Reaching for your goal!

Many years ago when my daughter was about 4 she came in the bathroom as I was exiting the shower and said “mommy when I get big I want to be just like you!” I was so flattered and honored and then she followed with “I want to have big ol’legs and a big butt!” That is when I ordered her out of the bathroom. When she reached the age of 11 she said “mom you got a big butt” and I said “well baby you have a big butt too” to which she QUICKLY replied “yes but mine doesn’t have wrinkles on it!” You have to love the honesty of a child!

A few years ago my mother and I we’re going through some old photos and she announces “you know I never thought Ronda was very pretty.” Ronda is one of my best friends and God sister. All through high school, everyone thought we were sisters because we look alike. I said “let me see that picture” and as I looked at it I see that the picture is of me so I asked “mom are you sure that is Ronda or your ugly daughter!” It was funny and sad at the same time. What was sad was it was a picture of me at about 130 lbs. My cheeks were sunken in and I had dark circles around my eyes. It was obvious that I was just too thin but at that time of my life I thought I was so fat and was constantly dieting.

I am sharing these stories because I get sick of people looking at the charts that say how much you should weigh and listening faithfully to BMI charts. Look my BMI says I am morbidly obese. MORBIDLY obese! I always get glowing reviews on my physicals each year. Other than have a little extra weight I am perfectly healthy! I’m not on the verge of a heartache or death! Manslaughter maybe but that’s just because people piss me off but I digress….where was I? Oh yes, even at my heaviest (234lbs) I wore a size 18. I’m currently wearing a size 16 and with my weight loss I am in need of a 14. I’m 5’6 and if I listen to the doctors and get down to 130-140 I will look like a crack head! That look is not appealing to anyone except the dealers on the south side! My goal weight is 165lb and even at that weight I will be considered overweight and possible obese but quite frankly I don’t give a damn. All I’m saying is everyone carries weight differently. Make sure your goals are healthy goals that will help you look and feel your best.

Today I am happy to say I weigh 198 lbs! I am less than 200 lbs for the first time in eight years!

Keep up the good work everyone and remember to evaluate your goals and make sure you reach the goal you set for yourself and not some book, chart or someone else that has some cookie cutter mentality!!

Damn now I want a cookie!


  • chocolattahottie

    Because I can SOOO relate to this. My BMI says I should be between 116 - 141 (probably less then that) I can't imagine myself anywhere lower then 138lbs and at that weight, I am skinny, and at the brink of gross skinny, that you for posting that.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Damn, I wish I could share my breakfast burrito with you! All the numbers you threw out there match mine perfectly! I was your highest weight, I am just under 200 now, my goal is 160ish...but the part about the hurtful comments broke my heart.
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Great post! The whole BMI thing is bs IMO. Bodybuilders would be considered obese. I totally relate to the honesty of children. They just kinda say what's on their mind without hesitation. Mine had said in the past, "Mom, you're fat!" now they say, "You're exercising again?!?!"
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    Great point! I totally understand what you are saying, and where you are coming from. My fiancee thinks I'm up to something, as I'm almost always smile now, I feel better about myself, even serious topics i can smile while talking baout, and when I'm tired I tend to smile more.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    Great Post!

    I can relate to the drugged-up look when you loose too much. The weight unfortunately moves from my face when I simply use diet so I am having to change a lot of things to attempt to loose it other places.

    We all have different healthy weights and we are all different in body types - no one rule!!
  • Juliedhoward
    I just wanna say I totally agree with your story my mom and I are in the same boat. right now Im at 203 but was at 210 and the heaviest Ive been was 220 I have always been bigger boned in high school I was a size 5,6 and still weighed 150 I always thought something was wrong with me cause what the scale said. Even though I was the perfect picture of health then playing tennis and cheerleading. As I've got older I must say I love my cocktails and happy hour and i let it get out of control now trying to get my shape back. I know its not supposed to be funny but my mom and i chuckle at the fact that the chart says we are obese and we just don't see our selves as that big. but maybe its denial???? who knows...
  • TiffanyA2008
    You are so awesome girl!! I loved every bit of what you said. It actually made me realize that I don't need to focus on the stupid number that is on the scale. Gosh, I HATE THAT STUPID NUMBER! Yes, I have set a goal weight for myself, but now I realize that it shouldn't be about that. I should just be focusing on the way I feel inside, the way I see myself when I look in the mirror, the way I feel in my clothes! I want to feel beautiful again and I had it embedded in my brain that I HAD to reach 130 lbs to feel that way again. Well, forget about it! I'm realizing that beauty isn't a number on a scale.
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    LOVE IT & YOU!! Our numbers are close and i have the same goals and attitude. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey:wink: !!
  • whatsyour1020
    Totally agree, my numbers also match yours :) I have pics of myself at 135 and I looked disfigured ewww :-/ I'm totally okay with 160/170. I have more strenth and endurance now that I did at 135 and that's what it's all about.
  • amberdaniels
    I totally get what you are saying. I am 5-6 also. I don't know what I am going to look like once I get into my goal weight, but I remember before going to cancer 13 years ago, I was a healthy 132lbs, but I also ran everyday and because of that would eat everything under the sun. When I went through cancer, my weight dropped down to around 110lbs. I looked sooooo bad. I saw a picture of myself towards the end of my battle and began to cry. My once healthy, vibrant face was gray, sunken and sad. My highest weight was 225lbs. I hated it. I am finally down to 180lbs, and I looked into the mirror this morning and told my hubby, I am beginning to look like the 18 yr old me again! I was so thrilled. I have a healthy appetite again, I am not running like I did back then, but I am working to that goal. I don't expect to get down to 130lbs again, and I am ok with that. I just want to be healthy! I would be thrilled to fit into a size 10 jeans. I don't need to be a size ZERO like my older sister...I am not built that way. I will be happy just being able to walk up a few flights of stairs and not feel like I ran a marathon.

    Have a blessed day!