How do you curb your hunger?



  • im on day 6, weighing day tomorrow...not feeling confident as iv gone over my calorie allowance everyday (not major) but still not kept within it :(
  • when i wake up, before i put any food in my mouth i drink a glass full of water w/ a bit of lemon juice in it. not only does it stimulate juices in the stomach be ready to digest food, it also helps with cravings. i also drink water w/ lemon when im dining out. it helps alot with resisting the temptation of appetizers and breads.
  • I have been drinking Vi-Salus shakes to curb my hunger! they are great for you & helps you to lose weight! check it out!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    For me, chewinggum is a life saver!
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