Anyone here got their gallbladder removed ?

Do you find hard or harder to lose weight? What’s your journey been like?

I’ve lost all the weight I needed to, still got my gallbladder I’m just wondering because my cousin says she can’t lose weight due to her gallbladder, and she can only lose weight when she eats less than 900 calories. How true or false as this been for you.


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Makes no difference. I had mine removed half way through losing 150 lbs. it’s just an excuse.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    Mine was removed years ago and I have lost 100 lbs. It made no difference for me.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    Do you find hard or harder to lose weight? What’s your journey been like?

    I’ve lost all the weight I needed to, still got my gallbladder I’m just wondering because my cousin says she can’t lose weight due to her gallbladder, and she can only lose weight when she eats less than 900 calories. How true or false as this been for you.

    Your cousin is wrong. Has she tried MFP? Logged meticulously for at least a month?
  • mdpine1988
    mdpine1988 Posts: 1 Member
    Had mine out and 1992 and i have not had a problem. I only gain weight when I over indulge.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    Do you find hard or harder to lose weight? What’s your journey been like?

    I’ve lost all the weight I needed to, still got my gallbladder I’m just wondering because my cousin says she can’t lose weight due to her gallbladder, and she can only lose weight when she eats less than 900 calories. How true or false as this been for you.

    Your cousin is wrong. Has she tried MFP? Logged meticulously for at least a month?

    She just says she counts her calories I’m not even sure if she uses an app
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    I've lost 92lbs since mine was removed.
  • ChelleDee07
    ChelleDee07 Posts: 396 Member
    I have had my gallbladder removed years before losing more than 100 lbs.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,641 Member
    Had mine out midway through weight loss, made zero difference (except my heartburn and acid reflux stopped dead).

    Some people find they're less able to tolerate high-fat foods (like deep-fried whatever) after gall bladder removal. I've not experienced that.

    No difference to weight loss; for me, no difference in food tolerance.
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Mine was out 3.5 years ago and I have struggled with digestive issues since then. The lack of a gallbladder doesn’t mean I can’t lose weight, but when you’re running to the bathroom after eating anything, it can get really frustrating and kind of depressing.

    In the past year and a half, I’ve started to find what works for me. I’ve managed to lose about 30lbs and getting close to goal weight.

    While not having a gallbladder wouldn’t affect the basic math behind CICO, there may be other factors impacting your cousin. Maybe just saying it’s her gallbladder is her way of explaining without getting into gory details. 🤷‍♀️
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 672 Member
    I had gall bladder attacks that went undiagosed for 15 years because they started when I dropped down to 110lbs at 5'6" when I went on dialysis (due to a rare genetic connective tissue disorder). No one thought to check my gall bladder because I was a young, thin woman. I got scoped, did barium swallows, gastric emptying, more h. pylori tests than I can remember, took proton pump inhibitors for years... Finally, my last GI specialist suggested low FODMAPS for IBS, and ordered a last ditch HIDA scan. I knew the second I chugged the heavy cream that she found the problem. I had Biley Cyrus removed a few years back, and it was my second favorite surgery ever.

    I've gained up to 170 and lost and maintained around 135 since before the surgery. I have a big appetite, especially around my period. If I don't reign it in after a day or 3 of indulgence for the month, I can gain easily, even if I have mostly moderate calorie days. I'm usually too lazy to log, but I have the advantage of potentially ruining my kidney transplant if I don't stay a healthy weight/eat a healthy amount of healthy food. I can self-regulate really well now that I've spent a lot of time weighing my food, though. I haven't always been good at this, but the tools are always there if I need them. So it's definitely false for me.
  • warukimedesu
    warukimedesu Posts: 27 Member
    Had mine taken out with a laparascopic cholecystectomy in 2006. It did not affect my life in any way. Since then I've gained weight from time to time, but overall I've been able to stay within the normal BMI range. And in the past 2 months, I lost 13 pounds by going on a deficit at 1700 cals.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    The only possible explanation I can see to your cousin's comment other than possibly an excuse is if she's trying Keto. It aboslutely doesn't work for me without a gall bladder. If I eat that way I get physically sick. I tried taking ox bile and that didn't help either. She should be able to go on a low calorie diet though without any issues. It's hard to talk to anyone about weight loss when they aren't ready to do it though. I know when I was big I had decided it was impossible too. Give her time, she may come to a point where she's ready to try and then you can support her.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I had mine out a couple of months ago, and while it doesn't seem to interfere with weight loss, I don't seem to do well with a high fat ratio. So no keto for me, but general low-cal works just fine.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Mine was out 3 years ago and it had no effect on weight. The only issue with it is that I do not tolerate high fat so I have to avoid (or reduce) some things like deep fried foods, chips, etc.