Finding the discipline to work out?



  • LivinLikeLivia
    LivinLikeLivia Posts: 8 Member
    you know on my days that i just did not want to go I didn't and the day after i would miss the feeling of getting out of the gym all sweaty feeling accomplished. Sometimes i would look up motivational speeches to get me back on track you could maybe try that.
  • pjwrt
    pjwrt Posts: 166 Member
    Public gyms can be a negative place and many--most--people get turned off by the experience. The private trainers are very popular, but you have to work around their schedule--not an option for me. The places like Barre are getting very popular, too, but don't offer drop-in schedules.

    I have a modest home gym now and love it. Monday through Friday at 6am, I do the routines at my pace and my intensity. The only critics are the cats and the wife. Lunch, I go bicycle riding.

    There's a huge number of online trainers--some with millions of subs--that cater to people at home. I have three different ones I paid for, equaling about $300.00 lifetime. I do buy gear and stuff to support them.

    Exercise is intensely personal and you have to find your own comfort zone.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    edited September 2019
    I’m all for finding something you love to do, but in full knowledge that this is not often practical (I would love to climb and kayak as my primary forms of exercise, but the hours available in my day for exercise don’t line up with daylight, childcare, and times not already booked with kid activities, school, etc), what to do?

    My answer was find something that I liked well enough that would train me to do better at the things I love to do, so I perform better when I can find time for them. For me that’s weight lifting in a commercial/community gym with included childcare. I find the “I’m going to crush it on the wall/on the water next week because I’m getting stronger in the gym” a help to keep me going. And as I lifted more, more often, and more easily I grew to love it. Now you can’t pay me run on my own but I won’t miss a chance to lift.

    HOWEVER, that motivation is only a help for the times I’m feeling bored with my routine or feel I’m not making progress as fast as I’d like. I might not see my numbers going up big time on my lifts in the gym, but I see myself doing a 5.10 route and feeling invigorated, where earlier a 5.9+ was a struggle. I know that’s bc I’m lifting, so I’m more committed to continue and “trust the program”, knowing I’ll see progress there too, eventually.

    But how to get to that nice feedback loop of working out = better performance in fun stuff = increased motivation to work out = increased performance, etc?

    Pencilling the gym time in and making it a non-negotiable appointment made it a habit. The habit payed dividends in performance and in physique and let me start thinking of myself as “a weight lifter” and “a climber” instead of someone who sometimes does those things and sometimes doesn’t.

    I also focus on ancillary benefits to gym time—it’s my “me time” (quiet, my music, no outside demands on my attention, I can shower in peace afterward)—for when the actual activity isn’t its own reward.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Do something you love.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited September 2019
    OP’s goal is 1.5 lb/wk loss, and that is in fact her average rate of loss with the sedentary activity setting, not eating back exercise calories and counting the way she counts. Maybe she is more active (higher CO) and it’s offset by undercounting intake (higher CI).

    The advice to eat more will likely result in slower rate of loss and more energy. I agree that’s probably a good idea. I also agree it’s a lot easier to follow through on your exercise plan when you’re not in the mood if it is something you love. Maybe try something new to make it interesting. To me, the optimal routine is challenging enough that I engage fully on good days but easy enough that I know I can get through it on days I’m not my best or not in the mood. It’s a balance. Visualizing how I’ll feel when I’m done can motivate me to get out the door when I don’t really want to in the moment.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Seems like a lot of people are missing that the OP used to enjoy what she does, but now feels lethargic or demotivated.

    This is likely from undereating: she thinks her activity level is set too low, and she does not eat back exercise calories.
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I have previously asked for advice on here regarding the fact that I’ve seemed to have lost motivation to work out and I don’t quite know why. I seem to be fine counting calories and stay on track with staying in a deficit without a problem but working out has recently become SUCH a chore for me to do and I find myself making excuses :/ I used to really enjoy going to the gym and doing HIIT on the treadmill, elliptical and a bit of weight training (trying to lose weight at the moment) but I’ve lost motivation. I’ve been advised to just force myself to go.. just make it a habit over time and make it second nature where I’m disciplined and conditioned to just go. Just like brushing my teeth/showering etc, not thinking about it. Does this actually work?! Should I drag myself on my designated workout days no matter how lethargic or demotivated I feel? It’s so frustrating to go from loving working out to seeing it as a chore! Thanks for your help anyone :)
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    I have in total around 50 pounds I want to lose, I have lost 13 pounds already. Inputting my data to lose 1.5 lbs a week gives me 1250 calories to eat from mfp so I stick to that, it was hard at first but I’ve become used to that number now (I put sedentary lifestyle, though I’m not 100% sure I am sedentary) I think it may well be the lack of a decent calorie intake making me feel this tired just not sure at all. I don’t eat back exercise calories either. I’ve been losing for around 2 months now

