Struggle hitting macro targets

GregBatty Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2019 in Food and Nutrition
Having a hard time hitting 220g carb/220g protein/ 49g fats. I'm posting pics of the numbers/percentages, hopefully someone can help me figure this out. I'm hitting my 2200cal goal aswell. I can post my diet if anyone wants to see it.
Thankyou if anyone can help me sort this out.
*edited* it wont let me attach jpg screenshots from my phone :(


  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Those look like challenging macros to hit. 20% fat is on the low side, especially if you are also trying to hit 40% protein -- is there a particular reason why you think fat needs to be that low and protein that high? (A common "higher than otherwise" protein goal to prevent muscle loss during weight loss and when active is more like 0.8-1 g per lb of a healthy goal weight, and even that is on the higher than necessary side.)

    That aside, what I would do is look at your results to see where you are off and then adjust up servings of protein (if needed) and down servings of fat and/or carbs (if needed) to hit results. If you are getting too much fat with the protein, you may have to switch with some leaner protein sources.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited October 2019
    Agreed, you're having trouble hitting them because they are a bit extreme.

    General recommendations are at least 0.6-1g of protein per lb of your lean mass, or if you don't know that, your goal body weight. And 0.3g fat per. Carbs can be kind of whatever you want them to be, unless you have a health condition that requires limiting them.

    If you let us know why you have those goals and how far off you typically are, it might be easier to help :smile:
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    I don't pay much attention to the macros. I focus on staying in a calorie deficit and lose weight. ☺
  • GregBatty
    GregBatty Posts: 4 Member
    I've been under on fats a bit alot of days, I eat chicken, 5%fat mince and egg whites as my primary protein sources. My android phone won't let me post screenshots or I'd be able to properly show you what I'm eating. I am cutting at the moment and was on a 1g protein per lb of bodyweight. If you know of any other way I can show you please help (or anyone else looking at this) I have been losing quite well, about 1.5 - 2lbs a week. I was up at 215lbs but now 203lbs.
  • GregBatty
    GregBatty Posts: 4 Member
    I workout 4 days a week and have been going more by a bodybuilding way of doing things, muscle retention being a must while trying to lose fat. I do feel I need to eat quite a bit or otherwise I feel quite drained before I workout after work. But I guess if I'm still losing then that's not a problem. I could probably cut back on the protein a bit though.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited October 2019
    Dietary fat is important to all kinds of processes in your body, and yours is pretty low. I'm still not really sure why your macros are set the way the way they are, but your fat is unnecessarily low and I don't know of any bodybuilding reason why it should be.

    The most important factors to protecting your muscle mass are not losing weight aggressively fast, focusing on strength training, and getting enough protein. If you want to eat 220g of protein there's nothing wrong with that, but I wouldn't worry about falling a little short.

    Congrats on your success so far!
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    GregBatty wrote: »
    I've been under on fats a bit alot of days, I eat chicken, 5%fat mince and egg whites as my primary protein sources. My android phone won't let me post screenshots or I'd be able to properly show you what I'm eating. I am cutting at the moment and was on a 1g protein per lb of bodyweight. If you know of any other way I can show you please help (or anyone else looking at this) I have been losing quite well, about 1.5 - 2lbs a week. I was up at 215lbs but now 203lbs.

    So what part of the macros are you struggling with?

    If you are overweight 1 g of protein per lb of bodyweight is overkill -- usually it's more like 1 g/lb of lean mass or, if you want a buffer, per lb of goal weight, as I noted, but if you aren't struggling to hit it no biggie. Some find more protein helpful.

    You could open your diary, but it would be just as useful to tell us what is seeming difficult.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,639 Member
    GregBatty wrote: »
    I've been under on fats a bit alot of days, I eat chicken, 5%fat mince and egg whites as my primary protein sources. My android phone won't let me post screenshots or I'd be able to properly show you what I'm eating. I am cutting at the moment and was on a 1g protein per lb of bodyweight. If you know of any other way I can show you please help (or anyone else looking at this) I have been losing quite well, about 1.5 - 2lbs a week. I was up at 215lbs but now 203lbs.

    If you're still overweight, 1g protein per pound of current bodyweight is probably overkill. 1g per pound of healthy goal weight should be adequate, even for an active person.

    We need protein to maintain our lean body mass; we don't need extra on account of our fat mass.

    0.35-0.45g fat daily per pound of goal weight would IMO be a good plan, with a good share of it from things like nuts, avocados, seeds, olive oil, etc. If male, 0.3g per pound of goal may be adequate. You need fats for healthy cells, adequate absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), smooth digestive throughput, and hormone balance. Yeah, they're relatively high in calories, but don't low-ball them, for best nutrition.

    Macros don't directly matter for weight loss (that's just calories), but definitely matter for nutrition and health. Macros can also affect satiation, body composition, and energy level, so indirectly influence weight loss via compliance and calorie expenditure.

    Also: Close on macros is good enough. No need to be exact, especially if over on some on some days, under on those other days. Humans are very adaptable omnivores, and stress is bad for us. ;)

    Best wishes!
  • GregBatty
    GregBatty Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks so much for everyone's advice. Will definitely adjust my macros around and lower my protein a bit and get some more fat in. And not to worry about hitting my macros exactly 😁👍