September Challenge TNT Crew (Closed Group)

Hello TNT Crew,

September is just around the corner. This forum is our welcoming place. If you have any questions or comments or just want to say "Hey" feel free to post here.

I'm Cheryl, Team Captain. This is my first opportunity at helping a team get through a challenge and I'm looking forward to it. As a competitor, I like to win, but for this challenge I want for us as a team to stay focused on what is most important and that is FITNESS! I want for you to be the best YOU that you can be.

My weight has been up and down for a long time and I'm ready to be at a healthy weight and stay there. I want to be strong and fit. I'm sure there's much more to be said later, but I wanted for us all to have a place to get to know one another.

** TNT Crew team banner in process **


  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    TNT Crew:

  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    Hello everyone!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm so excied about this challenge and getting to know all of you! You're all going to do fantastic. If you need me to make a banner I can I do that sort of stuff for my job lol.

    My name is Allegra!
    I've always been a bit chunky and was made fun of until about 6th grade about it. When I got to high school not sure why but I joined cross country lol I was the slowest averaging 30 min 5ks which I'm actually proud of now hah. That's when my heavy eating kicked in though and it hasn't shut off even though I stopped running. After I finished my last year of XC I was diagnosed with depression, the medication made me gain 20 pounds very fast. In college I tried ballet for two semesters and adored it but a nearly 200lb 5 foot 2 girl ploding around didn't fit in, I did well but I felt judged for my weight, my dance teacher even made comments about "finding the biggest size and starting from there." I think that pushed me over the edge. I've been vegetarian all my life which basically ment I ate cheese, pasta, and bread constantly. I decided to be vegan about 6 months ago for the fun of it and I noticed I lost a bit of weight, I discovered this site looking for a food blog and vegan recipies lol. I've tried dieting since I was a kid, but I'm old enough to realize it needs to be about my health and living a long life.

    Sorry for typing so much lol I just realized I like to do things on a whim after thinking about my journey this far lol.
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! I am also excited about the september challenge.and getting to meet new people. I never really had a weight problem until about 3 year after I had a complete hysterectomy and now at 5'2" 167lbs I cannot seem to lose this weight.
    I work out Everyday, I am now giving myself 1 day off of vigirous exercise. I eat a really healthy diet and try not to have any off days, I try to keep my ba eating days for special occasions. I will be the BIG 40 In 3 days and they say that the 40's are the best years of your life well I want to look the best as well as feel the best during my best years.
    I cannot wait to start this challenge I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • x_sotonguetied
    hey team!! so excited to do this challenge with all of you! :)

    my name is Liz, and i'm 20 years old and going into my 3rd year of college working towards my degree in marketing. i've always had issues with my weight, which, looking back was so silly haha. i thought i was "fat" in like 8th grade - i see pictures now and i was TINY!! after my sophomore year in high school my weight just went up and up and up, and then my senior year i lost 15 pounds, and then during the 2 years following that i gained back that 15 plus another 14 on top of that, bringing me to my all time heaviest. i am MORE than ready to see the weight gone, and keep it off for good, and to feel lighter, look better in my clothes, have more energy, feel more confident, and just overall be much more healthy.

    i'm out of the dorms and will be shopping on my own, so i'm hoping that despite my low food budget i'll still be able to feed myself with fairly healthy things. or... at least take the temptation of junk food away buy not buying that stuff lol.

    i've always been more of a gym girl, but i'm not right by the super cheap campus fitness center anymore, and i don't know how pricey the gym by my house is going to be, so i MAY have to resort to working out at home for some time. i might be low on space in my room, but i definitely have a selection of workout dvd's, i am SURE i could make something work lol.

    september is almost here and i cannot WAIT! :) we're all gonna do awesome.
  • reammi
    reammi Posts: 70
    Hi Team!!!! My name is Merri and I am also very excited to do this challenge with all of you!

