Can you give advice for extreme tiredness/sluggishness/ho-hu

I am approx. 125 pounds overweight. I struggle (If you want to read my weight loss blog it is here: It tells a bit more about me)

Anyway................I am just soooooooooooooooooooo tired. All the time. I want to be cheery and stick to my goals and be a great mom and housewife and yet I sit here eating cereal while the kids play video games and the house is a wreck.

If you could only name 3 things I could change, what 3 things do YOU feel are most important for 'getting your groove back" and getting out of the mulleygrubs?!!



  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    (1) begin an exercise program
    (2) clean the house 1 room at a time (do not think you can do it all in one day)
    (3) exercise more (cardio and weight training)...good for the mind, body and spirit
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    exercise, exercise, exercise.

    Its strange, when I joined a gym 2 years ago I was worried I wouldn't use my membership and that I would hate working out because I always have in the past. But, I really found that exercise was not only great for my physical health, it had the power to improve my mental health as well.

    I never would have thought I would love exercising, but the benefits have turned me into a true believer. I was 150 above my goal weight when I started. Just start out with what you can do and try to do a little better with each workout!
  • PandaofDestruction
    My suggestions would be:

    1. Exercise Regularly- I have about the same amount of weight to lose, and now that I have been working out, it is a habit and I have so much more energy.

    2. Possibly make a list for yourself of 3 to 5 things you would like to accomplish to give you the motivation to do things while your kids are playing.

    3. Eat in regular intervals and don't eat too much in one sitting, when I eat too much I don't want to even move, much less exercise, and when I am hungry I have zero energy to do anything or focus on anything.

    I am wishing you the best of luck! I hope this is helpful, these are just what works for me :)
  • whisperingdragon
    You are probably lacking iron. That was my problem.
  • abg0220
    abg0220 Posts: 42 Member
    I just started a supplement called L-Carnitine. It is for heart health and "assists in the breakdown of fat in cells to produce energy and is essential in making fatty acids available for energy in muscle tissue." I did some research on it before I started it. It is used with people who have chronic fatigue. From what I have read it is actually something our body produces but sometimes it isn't produced enough. I have only been taking it for a week and I am starting to notice a change in my energy level. I am usually a nap taker and I haven't had one in 3 days now. Do some research on it before you try it and make sure to read the drugs that it interacts with. Good Luck!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    The more you make yourself get up and exercise the better you will feel. I promise!

    Today resolve to take a 10 minute walk. Tomorrow go 15. Make yourself get up and walk every day, even if it is just around the block. Once you get outside you will often find yourself walking longer than just around the block.

    Do not try to embark on some complicated workout routine. Just start with walking...

    You can do it! You're worth a little investment :flowerforyou:
  • sarahrosemun
    For me I had to cut out all caffeine to get my groove back. That paired with eating lots of fresh veggies, fruits and lean protein has had a dramatic impact on my energy levels. I was on the roller coaster of coffee and sugar ups and downs and now I have natural energy now so exercising is way more doable. Also, almost all processed foods had to go :(
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Let me say this first, I tell it like it is. That being said, get up and move around. Just do it, any movement is better than none.
  • mashanda
    mashanda Posts: 120 Member
    start moving! do you driknk coffee? because there is a drink that can help that it consist of coffee, cocoa and maple syrup.
    google. How to Combine Coffee, Cocoa & Maple Syrup for Hormone Balance
  • thatTOPSlady
    Thank you!
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    For the house: go to for support. Her message of "You can do anything in 15 minutes" I find really helpful

    For you: Think of 3 ways to cheer yourself up that aren't food related ( or as many as you can). Listen to some music, play with your kids, watch a movie, do your nails, have a nice bubblebath. Whatever does it for you. Add them in whenever you can.

    Also, how much sleep are you getting? i've heard that people that don't get enough sleep are more likely to be heavy, because they eat to compensate for being tired. I know with kids getting to bed at a reasonable hour can be difficult, but just thought I'd put it out there.
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    When I get that way I talk myself into going for a short walk. Often that short walk then turns into a longer walk, and gives me more motivation/energy afterwards. Get the kids involved too. Take them to the park so they can play while you walk around the playground, or take them for a walk with you.
  • Cynthiafaron
    Cynthiafaron Posts: 114 Member
    protein- for energy , eat less sugar and starches -to avoid highs and lows in blood sugar , exercise regularly -this boosts energy naturally ! Works for me !
  • Shutterpillar
    have you seen a doctor? are you depressed?
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    I totally agree with the exercising!! For me personally, if I exercise in the morning I have more energy through out the day. I kind of wake up and I'm ready to go. Maybe you can go for a little walk in the mornings??
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Exercise regularly. Do what you can and work up.
    Eat right. Do your best and be honest with yourself.
    Stop using the word mulleygrubs.

    Good luck!! You CAN do it!
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I started feeling less tired by exercising more and cutting my carbs. I think my carbs were just completely weighing me down (300g+ a day, now TRYING to keep it under 100, definitely under 150).

    I hate veggies, but I have noticed that the more veggies I add into my diet the better I feel in general.

    Go for a walk or something every day. The point is do something, ANYTHING, active. Clean the house 1 room at a time, turn it into a game, get the kids to help. Eat more veggies and really try hard to get to bed at a decent hour so you can get a good amount of sleep. I know that can be hard in generally, even harder with kids.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I used to be really sluggish. Cutting back on carbs really helped. Now, I'm not necessarily suggesting you try a low carb diet like I'm on, but it couldn't hurt to cut out processed carbs and sugars. Those really weigh me down. I call it the carb coma.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    FlyLady is great!!! Sign up for her emails and check out her website. She also offers links to healthy eating and fitness. Check her out. I am a flybaby. My house is cleaner than ever. Now that I have tackled the house, I am tackling my weight! Remember as the flylady says we have to take babysteps. Habits are not created overnight.
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I'm with exercise more, make sure you are getting adequate protein, veggies, and fruit in your diet. I'm a "carbo-holic" and it can mess with your blood sugar and make you sluggish if you eat too many simple carbs.

    Also the hardest thing for me and the best thing for me was to realize that dieting and increasing my exercise was going to make me more tired. Our bodies are not programmed to lose weight, they are programmed to gain or at least maintain. Your body will everything initially to "stop" you from dieting, tire you out, give you cravings, etc.

    Especially in the initial part of dieting (say the first month or so) try to get a little more sleep at night. (I know seems laughable when you have small children but try!), take a walk or do some chores around the house when you feel like giving in to cravings. Finally the thing that helped me the most was just accepting I was going to feel like crap in the short term but in the long run I would feel better.

    You know what, it works! Now when I plug away and stick on my diet when I feel crappy and tired it actually cheers me up! I think, "Oh yeah, I must be burning fat if I feel this bad!" ;-)

    Baby steps, remember we can't always feel like a million dollars. It's keeping to the plan even when we feel bad that builds "intestional fortitude"!

    Good luck!