Take that punk!!

So about 5 years ago I was in my senior year in high school and working at a local grocery store.. At this place I got the biggest crush on one of the other workers.. And although we talked and were very close, nothing ever happened because he told me he liked me, but did not want to "hurt" me.. Quite honestly I always thought it was because of my weight, which was somewhere in the 230 or so range.. Although he never really told me that was the reason, somehow I figured when he started talking to someone else....
And so time went by and I got bigger, and Bigger.. And BIGGER!!
Then I started this journey and started getting smaller, and smaller and smaller still, even smaller than I was in high school!!
And here is when that "guy" comes back into the play..

Yesterday when we went to visit my mom we stopped at this grocery store, that I hardly ever go to. I am sitting in the car trying to explain to my husband that I want a bottle of water, but that I want Zephyrhills and not Dasani. When my husband gave me the "WTF are you talking about" look I decided to get off and get my own freaking water.. LOL!
As I reach for the bottle of water who else should appear, but my "special friend." And he had the most priceless look on his face!! He took a double take and said "Hey, I didn't recognize you for a bit." He starts chatting and making conversation and gives me the up and down look and says "I can tell life has been good to you." I smile at him and start to walk away. Yet he decides to chase me and continue conversation. Then I look at him and with a sarcasm-filled voice I tell him.. "Life has been good to you too." He slaps his chubby cheeks and says, "Can you tell I gained some weight." LMBO!! That punk got so chubby!! It was like a Karma-filled room!!! One of the best moments of my life.. & that's that I am not even at goal yet.. I plan to make a return visit when I do. But until then I just wanted to share the awesome NSV that I have not been able to stop smiling about since yesterday!!

BTW: I looked a little like this:


  • annieboo34
    Thanks for sharing that story......YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    AHHH!! that is perfect, perfection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats the reason i like to stay in shape, so those stupid guys who reject me get lazy and see how great i still look!!!!!

    but uttterly, utterly fabulous :) karma got him good!!!!
  • Tattoos_and_Tea
    Tattoos_and_Tea Posts: 529 Member
    Hahaha brilliant! Thanks for sharing that with us, made me smile!
  • LizabethRose
    Love it!!!!
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    You know what they say about paybacks. I love this story and your weight lose. Keep up the great work!
  • brittanydaniel79
    Best NSV I've read in a while! Positive Revenge. lol
  • cmsu64113
    cmsu64113 Posts: 474 Member
    haha WTG! My ex gained every pound I lost, KARMA I tell ya!
  • Simomofmich
    Simomofmich Posts: 126 Member
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Love it! What goes around comes around!!!! Great story! Thanks for sharing and congrats on your weight loss! You look magnificent!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    Love it! Awe Karma is funny sometimes :P
  • koluvsmusic
    LOL! Thanks for sharing. That's what he get!
  • daniellejg
    I LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing :)
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    bahaha awesome moment, I'm glad he never dated you because he sounds so shallow
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Oh my god that is GREAT!!!! I just can't stand it. Thank goodness you went in to get your own water! I will enjoy this story all day. LOVE IT, thanks for sharing. YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • val_140
    val_140 Posts: 75
    Thanks everyone. I never imagine I'd be the one telling a story like this!! I really felt amazing.. Cloud 9 was like 10 clouds below me at that point!! I almost felt like giving him a link to this site.. Being that the people here are so supportive!!! LOL! But he can figure it out by himself!!

    That was not only my moment, but a moment for all the people who have been rejected based solely on what's on the outside and not the inside!! A victory for us*** YAY!!!
  • val_140
    val_140 Posts: 75
    haha WTG! My ex gained every pound I lost, KARMA I tell ya!

    So awesome!! It feels great to have Karma pay a visit!!
  • val_140
    val_140 Posts: 75
    Love it! Awe Karma is funny sometimes :P

    Especially when it visists unexpectedly and without you having to chase it around!! :)
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    Congrats on you weight loss! I bet your felt awesome when you left that store! Keep it up girl!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss
  • Misdy
    Misdy Posts: 81 Member
    nice one!
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