My story at 23 years old

Hi everyone, i'm not necessarily new to this app but it is my first time using it a lot more frequently. i'm 23 years old and i weigh 240lbs.. i can honestly say i try very hard to workout as much as i can but depression really gets the best of me.. I haven't always been this "big", i used to workout 6 days a week, 3 years ago. My lowest/healthiest weight i ever reached was 140. At the time i still thought i was unhealthy and "fat", and now looking back i honestly wish i had the mentality that i do today. I went through a'lot of personal issues throughout the years and i got really depressed. I got to the point where i lost all of my closest friends because i pushed them away, i stopped talking to the majority of people/family i know, i was constantly binge eating whenever i got the chance and i was basically a homebody. I stopped taking care of myself period, and the more i looked at myself in the mirror the more i was truly disgusted/unhappy with who i became. Now these phases come and go and it makes it that much harder to stay consistent with the gym and good eating habits. I know what i should and shouldn't do. What i should and shouldn't eat. But when your'e at your lowest point, food sometimes is the only comfort you get. Im on here today because i would really love to talk to people that are just like me or have had similar stories. I would love to be able to hold each other accountable for workouts and easy healthy recipes. And for those of you who just have advice, tips or just something nice to say, please don't be afraid to message me or comment on here! I really look forward to hearing from you all, thanks for taking the time to read (:


  • aracely2224
    aracely2224 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi! MFP has helped me achieve my goals with the calorie count. I’m cheering for you!

    You can do it! 🌺 Full Support Here

    Your Friend Aracely
  • Madyyy0322
    Madyyy0322 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much, that means alot!
  • alliegarcia99
    alliegarcia99 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! I’m 19 and have a similar story. I’m not entirely sure how MFP works yet but I’d be happy to support you on your journey!
  • yashgupta111
    yashgupta111 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey , I am 23 as well , and my journey kinda have been full of similar emotions and instances you had gone through and i can totally relate to how much hard it is. I have been trying to loose weight too but due to breakdowns i couldn't aswell. But we humans can't just sit right! So i am beginning again with new enthusiasm and going to use this app for help. But it will be great to have people along for mutual support. So if you like we can keep in touch and motivate each other in this journey to weight loss.
  • Madyyy0322
    Madyyy0322 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey , I am 23 as well , and my journey kinda have been full of similar emotions and instances you had gone through and i can totally relate to how much hard it is. I have been trying to loose weight too but due to breakdowns i couldn't aswell. But we humans can't just sit right! So i am beginning again with new enthusiasm and going to use this app for help. But it will be great to have people along for mutual support. So if you like we can keep in touch and motivate each other in this journey to weight loss.

    Congrats on starting again! Im rooting for you (: & I would definitely love to keep in touch and encourage each other to do better! thank you for reaching out, it really means alot
  • Sheffboy_1
    Sheffboy_1 Posts: 38 Member
    👋🏽 if u need any motivation I am here I know how hard it can get but you got this 💪🏽
    Hi everyone, i'm not necessarily new to this app but it is my first time using it a lot more frequently. i'm 23 years old and i weigh 240lbs.. i can honestly say i try very hard to workout as much as i can but depression really gets the best of me.. I haven't always been this "big", i used to workout 6 days a week, 3 years ago. My lowest/healthiest weight i ever reached was 140. At the time i still thought i was unhealthy and "fat", and now looking back i honestly wish i had the mentality that i do today. I went through a'lot of personal issues throughout the years and i got really depressed. I got to the point where i lost all of my closest friends because i pushed them away, i stopped talking to the majority of people/family i know, i was constantly binge eating whenever i got the chance and i was basically a homebody. I stopped taking care of myself period, and the more i looked at myself in the mirror the more i was truly disgusted/unhappy with who i became. Now these phases come and go and it makes it that much harder to stay consistent with the gym and good eating habits. I know what i should and shouldn't do. What i should and shouldn't eat. But when your'e at your lowest point, food sometimes is the only comfort you get. Im on here today because i would really love to talk to people that are just like me or have had similar stories. I would love to be able to hold each other accountable for workouts and easy healthy recipes. And for those of you who just have advice, tips or just something nice to say, please don't be afraid to message me or comment on here! I really look forward to hearing from you all, thanks for taking the time to read (:

  • MamaBearFergy
    MamaBearFergy Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it! I definitely get it. I’m 23 as well and at my biggest I was 245. I got down to 140 again after having a baby but after a car accident and months of no exercise I’m at 150 again. Doc says just inactivity and stress. Getting back down to 140 and toning up is the goal for me!
    You can do it girly trust me! :)