Struggling and feeling down

I’m 5’7 my current weigh in this morning was 211 I was Down to 202 last week. I’m feeling like a fat cow this morning seeing the scale up like that. I haven’t been the best eater the last few days with a lot of work stuff going on but I didn’t think it would go up so high again. I’ve been on my journey for a month and started at 219. I can’t seem to get out of the 200’s constantly bouncing back when I get close. I want to get down to 145 but I feel like I’m never going to reach it. I want to feel good in my body and see pictures of myself and feel like I look good. I just feel so far away.


  • gracewebb324
    gracewebb324 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, I really needed that from someone who understands.
  • Birdcoast
    Birdcoast Posts: 11 Member
    Everyday is a new day. You’re going to have days where you didn’t do as great as you could have...I hate those days. Start over with a clean slate, and keep pushing, don’t get discouraged and give up! Eventually those days will become fewer and farther apart. Once the scale changes, even by one pound, it will be enough to pump you up to keep it going! You got this!
  • OkieFitness
    OkieFitness Posts: 43 Member
    Grace: I totally agree with nighthawk. I’ve been on this journey now for YEARS and it’s been a roller coaster ride! (Especially as one gets older and the metabolism changes.) I’ve lost 10 total since April, but I’ve probably gained and lost again 50 in the interim! But the important thing is to keep plugging away and then make the necessary changes to get out of the rut. Remember too, how much of this journey is psychological and split second decisions. That’s probably 80% of the battle right? Focus. Decide and choose. The ball is in your court and your body is an incredible thing able to do what you ask of it and even more. Small changes really add up too. Here’s a few tips: For meals - and especially if eating out - decide you are only going to eat half. Even better: Ask for the Togo box BEFORE you start the meal and put half of the meal away to psychologically eliminate the temptation. Ignore the psychology that you HAVE to eat the whole meal. You don’t. Your body will be fine and adjust. How? By burning more fat! Yippee! Eat slower! ( I need to work on THAT one!). I once read that your hunger satiation mechanism is triggered by the food your body receives over a specified time not by the volume of food you stuff in your face! That’s a huge deal right? Eat slower and your body says “Cool...that’s enough...”. Bonus: You get more time to have meaningful conversation with loved ones! Another bonus: you just doubled your benefit of eating out since now you have a second lower calorie meal in your pocket (that you of course, will throw in some fresh veggies to make it even better!) Hang in there! You can do this!
  • bldegase89
    bldegase89 Posts: 8 Member
    Keep up the hard work!!! I know for me it's better to only look at the scale once a month because if not then I get to focused on the numbers and not focused on how I'm feeling... or how I'm actually doing day to day ... just a thought...
  • Clairin
    Clairin Posts: 95 Member
    Hi I've found my mfp friends to be so encouraging. Do you have mfp friends to boost and support each other? I'll be your friend for example 😃 happy to motivate you.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    My hubby gained 12 pounds after the vacation/cruise we just took. It was disheartening, because he works so hard to try and get his weight down and he has a lot to go

    However, after a week of drinking water and eating healthy non processed foods again.. his gain is only 7 pounds. He will most likely have that off in a few weeks.

    When you go off your healthy eating plan ..and eat salt laden foods.. your weight will shoot way up... you just have to get back on your plan and stay the course and get five and ten pound increments of weight loss done..just chip away at it..

    don't be discouraged ... forge ahead.