Need motivation!!

Hello :) i was wondeirng if anybody has some tips, to hopefully help me get motivated!
I'm 22 and really want to get in better shape like i was back in high school! :)
thanks :)


  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    Look for something that turns you on. For instance, I like to eat and exercising gives me more calories to play with. Maybe its new clothes or a special night out. Put a carrot on the end of your stick and go for it. You can do it!
  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    I would say your best bet is to sit down and actually make a list of the things you want to change about yourself, and why. If you can't make that list and have at least one of the reasons on the list is just for you, then you're trying for the wrong reasons. What I mean is if your list says "get thinner for my b/f" etc....but not something like "so I can feel better about myself" or "To be healthier and live a long, healthy life" then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.
    Make that list, and take the top 3 or 4 answers and put them on your fridge, or on a post it by your pc monitor....some place you will see it DAILY....and use those as your motivations.
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    First tip is make sure you really ready to put in the time/hard work of a life style change,,you have to really want it....Then talk to your family and people closetest to you,let tehm know you are changing your life style and getting healthy so you can be in ther lives longer and you need there support..Then clean out your pantry and fridge...replace your temptations and junk food if you have any with healthy fresh foods...Don't deprive yourself if your craving chocolate,ice cream ect. have some in moderation and there are less calorie substitutes avalible now.....Good Luck,,you can do this..If you need a support friend feel free to add me...And remember we are all human we all make mistakes and eat this when we should have eaten that,,don't beat yourself up over it,,move on and make better choices tomorrow...