Need positive reinforcement

christine918 Posts: 261
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
I would like to start or join a group with a problem like mine... I decided about 2 1/2 years ago to go on a diet and start exercising. I was sucessful at losing 30 lbs and running a total of 7 half marathons. For the last year, I have gradually been gaining all of the weight AI lost back. I was completely burnt out on counting calories and the same exercise routine. I have tried to mix it up but with the hours I work, classes are very hard to get to as well as finding someone to workout with me. I have still been running, but with every pound I gain I find it harder and harder to run. HELP!!!


  • OMG that is totally my story! I began working out and running in Dec 08, lost 50 pounds by Dec 09, have run countless 5k, 10k, two half marathons, done 5 sprint triathalons, and I am having trouble getting off the couch at this point. I have steadily gained and have 20 pounds back on, have gone up two sizes in clothes, and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. At this point runnng 3 miles MAYBE 4 is about all I can force myself to do. And that isn't ever routine. I just decide to go running one day and do it, then take 4 days off! Not sure what is needed or why I have fallen off the wagon but I really need to get back on!!!

    I would love to keep up with you and help each other!
  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Gosh, Christine, that's the nightmare, isn't it? I've been there myself, several times. I'd tell you how to solve the problem ... if I knew. I'm going to sit back and see what others say -- I'm in the good part of the cycle right now, but I know the problem's still out there. Meanwhile, add me if it will help you. I don't know how to fix the problem, but I'm happy to listen.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I hear you. I desire to lose weight so that I can return (comfortably) to strict martial arts training. I'd love to be a part of your supportive team! I've also committed to do a Tough Mudder with a group of fitness friends next year, so lots of training (esp with running) needed on my end, lol. Add me. :)
  • There are options for you and sharing your concern about your weight gain means you have what it takes to beat this thing. I would suggest joining a fitness club close to your work where you can shower and change and go to work or workout on the way home. You are worth what it costs. Make up your mind that this is the way it will be for the rest of your life. Research shows we need to stay active and within weight limits to live a long life that is disease free. Go everyday at the same time and establish a habit. You will meet so many new friends after you have been there. Trust me, they will notice you after a few weeks, but you need to make the first move! This is healthy for your mind and your body. I was going every day for three weeks, before I talked to others, and I go early in the morning around 6:00 am. There was a man who was there every day like me, who turned out to be the States Attorney General and he became a friend. I also became friends with two female doctors, a college professor, and an artist. My life is rewarding in every way! Two others work with my sister at Target, so I am surrounded with support. My husband began walking and working out with me last October, and he is doing so well. I love eating good food now, look forward to my workouts, and I have energy I haven't had for 20 years! Your life is about to change in a wonderful way! Do not ever take the quick way to weight loss, let it come off naturally so it stays off. That is the secret!!!!!
  • Maybe? Y'all are like me, in that one of my biggest issues has always been doing everything all gung-ho, then getting really burned out. Burnout is both physiological and psychological, methinks. I have had to re-wire the hard drive in my head to a slow and steady set of goals, then try to keep my thinking there. MFP has been a huge help with that, when I get discouraged because I want to see those "all or nothing" results, I write a post about my frustration, and everyone comes to the rescue to remind me that Rome wasn't built in a day!!

    Maybe setting some very small, easily attainable goals to start?
  • I forgot to add that I have lost 60 pounds in three years and now I joined this site to learn how to count calories.
  • Thanks guys! So... I'm on vacation this week, so I thought this would be a great day to start recording my calories again. I went on a great 6 miler this morning outside... (at a slow pace :) ) It feels good to try and take a more positive attitude on! I have eaten healthy so far today! Good luck everyone!!
  • Eaten great all day, dinner is usually my down fall, but I have a busy evening with kids soccer, so hopefully dinner will not be my downfall today :)
  • I think I stayed under my calories yesterday... I got up this morning to find that I had gotten up in the middle of the night and ate a bowl of cereal. :( I had 285 calories left when I went to bed, so hopefully it wasn't a huge bowl of cereal! Anyone else ever have this happen?
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