Can't Eat Anymore SALAD!!!

I tried to eat a salad this evening for dinner and couldn't even get thru it. It nauseated me and tasted horrible. I've been eating soooo much salad that I can't stand to eat it anymore. I work 3-11 shift so its one of the few things convenient to bring to work to be able to eat....but I can't even gag it down, I'm throwing over half of it out. Ugh. Any other filling but low calorie easy meals to take to work? Please? Anyone?


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    anything! spaghetti, casseroles, etc! just look up healthy recipes!
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    quinoa it is awsome and yummy if you get the right recipe... google it baby!!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Salad isn't that great for you. Just good for filling you up without alot of nutrition abd depending the what's in it and the dressing, they can be high in calories too.

    A sandwich on whole grain bread, lean meat (watch the sodium) is better. Toss in a fruit and veggie and alot more nutrition for your meal.

    Another great option is to cook on the weekends or do a crock pot or pressure cooker meal on the weekend and divide up into meals that you can eat all week.

    Maybe make a little more at dinner and have left overs.......

    Best of Luck!!!
  • 4vhughes
    4vhughes Posts: 26 Member
    Cook 1 can of black beans with 1 can of rotel and 'an appropriate amount' of lean turkey keilbasa. Serve over brown rice with cilantro.

    I've also been tossing the salad greens with homemade honey mustard dressing and putting them on a wrap with shredded chicken.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Sandwiches, wraps, pasta salad - can you heat things up?
  • KTEwing83
    Grilled veggies, tofu, veggie "burgers,"and grilled chicken breasts are some great lunchbox foods. They're low calorie and quick to heat and eat. I also enjoy making various wraps.
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    I agree! I found a big salad cookbook at the grocery store the other day with TONS of different salads to try, and homemade vinaigrettes that match the salad. I bought enough groceries to make 3 of the salads for this week at work, and one of the salads is a coucous salad, which will be an awesome change of pace :)

    If you're interested, message me and I'll send some of the recipes to you! :)
  • Shellileanne
    how about a tomato and cucumber salad, with oil and vinegar dressing with dried mint, sea salt and pepper too taste? Or pineapple chunks and cucumber tossed with vinegar? try (i think) they have good ideas.
  • lisamac62
    lisamac62 Posts: 305 Member
    I have this for lunch sometimes:
    1 pouch of tuna
    1 T lite mayo
    1 T dill relish
    1 or 2 shredded baby carrots
    1 stalk of celery chopped
    1 roma tomato chopped
    mix altogether and eat with a wassa cracker and a cup of cantaloup
    Good luck
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Cook some lentils with celery, tomatoes, and another veggie of your choice. Mix together with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice and season with black pepper, oregano, basil, and garlic. Store in tupperware and re-heat later.
  • SSnyder80
    SSnyder80 Posts: 4 Member
    Can you prepare chicken breast or tenders and reheat it @ work?
    Salads do become the devil don't they I had one for lunch YUCK - I'd rather be hungry !!!
  • timeforachange2011
    greek yogurt with mixed frozen berries! Whole wheat crackers & laughing cow cheese. Lean cuisines are also good. ;)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I can't remember the last time I had a salad -- they are one of the great myths and usually so full of "stuff" that you'd be better off having a slice of pizza. Of course you might not coat it with dressing and tons of ingredients..

    I'm lazy so I have all sorts of lazy meals...
    1. Buy a fully cooked rotisserie chicken/turkey at the grocery store --- that lasts for quite a few meals -- eat it warm, make chicken salad, make soup, put it on whole grain toast etc.
    2. Cook in bulk -- I make veggie lasagne and turkey/cabbage casserole, shrimp/tofu curry and put it right into individual serving containers so I can just grab and nuke.
    3. Protein shakes -- if you dont feel like eating, drink it :) I drink 1-3 a day between meals and I always feel full
    4. Greek Yogurt - omg yum, mix in stuff you like to sweeten it and add nuts for crunch and its a super snack

    Tons of recipes sites and books... I have so many recipe bookmarks I should compile them into a book :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am not much a salad person. I cook my vegi, often the night before. I don't like eating the same vegi over and over again, so I often pick different type of vegi. For example:

    - eggplants
    - bok choy
    - spinach
    - cabbages
    - mushroom
    - sweet peppers
    - broccoli
    - squash
    - leek
    - beans
    - peas
    - asparagus
    - tomato
    - okra
    - bamboo
    - ...

    Pick something from the produce section, look online for recipes, and see if you can cook something simple and delicious. I'm a very busy person too, so I use simple recipes to help me.
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I have access to a microwave and a toaster...I wish we had a stove like my old job! But, beggars can't be choosers. The two days a week I go get to cook I try to cook extra so that myself and my fiance can take food to work instead of spending money eating out....but we're also on a tight budget trying to pay things off, plan a wedding and save for a house.
  • ItsMeTime
    What do you have with you at work? A fridge? I microwave? A toaster or toaster oven? There are tons of things you can eat, but lacking some of these appliances will narrow the list down.
  • linda1243
    linda1243 Posts: 166
    if you are eating the salads for "filler" then i suggest adding veggies to whatever you make to act as the "filler" but without the salad. For example when you have spaghetti add a lot of zuccini, fresh mushrooms, carrots, etc. So you only eat one cup of noodles, but use a lot of veggies to fill the rest.

    Lasagna is great on a bed of baby spinach (spinach is delicious with tomato sauce)

    I eat a whole tomato and cucumber when I am eating a sandwich on the side.

    I've gotten sick of salads too, but it's amazing how good salad ingredients become when they are eaten differently.

    Also, my absolute favorite go to is egg whites scrambled with diced tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, green peppers and some baby spinach with fresh salsa! It's like eating a salad in an omlet!
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    Well tht all depends on what you like to eat....There are plenty of pre-portioned meals that you can buy and microwave. Lean cuisine, Wieght watchers. etc. If you want a healthy meal you don't have to cook, try peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat, hell you won't even have to refridgerate that.

    Really depends on you like tuna fish? There are so many options, salads are not the only diet food and you should also try to change the dressing add some steak or chicken to it. This is a life style change, you have to make it work.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What do you define as salad?

    I have a "salad" nearly every day at work, and it's never the same twice.

    Firstly, I don't really like leafy stuff, so I don't have any lettuce or that. Maybe spinach or watercress once in a while.


    Some crunchy stuff: cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, peppers
    Some protein: chicken, tuna,ham, egg, tinned chickpeas or beans
    Something fancy: marinated artichokes, mushrooms
    Something zingy: olives, capers, anchovies

    Google bento boxes for some serious inspiration!
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Salad isn't that great for you. Just good for filling you up without alot of nutrition abd depending the what's in it and the dressing, they can be high in calories too.

    *gasp!* heresy! :laugh:
    It's true, though. Many people smother their salads in tons of dressing and forget to add other veggies besides lettuce. I cover my salads in green peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, broccoli, and hummus instead of dressing.