hiv disease and weight gain issue

i am hiv positive and joined this site to help me loose weight. since i started a month ago on this site i noticed that i am constipated alot. i know some of it is that i don't drink enough water. i try to get in the 8 glasses of water but i retain water so bad when i do that it is difficult to walk. i keep yoyoing between 218 and 213 every few days. i am walking between 30 minutes and an hour nearly every day and most times eating between 1200 and 1375 calories. i have mobility issues and use a cane as of late to keep me from falling, so it's hard to do my step routine or sweating to the oldies. i don't have money do join a gym since i am very low income. i was just wondering if there was anyone else on this site with hiv or is having this yoyoing problem who could offer some advice.


  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Welcome to the site. :flowerforyou:

    I have close working relationship with our HIV services due to my job, and some of my clients are on triple therapy etc. Have you discussed your desire to lose weight with your consultant doctor?

    On the water front... the more you drink, the less you retain. :smile:

    Walking is a great start.

    Have you thought to complement your walking with some seated resistance workout you could do with some dumbells?
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    i am taking conbiviar and reyataz for my triple cocktail. i got me some resistance bands and dumbbells yesterday. i got to the v.a. for my doctor. he doesn't really do much for me as far a weight loss is concerned other than tell me i need to do it. he sent me to the dietician there a few years ago, she gave me information on the exchange diet for diabetics (which i am not). she did not know anything about nutrition for hiv patients. i have bladder issues so i don't pee like i should. the va isn't doing anything about that either because my obgyn said he could offer surgury but does not want to because of my health.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Welcome to the site. So sorry for your diagnosis but getting and staying healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself. Take it a step at a time and water really is key. I was a two-three mountain dew a day girl before I started but now I crave water.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm sorry you're receiving such a rubbish service from your medical team.

    It would have been nice if someone had maybe discusssed with you that certain aspects of combination therapy can lead to weight gain for some people, or make it harder for them to lose weight etc.

    In my country people with a disability can get heavily subsidised admissions to health clubs / gyms, so even when they're on disability benefits they can still look after their health. I guess this is not the case for you?

    Will some of this information help you?
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    I'm sorry you're receiving such a rubbish service from your medical team.

    It would have been nice if someone had maybe discusssed with you that certain aspects of combination therapy can lead to weight gain for some people, or make it harder for them to lose weight etc.

    In my country people with a disability can get heavily subsidised admissions to health clubs / gyms, so even when they're on disability benefits they can still look after their health. I guess this is not the case for you?

    Will some of this information help you?
  • boofa88
    boofa88 Posts: 15
    agreeing with back in the nines - your medical team is a bit of a let down. i'm currently studying with 9mths to go to being a dietitian - i will add you as a friend and whenever i get any info on hiv and nutrition I will pass it on to you!

    from the little i know i would suggest this - great on getting the resistance bands and dumbells - start using them to build your strength and build muscle mass - the more muscle you have, the nmore fat you burn when you exercise and this will also help your body fight the infection.

    eat a balanced and healthy diet, but dont try to cut down too much too quickly. keep up intake of protein, especially around workouts and eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables if you access to them - as i said I will pass on more info as it surfaces!
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    i am getting used to it. i am pretty fortunate that i get what care i get. i have had some obstacles the last 11 years but am working on them. i looked at the body site before i posted here this morning. i will look into the other in a few minutes. thank you for all your help. i truely appreciate it.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    thanks boofa. i could really use the information. the fresh fruit and veggie thing and even the protein thing is a bit of an issue, i discovered that it is cheaper for me to eat fattening foods than for me to eat healthy. i am on a limited budget and after bills only have about $125 to spend on food a month. i have resorted to making my boyfriend take me out to dinner when he is around, not good either because i was not making the best choises. i am doing better. i am protein deficient . i am trying to work on that too.
  • atoamsh
    atoamsh Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I am also HIV positive, so I can undersand your situation. I had the similar problem, I was loosing weight really fast, but after some time it was coming back. So again and again. I was really worried about this, and my doctor said that i should drink a lot of water and change my nutrition, and also to move more. The HIV infection is really awful, but the life goes on. It's so sad that more and more people gets infected. Remember, if you have any symptoms of HIV, take a test immediately, it can save your life.