Introducing Myself

Hello Everyone.
My name is Vanessa. I am here to introduce my story: I've always been on a rollercoaster ride with my weight - Experiencing the struggle
of being Overweight & Feeling the excitement of trying on smaller clothes. This time, I plan to be brutally honest with myself and lose weight at my own pace. I've done so many "diets" and accomplished those goals but once again, I'm back to where I started. My goal is to cut back on things little by little so my body adjusts normally without putting it through a state of shock.


  • MarissaRiv23
    MarissaRiv23 Posts: 406 Member
    Hi Vanessa!! Welcome to MFP!
    I love your approach. I always did crash diets and would just gain the weight all back and more. In May of 2017, I decided to change my diet. I cut out things/ changed things weekly and 2.5 years later I am currently 94lbs down. I honestly think it’s the best way to lose the weight for good. Best of luck to you! ❤️
  • NessieMarie87
    NessieMarie87 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you so much! Yes, take it one day at a time👍Slow progress is better than none!
  • aracely2224
    aracely2224 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Welcome! MFP has helped me achieve my goals with the calorie count. I’m cheering for you!

    You can do it! 🌺