Military wives unite. :)



  • Hello all proud USMC wife here. Married to my highschool best friend since kindergarten, who has been a Marine for 4 years. Currently stationed in Yuma, AZ. As is common we did the small secret wedding and will be doing the real wedding soon, so I joined this site hoping to lose some weight before shopping for my gown. Oohrah!
  • Hello all proud USMC wife here. Married to my highschool best friend since kindergarten, who has been a Marine for 4 years. Currently stationed in Yuma, AZ. As is common we did the small secret wedding and will be doing the real wedding soon, so I joined this site hoping to lose some weight before shopping for my gown. Oohrah!

    Oops guys sorry that was supposed to say highschool sweetheart and bestfriend since kindergarten!
  • kimberlyAjohnson
    kimberlyAjohnson Posts: 136 Member
    Yay, a military wives topic! I'm Kim, 26, married for almost 5 years but known my husband since we were four. My husband was in the MC for seven years before he did an interservice transfer to the Navy. BIG difference between branches. We've been stationed in Pensacola since '07 and will be here (as long as all goes well) for another couple of years.
  • Welcome! I was in the AF and stationed in Alaska (met my wife there)...what an awesome assignment and a great place to get in shape with all the outdoor activities.
  • Hi Susan, I am married to a retired SF ARMY guy, spent years and years at Bragg, taking off all that weight I put on over the deployments and stress of the last ten years. :smile: url=]3496562.png[/url]
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I was a mil wife for 20 years, now we are retired but II am still so much a part of it!
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hello from the Land of OZ!

    I'm an AF Spouse currently stationed (alone) at McConnell AFB, Kansas. I've been married for *stops to count*...almost 2 years. In that 22 months of marriage, my husband has been deployed for 11 months of it. We're in the midst of our second deployment.

    I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and have been overweight since insulin was introduced to my life in 2004. Prior to that, I was in training to be a Marine - so big change. Now I'm living a healthier lifestyle, getting back in shape and losing a few pounds to assist in the process.

    Feel free to friend me!
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 680 Member
    I was a mil wife for 20 years, now we are retired but II am still so much a part of it!

    My husband will be retiring next year, but I know I will always feel a part of the military!
  • Julijulz
    Julijulz Posts: 119 Member
    Hey guys!!! Please do friend me. Us MILITARY WIVES/SPOUSES need to stick together. Don't you wish we could all have relationships like the spouses on Army Wives(the Lifetime series)?? :D It sucks being away from home and not knowing anyone. It's no wonder we are looking for support on forums. :) But anywho, I'm Julia. My husband is Active Navy for 8 years now. We have been married for over 3. I love my life and I love the amazing people I meet and places I get to go. All the happiness I have found has also found me 80lbs extra. So here I am struggling to take it off. I want to take the weight off so I can start planning our family and getting my health back in line. I want to be a well rounded mother who teaches her kids the right way to eat and take care of themselves.

    So I hope to meet lots of amazing wives on here and get to know you all. Send me an invite. I'm very friendly. :)
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Hi everyone. I'm not a military wife. I don't even have any military in the family. However, I have a soft spot in my heart for people who serve our country willingly. I saw this thread and just had to tell you all thank YOU for your sacrifice.