    I think you're right, @kshama2001 . (Just quoting mostly so it gets read again.)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    I have in total around 50 pounds I want to lose, I have lost 13 pounds already. Inputting my data to lose 1.5 lbs a week gives me 1250 calories to eat from mfp so I stick to that, it was hard at first but I’ve become used to that number now (I put sedentary lifestyle, though I’m not 100% sure I am sedentary) I think it may well be the lack of a decent calorie intake making me feel this tired just not sure at all. I don’t eat back exercise calories either. I’ve been losing for around 2 months now

    Please sit down and have a serious think about the choices you made when you went through your goal set up.
    • You selected a rapid rate of weight loss.
    • You selected sedentary setting even though you suspect you are not.
    • You choose not to eat back exercise calories although you understand your calorie goal intends that you should.

    Is it really a surprise that exercise (including some intense exercise) is now hard?

    How about revisiting your goal selection keeping in mind that selecting a tool to give you a reasonable calorie estimate and then not using it as designed, skewing your selection to influence the outcome really isn't a smart way to use a tool.

    But above all - be a bit kinder to yourself.
    Prolonged weight loss is hard and unpleasant enough without going out of your way to make it even harder and unsustainable.

    This^^ OP, it's not mystery why you aren't wanting to work out. You are under eating for your activity level. Give this some thought.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Seems like a lot of people are missing that the OP used to enjoy what she does, but now feels lethargic or demotivated.

    This is likely from undereating: she thinks her activity level is set too low, and she does not eat back exercise calories.
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    Hey everyone, so I have previously asked for advice on here regarding the fact that I’ve seemed to have lost motivation to work out and I don’t quite know why. I seem to be fine counting calories and stay on track with staying in a deficit without a problem but working out has recently become SUCH a chore for me to do and I find myself making excuses :/ I used to really enjoy going to the gym and doing HIIT on the treadmill, elliptical and a bit of weight training (trying to lose weight at the moment) but I’ve lost motivation. I’ve been advised to just force myself to go.. just make it a habit over time and make it second nature where I’m disciplined and conditioned to just go. Just like brushing my teeth/showering etc, not thinking about it. Does this actually work?! Should I drag myself on my designated workout days no matter how lethargic or demotivated I feel? It’s so frustrating to go from loving working out to seeing it as a chore! Thanks for your help anyone :)
    mehreen_xo wrote: »
    I have in total around 50 pounds I want to lose, I have lost 13 pounds already. Inputting my data to lose 1.5 lbs a week gives me 1250 calories to eat from mfp so I stick to that, it was hard at first but I’ve become used to that number now (I put sedentary lifestyle, though I’m not 100% sure I am sedentary) I think it may well be the lack of a decent calorie intake making me feel this tired just not sure at all. I don’t eat back exercise calories either. I’ve been losing for around 2 months now


    Oh yeah - if you perform you gotta eat to perform!
  • lemongingertea
    lemongingertea Posts: 6 Member
    I'm always much more motivated to exercise if I feel like I'm working towards a specific and manageable goal. If you're in a bit of a slump maybe choose something you'd like to achieve in a set time period (under 2 months) and plan to commit to it. I like the Pacer 5K app for this, which is 8 weeks of interval training to pick up your running pace. Or at the moment I'm doing one of Yoga with Adriene's 30 Day Yoga challenges and not letting myself miss a single day. I don't do much strength training but I'm sure there are equivalent things you could find if that's what you're looking for.

    I find if I set myself a manageable goal that I know I'll enjoy and find satisfying, I'm able to properly commit to it. Plus I often end up doing a load more exercise on top of it just because I feel like I'm maintaining healthy habits. I've had so many days recently where I've thought I can't be bothered to do a 20 minute yoga video, but by the time I've finished it I decide to go to the gym as well because I've remembered that exercise makes me feel good.

    That's what works for me anyway. I hope you figure this out and get back to enjoying it!