need to loose weight after major back surgery.

jld12323 Posts: 13 Member
Have gained more weight than I wanted to after major back surgery. the excess weight I am carrying around is not comfortable on my lower back. It is crucial that I loose excess weight to take off the pressure on my back.


  • annamarie7487
    annamarie7487 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Anna and I am new to this sight. I too had major back surgery and have put on A LOT of weight. I feel like I am carrying around a 5 year old. I am into my second week and have lost 5lbs. It is sooooo difficult. I need to exercise but am so limited in what I can do without irritating my injuries. I am going one meal at a time keeping myself under 1200 calories a day and doing about 20 minutes of light exercise 3 times a week. If you want to chat I would love the someone to bounce ideas off of and we can vent and encourage one another.
  • jld12323
    jld12323 Posts: 13 Member
    . Anna know where your coming from. I too had major back surgery (laminectomy and 2 fusions), Now I am limited as what
  • jld12323
    jld12323 Posts: 13 Member
    Back surgery her with 2 fusions. Anna know where your coming from. my name is Judy, and you and I are going through the same situation. I started, back 2 months ago, when I began having problems with standing for too long. Seeing how my clothes were getting tight and my waist was disappearing, I knew I had to get that extra weight off my back. You see, Anna.... I was still healing from surgery , a year ago, and had not been active for a long time. So its no wonder I gained weight.
  • jld12323
    jld12323 Posts: 13 Member
    So got on a good calorie counting ( also 1200 calories) diet, and walking program. First I noticed my muscles in my back and legs were firming up, then I saw a few pounds loss on the scale. Was doing good, felt good also. Then two weeks ago was riding one car with my husband and we got rear ended by the car behind us. I had to go to ER on back board and cervical collar. Luckily fusions were not hurt, but now I'm on anti inflamatories and muscle relaxers . my lower back and left side hurts like hell. I cannot walk like I use too, frustrated and back to square 1. Maybe we could be motivators for each other?
  • kgh32
    kgh32 Posts: 1 Member
    I just saw this and am here to offer encouragement. I had an L5 S1 spinal fusion in August of 2010. Anterior approach so I have a 6 inch incision in my lower abdomen. My back pain prior to surgery was becoming disabling. My physical therapy prescription was walking and I quickly worked up to 5 miles at a crack. I was fortunate to not have nerve involvement (my husband had the same surgery 18 months ago but with nerve involvement, took a little longer to build back up and had a posterior approach). Anyway, it was not easy but it can be done. I now box at a boxing gym 3 times a week and do Orange Theory Fitness workouts 2 times a week (includes some running on a treadmill). I can run up to 3 miles although it is not endorsed by my orthopedic surgeon. I still walk. A lot. For the last 4 years I have done the 3 Day Walk for a Cure. 60 miles over 3 days. My feet will hurt but not my back.
    I am 56 y/o so I keeping my weight down is much harder than it was 20 years ago but at least I am able to be physically active.
    Almost exactly 5 years ago, I had a MRI and found out that surgery was going to be my only option. I had done EVERYTHING else. I was sobbing. Now I am so glad that I had the surgery and that it was a success. Just keep moving. Use a pedometer to track your activity. Get a buddy to keep you accountable.
  • Betsey206
    Betsey206 Posts: 34 Member
    Girls I hear your pain. I have one artificial hip and the other one is needing to be replaced and my lower back aches like hell at times.
    I'm here for you ...I'll support you as much as possible
  • jld12323
    jld12323 Posts: 13 Member
    ladies.... thank you for your upbeat encouragement, I will not let this set back get me down!!!!. Onward to my goal.....
  • coatesp77
    coatesp77 Posts: 3 Member
    Just do as much walking as you can each day. I am 5 weeks from l4 l5 large disk slip that causes cauda equina syndrome and had to have a laminectomy and microdiscectomy. Don't push yourself and let your back tell you if you are doing too much or not enough. It's a journey, and I have a lot of weight to lose so I know how it is and I wish you nothing but success!
  • vcj4710
    vcj4710 Posts: 8 Member
    Can I join too, I have had 4 microdisectomy's on l5 s1 now. Am so fat and just want my life back.
  • Shhaay
    Shhaay Posts: 6 Member
    Hello I had back the Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion on 5/5 L4 L5 S1 and would some motivation. My surgeon says I'm healing perfectly and they were amazing on how quickly I was walking straight and without the use of the walker. I'm no longer using the back brace except when doing light duties around the house. Now the big thing is that I've gained so much from before I had surgery, medication weight roller coaster ride and the after surgery weight gain. I'm able to stand and walk better then I was before the surgery but I can't walk for anymore then 10minutes sometimes and that's driving me crazy!!! I need a group to keep me motivated!!!! To keep me in my toes!!!! I need to walk everyday and right now that hard caring for my mom until she gets her results from her doctor. Hopefully that will change so I can take care of me. I need to loose 40-50lbs of weight my body isn't used to carrying.
  • derendalofton
    derendalofton Posts: 1 Member
    I had surgery 2/10/17 rods and screws T1- L5 need to desperately lose weight and get in shape. I try to walk alot. But its winter here and I can afford to go to a gym and house is too small for a treadmill. I tried walking outside all bundled up for warmth but my back started hurting bad enough to put me to bed with pain meds. I cut down serving size to using my granddaughter's small 3 section plate over a year ago. Drinking lots of water. Cut out pop candy desserts etc. Not good at counting calories. Instead of losing I am gaining. I have went up 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Any other ideas???
  • DoozerMomma
    DoozerMomma Posts: 1 Member
    In the last seven months, I had C6/C7 fusion (went in through the front) which included 4 screws and a plate (March 2019) and L5/S1 fusion where they went in through the back involving 2 surgeons going in on each side and placing 4 more screws and a rod (August 2019). Since last October, I have gained 20 pounds and wasn't tiny to begin with... I am beyond frustrated because I am so limited. I know, keep moving forward, each day is a new day, but I end up doing everything I am not supposed to by the end of the day... I am also in my early 40s.

    Thanks for letting me vent, many probably have the same feelings. What has worked for any of you?