    You and your spouses put up with so much and sacrifice so much. There are not many people out in the world who appreciate them and I know there are even less who appreciate YOU. So I just wanted to let you know that I and several people I know appreciate the sacrifice you and your spouses make so that we can enjoy our freedoms. *hugs* to you all and THANK YOU!
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
  • mindyrenee81
    mindyrenee81 Posts: 67 Member
    Omg! I just posted a topic on here looking for a group for military wives! It just so happens that after I posted it I found this one. My name is Mindy. My husband is in the Army National Guard, he has been in for 6 years now and is getting ready to leave for his first deployment in September. We have been married for 11 years now and have three children. Two boys ages 13 and 12, and one daughter age 7. My daughter is such a daddys girl and is already dreading the fact that daddy wont be here for christmas. Im so happy that there are military wives on here! I hardly know any other military wife from my area. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • I'm Loryn, 23. From Los Angeles,CA. I do hair & I study Psychology. Yet, the part of me that dictates most of my life is my husband is a Marine. We've been married a year, and I gained about 40 lbs in that year. He is now in Afghanistan, and I've lost 25 lbs about, and have no much more to go. Being a military wife is very hard, especially in a desolate place in like Twentynine Palms,CA. My husband being in Infantry, he's always gone. So I guess I just run to food as a comforter, plus it's easier to get McDonald's then make dinner for 1. We plan on having children within the next 1-3 years so I'd like to be at the healthiest I can be for that.
  • Hi! I'm Nicole, I am a mother of 2 beautiful toddlers (19 months and 2 1/2) and wife of a National Guard soldier. He is at AIT right now and comes home middle of October (he will have been gone 8 months :( ), and will be transferring to active army this coming March. I started gaining weight when I started dating my husband in higshcool (why does it always seem when we find a comfortable man we let ourselves go more?! Cuz I totally did!). I hit my heaviest after having had my son and have been working my way down ever since. So far since being on MFP I have lost 6 pounds and have about 26 more to go until I am at my goal weight! I have toned up a lot too which is nice to see the inches disappearing even without the weight loss to go with it. Nice to see some other military wives out there! Feel free to add me, its nice to have support from our military family!
  • ansley1
    ansley1 Posts: 23
    i'm an AF wife. we got married in march. we are in south florida (he's eod at homestead afb). i have 2 boys (ages 5 1/2 and 3) and we are trying for one together (we were preg but i had miscarriage in may). i started mfp this wk and i love it so far! i lost 70 lbs following my lapband surgery 3 yrs ago but have been stalled for about a year. i have 70-80 more to go!
  • Thank you all for your dedication to being a Mil wife! It's the toughest Job in the Military. :)
  • PatriciaNostrand
    PatriciaNostrand Posts: 1 Member
    Air Force wife here. Will be married 8 years this December to my TSgt husband. I have three grown children, and two grandchildren (4 and 1).
    Met my husband online. He knew from the start I was older than him, but he insisted on meeting in person before he PCSd to England about six months later. Two months into his new assignment he proposed over the phone and we got married almost ten months later. He became the instant father of a 13 y.o. girl (who hated the idea of moving). Oh the joys.....NOT!
    Sadly I have gained quite a bit of weight since we got married, but he loves me nevertheless. According to him it doesn't matter what I weigh. It matters to me though, so I'm doing something about it....finally!
    My oldest daughter invited me to this site, although I am on the Weight Watchers Plan. I figure it can't hurt to cover all bases.
  • MandaLen13
    MandaLen13 Posts: 151 Member
    3rd generation Army wife here! Been married to love for 2 years now. We are stationed in Germany and loving the European experience! Would love to add any military friends on MFP...nobody understands a military wife like another military wife :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Husband came home today with news of deployment next summer :ohwell: (Army national guard) Which is right after I graduate college and will be starting law school. The most frustrating thing about the whole evening was that as we are sitting there discussing it, I ate 2 chocolate donuts right after we had finished dinner. Seriously?? :noway: Two years ago while he was at basic and AIT, I gained most of my weight and got up to my heaviest weight (164) besides when I was 9 mos pregnant (168). I just got back down to almost my goal weight (2 stubborn lbs away) and here I am emotionally overeating again.

    Have any of you guys struggled with this? I know lots of MFPers who deal w/ emotional overeating but I wanted to know if you guys have dealt with it specifically in emotions related to missing your husband while gone for training/deployments? This will be his first deployment and I just don't want to let myself go again while he is gone but I'm already scared of it and it's still 8 months away.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey there! I'm dating (almost engaged) ;) to a wonderful man in the Army National Guard. It's been 2 months since I've seen him, and it's still difficult. Instead of channeling my feelings into eating tons of sweets, I decided to be pro-active and start my lifestyle change. I am trying to get half way to my goal wait by the time he comes home! I am my number one inspiration, but I would really like to get to a more confident place for him too :D

    Oh and HIIIIIIIIIII welcome to MFP!!! <3
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