Feeling totally lost and not sure where to start

It has been awhile since I have tried to loose weight. I was in a string of horrible relationships and depressed, then I got with my husband and I have never been happier. I recently had a baby 5 months ago, so its been awhile. Surprisingly during and after my pregnancy I lost about 40lbs all together, I was about 210 when I got pregnant and I am now around 170. I am excited with the loss but I would like to get to 140. I got laid off from my job right before I was about to come back from my maternity leave and I haven't been able to find a job since so I am slipping back into depression and bad habits like drinking nightly again. I literally spend all day at home on the couch taking care of our kids or napping when its just the baby and I while she naps. I mean I do go out and run errands that need to be done but for the most part I am just sitting on my butt. I am trying to find the motivation to get up and workout and start tracking my food and eating better but I just don't have the energy. I really do want to loose the rest of the weight but I can't seem to get out of this slump. Me not being able to find work and us struggling financially is totally getting to me. I need help.


  • threewins
    threewins Posts: 1,455 Member
    Any mothers in your neighbourhood who want to meet up for a bit of social exercise? It sounds like getting out of the house for a walk, going to a park would be good for you.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    First thing I would do is make an appointment with your ob/gyn it could be a touch of postpartum depression. Then I would make yourself do 1 walk a week to start and move up from there.
  • jagrag2
    jagrag2 Posts: 9 Member
    I am unsure where you live, but I do have a suggestion for working. I work for Shipt and Instacart, both grocery delivery jobs. You get paid to shop for other people and it is so easy - most of the time I earn no less than $20 an hour.
    Regardless of what you find it work, please be encouraged that things will get better. :smile:
  • cvdub16
    cvdub16 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you all so far. As far as other mothers in my area I am not sure, we are in an apartment and most keep to themselves here. And yes I believe you are right I do need to just get out of the house and just walk but even that seems hard right now. Like today for instant I needed to get the car wash, go get some cat food, and clean up the house, what did I do? Nothing! And now I have to do it all tomorrow before my other 3 kids get back from their moms for the weekend. I am not sure what will give me a kick in the butt to get me going again. I know it sounds like a pitty party so to speak but I literally have no energy to do anything anymore and I hate it.
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member

    I had my baby almost 10 months ago and when my child was born, I couldn’t stand going outside. I just wanted to stay at home, where I felt safe. I was always very tearful and worried about things. I decided to take the first step and I spoke to my doctor who diagnosed me with postnatal depression. I was prescribed some anti-depressants and within maybe 2 months of starting them, I felt like a different person. It’s 10 months on now and i actually enjoy going out. I feel happy, I have a much more positive outlook on life and I’m enjoying things again. At the beginning, I took my baby out for short walks in the stroller so that I could get a little exercise in, and both of us got some fresh air.

    It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I’m not a professional but I think you need to speak to your doctor about how you’re feeling. Please take that first step and make an appointment. Your mental well-being comes first.

    All the best 😊
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I would definitely strongly suggest you talk to your doctor about how you were feeling. It could make all the difference in the world.

    I like the idea of shipt. That is a wonderful idea!

    And sometimes you just have to make yourself do it even though you don't want to. Just like when you had a job. I'm sure there were many days that you woke up and said ugh I don't want to go to work today. But you went.

    Think of staying fit for your children as part of your job. As if you have no choice. And push through it.

    But first, the Dr. Good luck!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    So I don't have kids and wouldn't even pretend to know how it feels to take care of babies let alone go through postpartum depression but I will say that I think talking to your doc first is a great idea!

    I teach a few kids self defense and fitness and I can tell you that they totally imitate what us adults do! They are inspired by our strength and by our actions, negative or positive. I've had many new moms getting back to the grind bring their littles with them and I see these tiny humans watching their moms in awe and admiration! and then they try to do the same thing. It's cute as hell! I guess I am saying if you're not motivated to do it for yourself, get motivated to do it for your kids :smile:

    I'd also say just start with one really small baby step, like take a 10 minute walk with your kids or just do some stretching while the little one is napping. Something as simple as a few jumping jacks and push ups when you get out of bed in the morning is enough to get you moving in the right direction. Don't pile it all on at once, just take one thing at a time. Get yourself in some small physical activity routine first, then start tracking just your breakfast... then move on from there. You will get there! I promise!
  • cvdub16
    cvdub16 Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you all so far!