Free hands = absent feeding

I've been thinking about this a lot lately...A a kid I snacked ALL the time, even as an adult I used to snack a LOT! However, I stopped snacking for ages, and started again when I started spending time with my Fiancé...And I've stopped again now. SO I tried to locate the source of my snacking...What is it that makes me snack, and what stops me. Then I got it...As a kid my main hobbies were dance, playing, shopping, hiking, rock climbing, watching tv... And then it struck me...the activities where my hands were busy, suc as rock climbing, I never wanted a snack, but things like watching cartoons? Well my sister and I could down those share size bag of popcorn to ourselves in one cartoon.

So What stopped me snacking? When I took up art my nacks went way down, but I still continued, then when my house got flooded (Oh yes I have some fantastic horror house stories) I went to live with my parents while it was repaired, living out of a suitcase, I couldn't take any of my hobbies like my dance stuff or my art tuff because it required too much space either to do it, or to carry it around. So I started cross stitch...and stopped snacking!

I started snacking again when Chris and I tarted spending more time together...why? I did less cross stitch and more sitting and watching tv, or walking. I stopped snacking when I got back into cross stitch and started knitting. My conclusion, therefore, is that snacking is caused by my hands being bored and not having anything to do, so they reach for the food. While they're occupied (Have you ever tried knitting/stitching while eating? Not only is it virtually impossible it can be rather dangerous, needles have sharp points) I don't snack!

So, if you're having a hard time not nacking while you're at leisure, try taking up a hobby that occupies your hands. Just a thought.


  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I totally agree with this. Keeping yourself busy does result in a lot less snacking!
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    I like to chat on the computer. With my hands so busy typing, I don't want to have to eat, wipe my hands off and then start typing again.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Yep. This is a common phenomenon. Thus the sane "Idle hands are the devils playthings".
  • zoeysmom01
    zoeysmom01 Posts: 38 Member
    I have also found MFP to be helpful in the mindless snacking. If I have to record it in my diary, I ask myself if I NEED it or just want it. If I am hungry, then taking the time to record is worth it. But if I am just wanting to eat something, then it is hardly worth my effort to record it. And, you are correct, keeping your hands busy helps tremendously. I am trying to spend extra time keeping the house clean and yard in order. I have to be careful with reading, cuz that is too easy to want to snack.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    So true! I knit and crochet. I didn't start either of these hobbies to curtail snacking but realized pretty quickly the effect they had on it. Not only are my hands busy but I don't want to eat anything that will get my hands dirty because I want my beautiful yarn to stay clean! Spending $30 on a skein of delicious yarn makes you not want to get anything on it!

    Crocheting and knitting can be as easy or complicated as you choose so it's an activity that I can do while watching TV, traveling in the car or waiting for the kids at whatever activity they're doing. It's also small enough to be easily portable and produces a finished product that I can actually use or give as a gift. Plus I get to play with lots of beautiful, smooshy yarn!
  • danaocny
    I crochet to keep my hands busy so I don't get up and go to the kitchen for a snack. I now have a huge pile of baby blankets, hats & scarves in my living room. Not only does it keep me busy but its also a little extra money for me when I sell one of them :-)
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    That' very true. I don't mind getting my yarn dirty as I tend to knit things for myelf uually and I am really aweful at washing...I NEVER hand wah, everything goes in the wahing machine, regardless of lable, and those gorgeous expensive yarns would just get detroyed. But my cross stitch? Oh god, especially white fabric! Pristine hands! I once ate chocolate before doing one. Lesson learned, Never again :P