    I'm a gym rat. I was a tomboy growing up. I played many sports but was the best at basketball. I was fortunate enough to play in college but I blew out my left knee. 7 knee operations and 3 kids later I was told no more athletics. So I started to gain weight and was pretty miserable. I made half hearted attempts to get healthy thru the years but never stuck with it. So 2 years ago I decided enough was enough. I committed to walk 30 miles a week for 52 weeks totaling 1560 miles. It was a great idea when I started in April but living in NJ the winters are cold and full of snow. I joined a gym and I walked on a treadmill 4 days every week. The other 3 days I walked outside in the rain, the snow and in the 20 below cold. I ended up walking 1650 miles in a year. I didn't focus on my diet and although I lost some weight it wasn't significant. This year my company sponsored a Biggest Loser Competition and I was ready. I won the competition and I haven't looked back. I exercise every day (not always vigorously). I still go the gym 4 days a week but in addition to cardio I take boot camp, strenghth training and yoga classes. I even am able to run now (I am up to 3 1/2 miles) I never thought I could do any of these things but I can and I do. I have learned to listen to my body and there are days that I have to take it easy. I had the good fortune of meeting Jillian Michaels and she inspired me to keep moving forward. in addition to my every morning workout I also have been doing Jillian Michaels DVDs at night. I am 47 and feel like I can conquer anything. I don't think I've ever been as strong, healthy or fit in my entire life. Since January I have lost 56 pounds and I am committed to staying healthy and fit.
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
  • urastupidchimp
    urastupidchimp Posts: 80 Member
    Hey Team!! I'm so excited to be doing this challenge with all of you! I think it is just what I need to get my butt in gear and really stay motivated!

    My name is Miranda and I am 24. I have never been thin or in shape my entire life, but I was always one of the smaller women in my family so it didn't bother me until I got to college and there were so many small people that I felt huge! Of course, I didn't do much about it, so I just slowly kept gaining until I started going out with my bf. He lost around 40lbs since high school and makes working out a priority. I don't think he cares that I'm chunky, but he knows I am uncomfortable with the way I look so he is trying to encourage me to live a healthier lifestyle.

    Well, that's my mini-story :)

    Can't wait to start this challenge and get to know you all better!
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! I am so excited to be doing this challenge with all of you! We are going to kick bootie!!
    My name is Karrie and I'm a 36 year old full time mom, wife and student. I have 3 kids and the older they get the busier I seem to get. I was not overweight until 3 years ago when my husband returned from a year long deployment to Iraq. Between the stress of trying to reconnect and fit our family back together to making all his favorite food he hadn't had in a year I put on 20 pounds and I can't get rid of them. I love running and lifting weights but I also am a big foodie and love to cook. Some how I'll learn to balance the two so I can eat well and loose weight!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    TNT Crew, September is just around the corner!!! Are you ready?
  • x_sotonguetied
    TNT Crew, September is just around the corner!!! Are you ready?

    woop woooop! less than a week away and i am pumped! :D
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    September here we come!
  • KierstyPants
    Hey guys! Sorry, i've been busy with my life and stuff. just checking in here. I'll be back on it for this challenge. I'm so excited to be doing this with you guys! :)
    I don't really have an interesting background. I'm 20, I study music and fitness. Uh, I'm engaged, I've been overweight since forever. and that's about it. I'm pretty fun, i guess you could say. that's about it hah :D
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Here's our banner =]


  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Allegra, Great job with the new banner! Thanks so much!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    =] no problem

    should it be smaller? lol
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    We are just a few days away and I'm so excited and I can't remember ever being excited for September! Bring it on!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    TNT Crew,

    We've already had one drop due to a busy school schedule so I'm checking with those who said they were interested previously to get our team back up to 10 members.

    We still have 9, but I want to have a full crew when Sept 1 rolls around.

    I'm also very excited about getting the Sept challenge started. :-)

  • reammi
    reammi Posts: 70
    I'm still in. I got a little sidetracked with Irene this weekend but the power is back on and we are getting back to normal. I'm very excited for September!!!
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Team Roster as of 8/29/2011:

    TNT Crew:
