Can you give advice for extreme tiredness/sluggishness/ho-hu



  • nickikole1
    I only have two things for advice. Hopefully they are decent enough to make up for the lacking third idea.

    1) Just Take it in steps. When you are sitting there and the last thing you want to do is get up and workout, just focus on getting up and putting your workout clothes on. Then do whatever small thing that gets you started. When I don't want to run, I just get out the door and walk. If I'm doing calisthenics, I start with the laziest thing and work my way up.

    2) Find music that gets you motivated. Whatever music you like that boosts your mood. I used to try to exercise without an mp3 player or radio or anything. It was okay, and enjoyable half the time. Now that I run with an ipod, I can't imagine being without it. It helps every time. Now whenever I hear those songs, it's just enough pick me up to get me off the couch. (It even works when I don't feel like doing something in the house, like cleaning or dinner.)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    first...sort the kids out get them off the video games... I know they won`t appreciate it but you are doing them a favor...DO AS I DO NOT WHAT I ASK

    2nd when you go shopping take the kids with you educate them to pick healthy foods, tell them you will help them to cook dinner with their healthy choices.

    3rd... Ask them if they can help you to do some exercises...what can they suggest???

    I am a retired childrens psychologist...and kids love to be involved in adults choices...and you can help them to make healthy choices and prevent them becoming overweight at the same time..

    make a fun time/game of everything including housework...`how fast can you do this/ bet I can beat you to could have fun big time x
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I think that you should go to your doctor and have a full blood panel done to be sure that you are not deficient in any specific vitamin because just starting to take supplements and vitamins can be dangerous. Make sure you do not have Epstein-Barre Virus and/or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Make sure you don't have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol.

    If you are depressed, try anti-depressants because they can help.

    A pulmonologist can tell you if you have sleep apnea, which would cause extreme fatigue.

    I agree with many of the other suggestions here, cut the carbs, move a little at a time, etc. BUT, you should have a complete physical prior to starting so that you are at your best and can put our your best effort.

    The blood testing can let you know where you have to adjust your diet. Good luck!! I wish you the very best!
  • DestinyDarbi
    DestinyDarbi Posts: 260 Member
    First of all.. I love the word mulleygrubs!! :laugh:

    1. Getting out there and doing it anyway... even when I don't feel like it.
    2. Constantly taking pictures of myself so I know what I don't want to look like anymore, and I'll notice changes when I'm looking back at the old ones.
    3. Caffeine. Don't tell anyone... I drink a soda every morning. I have a 7 month old son who still wakes up several times during the night, I work full time, and I go to school. I have to have a little help getting myself to wake up!

    Motivation isn't something you just get.. it's something you dig really deep for. You got this
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I've told many people on this site the same thing I'm going to tell you now. Ask yourself one simple question. Are you willing to let food control your life? If the answer is yes, prepare to be overweight forever. If the answer is no, then put down the fork, get off the couch, and exercise. As long as you keep over-eating and under-exercising, food will be the locus of control in your life. Do you really want anything or anyone other than you to be the boss of how you live, especially an inanimate thing? Food is good. You should enjoy what you put into your body. But, it's also your fuel. If you start to see it as more than fuel, and something you can eat to make you happy, you lose sight of things. That's not to say never have any cheat meals, I do. Had one today. But don't lose sight of the fact that food is your fuel, and treat it as such. Once you start fueling up your tank with the right kind of gas, your engine will run better than ever. Be kind to your body.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    1. start changing your diet to slowly eliminated processed foods - one meal a week. Processed foods make you feel terrible.
    2. make YOU a priority in your life.
    3. do some form of exercise for 1/2 hour each day. Walking is a great way to do it.

    Small steps lead to permanent change. Don't think you have to everything at once.