Can I eat the same, but less?

Hi everyone. I am new around here (not to counting calories in general, but to MFP) and had a question.

Is it possible to just eat the foods I like/always ate, but just less of them? Like is there anyone who mostly stuck to the same diet, but stayed within your calories here, and still lost weight?

I calculated a few of my average days before tracking and before dieting, and I was at around 2,700-ish a day on the average day, more on a binge day. And the calories I am given here right now are 1,900, so I can see why I was gaining weight over time eating above probably what my maintenance was on a consistent basis.

But I'm trying to make this as easy as possible, since the times I failed before, I think it was more about trying to do too much, too quickly.

I imagine at a certain point I might want to start adding more healthier options, especially filling up on veggies and fiber, and making sure i get all the important nutrients from my food. But I find it to be a little overwhelming when I change both WHAT I eat AND how much at the same time. If that makes sense.



  • gatamadriz
    gatamadriz Posts: 68 Member
    Yes, providing you aren't living on McDonald's, etc. Cut all your portions in half on what you normally eat, and start supplementing it with fresh produce. Have some fruit in the morning, snack on celery, carrots, endive in between - you can make low-fat yogurt dips for dipping. Add in a piece of fruit at night. See if that works for you.
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    Yes! Seems like it's much easier to stick to it that way. And should make the transition to maintenance easier when you reach your goal.

    I keep an eye on macros as well as calories so I do end up making some different food choices to reach my macros goal. But still foods I enjoy. For example, I've started eating avocado more frequently-it's a food I like but it was keeping track of my macros that encouraged me to do that I think.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Put it in the opposite and losing weight by eating foods you don't enjoy makes it unstainable weight loss and is a good way to fail long term.

    You are on the right path so good luck with the journey.
  • DancinDonna47
    DancinDonna47 Posts: 2 Member
    I strongly believe that we can eat anything we want, but portion size is key to success. That does not mean to eat just junk food, soda pop, candy, etc. I have lost 11 pounds so far, and I still drink Pepsi and I still eat Cheetos, but very little now. I added healthy options like veggies and fruit, and baked chicken instead of fried meat. By doing that, I am not as hungry for junk food and I have begun to enjoy fresh veggies and fruit for snacks instead of chips, cookies, etc.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    What you ask is possible.

    I eat a lot of things I love, just a little less of it, a little less often.

    70 lbs gone so far.

    I have found as I go, some things aren't worth the calories so I stopped eating them for a while....and when I did eat them again I actually didn't enjoy how they tasted or how my stomach would feel after. BONUS! Oreos is one of desire whatsoever now.

    Exactly this for me too, I cut out takeaway pizza and had one the other week and it was awful, really fatty and too much cheese and too much now in one sitting.
    I'm also finding I'm making different choices, if I want chocolate I'll have a biscuit instead of a bar.

    Also I lost my first stone only by walking to work twice a week and cutting out the takeaway, the rest I've lost by focusing on logging and more walking.
  • koalathebear
    koalathebear Posts: 236 Member
    Yes, i ate the same that I always ate but less - or if I wanted to eat the same, then I exercised more on those days.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,023 Member
    as long as you are in calorie deficit, you can lose weight eating Taco Bell every day. but would that be smart and healthy way to go about it? not in my opinion. I feel so much better, less hungry, and have a ton more energy cutting all those "less than healthy" foods I ate, to more healthier choices.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    To lose weight, all you need is to eat less calories than your body burns
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    It is certainly possible. Only through giving it a shot will you be able to tell if it is feasible. Some people are naturally moderators while others are abstainers. You'll figure out pretty quickly which one you are. Even as a moderator, you will then also have to see if eating the same foods but reducing your intake by 30% is really sustainable. You may find that it leaves you hungry and prone to binges.

    I can only speak from my own experience. I sometimes will characterize my diet as "eating whatever I want", but I don't think that is 100% true and it is really more of a hybrid and there is compromise. To be sure, I still eat, from time to time, pretty much every food I ate when I was gaining weight. I don't declare any food as "bad" or off limits. I firmly believe you should still be able to enjoy everything in moderation. Hit for me, in moderation doesn't mean eating the same exact diet just smaller portions. That would leave me grumpy and hungry. It means endulging in the things I used to make a staple of my diet, but less frequently and I have incorporated other foods to fill the gaps.

    That doesn't mean I am miserable and eat a whole bunch of foods I don't like. But rather I have been opening to trying new things and experimenting and discovering that I actually enjoy a bunch of things I didn't realized I enjoyed. I've learned I quite enjoy beans and avocado and tomato and mango and pineapple and a whole bunch of other foods I didn't eat much of when I was heavy but I eat a lot more of now when I lose weight.

    I've also learned that not every meal has to have that specific type of feeling I get when I stuff myself with some of my favorite fat and calorie bombs like burgers and pizzas and pastas (I'm talking about restaurant style options. All those cal also be done lower calorie at home, which I do, as a compromise but it's not quite the same). That it's actually increased the enjoyment when I do eat those things, now that I eat them less. Otherwise I was desensitized to it.

    This is all a long winded way of saying that your individual path will vary and as you attempt it youll know a bit more about what does and doesn't work for you. But I would be open to trying new things and diversifying your diet. To me that doesn't make it harder but makes it easier, and allows for both weight loss and enjoyment.

    ^^This. 100%.