New to this site

ElaineB1211 Posts: 5
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I am new to this site. A friend of mine has been telling me to join this beacause I have been having alot of self image issues and have been trying to lose weight. She uses this site and she swears by it. I am really nervous to start doing all this, but am excited to start the challenge. Can anyone give me some good tips? I work nights and sometimes It is REALLY hard to be motiavted and to try and eat healthy and what not. I will really appreciate any help anyone is willing to offer!

Thanks a ton!


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    write down your goals and inspirations and read them every day. log your food everyday, even on bad days. its all about being accountable with yourself first. enjoy the journey.
  • mals422
    mals422 Posts: 41
    I agree - log your food every day, even if you ate things you're not happy about. Just committing to writing everything down makes you more accountable!
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    I find too, that if you log what your going to eat before you eat it, you won't go back for seconds and know exactly what you can eat. The other day, I was going to eat some potatoe salad and logged it before even putting it on my plate. When it came up with 300 calories in one serving, I decided to got with the beans instead. It is also a good in the since that it make me want to work out because you get extra calories when you do. I am completely in love with this cite!
  • jenn53
    jenn53 Posts: 3
    i' ve been using this site for about 10 days so far and i really like it. i wasnt that interested in it when my mom had told me to try it, but i did, and there are so many interesting tools on here. i like to know how much i will lose if everyday is like today. gives me a goal. i plan that this time next year, i want to be down 55 lbs (my goal weight is 120), and want to be chasing my son around for hours on end. this is a great site. - Jenn
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Hi and welcome :-) You have made the first steps by wanting to change so that is a good start x

    Try to plan your food for the day (night) log it and alter it if your calories are going to be over what you expected.

    Then stick to it!!!

    Try to do a little exercise, maybe walking for 10-20 minutes, it all adds up.

    Be honest if you eat something you hadn`t planned log it so you can look back if you go wrong.

    Once you get into it, then it isn`t so hard.

    Good luck x
  • Thank you so much everyone. It already seems like this will at least be a great support center! I will def. start tracking what im eating and how much I work out. On Monday I start some sessions with a trainer... Terrified but again ready for the challenge ( I think)
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    First Step..LOG IN DAILY!!! then you will get into it. It took me a while. I logged in made profile didn't even put a pic or any info then I kept logging in then I put up my profile page then started loggin in calories. Was so motivated by everyone it made me really get into it & now I'm on a roll...LOL!! losing slow but LOVING the site. I wouldn't have even lost any so far if I didn't keep loggin in..LOL! You can do it!!! you wll get so much support from this site.
  • You ARE ready or you wouldn't be on here! :) It is a great site. When I started logging my food, I was amazed at the amount of calories I was jamming into my pie hole everyday. It really opened my eyes and forced me to make better decisions. I was unhappy with the way that I felt and looked. I decided that I owned making the change. No one else. Besides, I'm highly competitive and couldn't let my friends out-do me :) Good luck!
  • lorriann72
    lorriann72 Posts: 14 Member
    Definately track your food before you eat it ... many a time my husband and I have said oh we will have this for dinner we check out the calories and then go OK maybe not then and choose a healthier option !

    My husband works nights and has found that everything he eats from getting up mid afternoon until he goes to bed in the morning he counts all on one day. The only day he finds he sometimes goes over on his calories is his first night back after rest days as he will have been up all day and then all night ... so has 2/3 meals plus his 'lunch' in the night but he still tracks it all on one day even if he is over by a few but then the next day it evens out !

    Good luck :o)
  • tegla
    tegla Posts: 132
    Hi ElaineB1211:flowerforyou:

    I'm new this week also, I really believe you are going to be so glad you came here. I know I am. I learn something new at least once a day, and the people are incredibly inspirational. I'm so happy I found these people, reminds you how great people are. And even great people have quirks. My advice would be to just keep clicking around the site, whether it is on a forum topic, or a name, etc there's something interesting in every corner.

    Have a great weekend.
    Keep smiling and remind yourself of things you have to be thankful for, they help you feel happy and it creates positive chi : )

    p.s. Sorry to be nosy, but is there a significance to the "1211" after your name?
  • RT Tegla: The 1211 after my name is my birthday!!!
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