How is MFP supposed to help me lose weight...

...when reading the message boards is so entertaining and I'm glued to them? How am I supposed to want to get up out of my computer chair and exercise when it's such an addicting site? I mean, really! ;)


  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    lol, i agree!!
  • wouterc
    wouterc Posts: 13
    lol, true!
  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    yes the site is very addicting for me though honestly my struggle as a stay at home mom is staying out of the fridge so if i spent hours on here off and on reading posts , successes helps me stay out of the dreaded kitchen !
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,280 Member
    At first it kept me by forgetting to eat. Now I love to do my exercise and come here and post it. See I am almost done with my 100 mile challenge. But you have a very good point.
  • healthyJenn0915
    I totally agree! Almost more adicting that facebook!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    It's easy when your computer is powered by a bicycle generator. ;)
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Ohh I agree.. this site is so addicting.. I cant stay away.. Im either on my comp or my phone.. I need help..LOL
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    Pull it up on your phone while you are on the machines at the gym ;-) Exercise AND MFP, lol!
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    Pull it up on your phone while you are on the machines at the gym ;-) Exercise AND MFP, lol!

    That's EXACTLY what i was going to say!