you'll wish you'd started today."
    -"No matter how slowly you're going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch."

    DON'T GIVE IN! You can do it!
  • nhhartmann
    nhhartmann Posts: 30 Member
    Can you take a walk? That always helps me get through a tough craving - then you may actually make up the overage if you can go for a brisk walk.

    Also - get some sugar free gum, drink ice water - those are a couple of things I do (when I can - sometimes the craving wins though).
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Don't "sod it". You're over by a little now, don't make it worse. Of course you already know this, which is why you are seeking a little support (validation) here . . . .

    You have some serious goals to work toward. This is a slow and steady kind of game. Keep at it, every day.

    While you are at it, cut out soda entirely. Also, if you must have a muffin, limit 1 per week, unless you've been doing some serious exercise.

    Have a bowl of fresh strawberries--yummy, low cal and quite filling. An apple is also a good snack.

    And drink lots of water. It will make you feel more full and less hungry.

    Good luck!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    1. Sugar free pop next time, full fat just isnt worth the taste / calorie ratio.
    2. You cant really be hungry you have eaten plenty today, have a black coffee or something. Food is for hunger, not boredom!
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I try to keep three things in mind (corny, but they help me):

    -"Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
    -"A year from now, you'll wish you'd started today."
    -"No matter how slowly you're going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch."

    I agree they are a little corny. But I like them anyway. If you are losing 80 lbs, it's gonna take you the better part of a year--maybe more. This is an ultra-marathon, not a 50-yard dash.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    1. Sugar free pop next time, full fat just isnt worth the taste / calorie ratio.
    2. You cant really be hungry you have eaten plenty today, have a black coffee or something. Food is for hunger, not boredom!

    In my view, skip the soda pop entirely. It is just crap. And, unless you are sleepy, skip the caffeine too. Caffeine will only make you get hungry in a little while.

    Go for a walk, drink lots of good ole H2O.

    If you are in the UK (which judging by your use of "sod it", I assume you are), check out Nairn's Oat Cake Crackers and Cookies (or biscuits). Two of the root ginger or mixed berry crackers are lightly sweet, tasty and only 87 calories. Hard to find on this side of the pond, but yummy.
  • xarra
    xarra Posts: 128 Member
    Thank you!

    It's getting dark here (UK) so a walk's out, but I will resist the urge to go downstairs & eat. :)

    Coke-wise, I don't like diet/caffine free, but I do try & limit it... :) Husband brought a big pack of 330ml bottles from Costco, so I've been drinking them... :/ However they've almost all gone (he loves it too) so back to lemon squash. :)

    Back to normality & work tomorrow, when I should be back in my goals... And if I can coax husband out for a cycle ride, even better. :)

    Thanks all for the support. :) I love MFP!
  • arykh24
    arykh24 Posts: 64
    don't do it. You will feel bad if you do and you will feel great if you beat the temptation!!!