Do you find 10-minute workouts to be effective?



  • Hollis100
    Hollis100 Posts: 1,408 Member
    I have a hard time dragging myself out of bed early enough for a workout, but I have compromised by finding a 10-min strength/cardio workout to do as soon as I get up. But a friend of mine burst my bubble and said it was pointless if I’m not getting a half hour of cardio at a time.

    What do you guys think? For reference, I’m over 300lbs and live a pretty sedentary lifestyle.

    The workout I’m doing is:

    20 high knees
    20 squats
    50 jumping jacks
    20 superman plank
    20 lunge kicks
    20 toe taps

    Repeat one more time or until 10 minutes is up.

    You're doing well! You're getting movement and exercise into your day. 50 jumping jacks (or 100 if you repeat) is a heck of a lot for someone who is overweight and not used to exercising. Go for it.

  • VoluptuousComedyNerd
    Hollis100 wrote: »

    You're doing well! You're getting movement and exercise into your day. 50 jumping jacks (or 100 if you repeat) is a heck of a lot for someone who is overweight and not used to exercising. Go for it.

    I'd love to say I've been doing 100 jumping jacks at full force, but I realized that I'm better off doing the alternate version!

    I've actually compiled a list of a ton of exercises, so now I just alternate which ones I do (making sure it's a full body workout every day). Up to 15 minutes now!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Eating less and moving more, in whatever way you can, is what counts.

    Imagine trying to run 5 km from being totally sedentary and not even running?! Yeah, disheartening, so way to go lady! Small steps, that are totally realistic...

    Keep on keeping on and the 10 mins will get longer and maybe in time, you can head out to the gym or even do longer bouts of cardio...even a long walk is more steps!
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    Not a bubble burster, but I think it is definitely in your best interest to find ways to add to what you do. Walk longer routes to and from your home, car, work or any other place that you can walk, even walking an extra lap around grocery store (making sure not to buy any more than you planned too of course). I have the advantage of time being a retired person (yet still didn't find the time or more correctly avoided finding it because of bad hips that I since had replaced). However, I am convinced that there is time to be found to exercise during the busiest of days. There is a famous couple whose home and professional lives are so crowded they often can't find time to workout until midnight or that's when they do it. Your time is there somewhere, you've just got to find it and grab it. And the situation as you've offered it is dangerous.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    Just be consistent. If you keep at it every day, you will find that you need to do more to challenge yourself before long. Last week’s struggle is next week’s warm up.
  • VoluptuousComedyNerd
    Just to update you all in case you’re wondering how it went!

    I did 10 minute workouts every day for about a week and I felt stronger immediately. Now I *want* to get up earlier and increased my workouts to 25 or 30 minutes per day, depending on how many times I hit snooze lol

    So it really was a good idea for me to start there. I recommend anyone who has trouble getting up in the morning start with 10 minutes of any kind of strength/cardio routine!
  • geraldaltman
    geraldaltman Posts: 1,739 Member
    I just remembered the first days after completing my post-op PT how I got back into my routines. I started on my treadmill for 4 or 5 minutes then began adding literally 15 seconds a day to that. I did that for weeks. It wasn't until I approached 20 minutes that I gave myself permission to "get after it" and start doing other things. Glad to see that a similar approach seems good for you. Stay with it. Try to avoid the snooze button 😊
  • OpulentBobble
    OpulentBobble Posts: 18 Member
    Like others have said, any little bit helps! Just like small changes to diet help!

    Also, I read a study that correlated working out in the morning with healthier decisions throughout the day so it may have even more benefits than you realize!