5'0-5'1 Goal of 100lbs



  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Yes, I'm almost exactly the same, 5'1" and a goal of 99 pounds. Feel free to add me if you'd like to be friends.
  • Soaplady2
    Soaplady2 Posts: 2

    My goal is just about the same. I'm 5 foot-damn-near-1 inch and am currently around 117. Am trying to get back to the 100-105 range. I'm definately small framed... Well, except for my chest..lol! Hoping to loose some of that too. I just started yesterday though so I've a way to go. Feel free to add me..
  • sare26
    sare26 Posts: 13 Member
    I am also a shorty! I am currently 113 and struggling to get down any further. I am aiming for 105-106.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I'm 5'1" and my goal weight is 105. I'm 11 lbs away from my goal, and it's such a slow process. Right now, I'm averaging a 0.5 lb loss a week, sometimes even less or nothing at all. Good luck everyone! Our height is definitely a disadvantage, since we have to account for every calorie. Compared to our taller counterparts, we don't burn as many calories as them doing the same type of workout. I typically burn 300-400 calories in one Turbo Fire dvd workout and that's when I'm going all out. Otherwise, I end up burning less (so unfair :sad: ).
  • Sallyismyname
    Sallyismyname Posts: 43 Member
    My story EXACTLY.... Five foot nothin... currently ranging from 113-117, Want so badly to be 100... Sigh... Short girls show weight more... gain a few pounds, and there's no where to put it... except for everywhere. But I love being short! I just wish I was 100 lbs so when people say "you are so tiny" I don't have to assume they are referring to just my height ;)
  • ltlane
    ltlane Posts: 120
    im just under 5'1 i have a heck of a lot to lose. ive read i need to be somewhere between 105-130 to be in the healthy range. im shooting for 125-130 and then once i get there i will decide whether to go maybe the lowest of 115... it sounds so cute to be that minature but im not sure if my body will allow it
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm 5' but my goal is 125lbs.
  • Im the exact same!! haha im glad to know theres others out there:)
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi my goal is similar I am 5' 0" and have a goal of 100 lbs feel free to add me the more support the better:) good luck on your journey
  • Hi
    I am 5 feet even and 123 pounds as of today. I have a small frame and my goal is 105. You can add me! :)
  • czarkeri
    czarkeri Posts: 16
    I'm barely 5ft tall and my goal for now is 110lbs. I weigh 120 now which is almost overweight for my height. People always laugh when I say that, but being short....every pound shows!
  • Im 4 ft 11 and weigh 101lbs - Im not trying to loose weight as such...just tone tone tone!! Im doing the 30DS at the moment so I can look amazing in time for my wedding in 4 weeks!
  • kpmuzzy
    kpmuzzy Posts: 11 Member
    I'm just under 5"1 and 110, aiming for 100 lbs too :) my first time posting in here so feel free to add me.

    Good luck everyone!
  • marinashakeel
    marinashakeel Posts: 263 Member
    Hi i am 5'0 and goal weight of 100. Please add me.:)
  • bb1266
    bb1266 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 5'0 too. CW 100.6 lbs, but my goals are a bit lower, 95. I've got a tiny bone structure and still seen to pack it around the stomach :/
  • I'm 5'1 and I don't think I'd get down to 100 lbs if I never ate again. My body just isn't built that way. I have really big boobs and a very stocky frame. I'm 205 right now but no one ever believes it. If I could get down to 170 I'd be stoked (170 on me looks like about 140 on another person). And at 5'1/205 I'm only a size 14. So it's not like I'm huge to begin with,.
  • I'm 5'0 .. currently 115lbs and want to get down to 100! :) add me if you want
  • I'm 5'1 and my current weight is 105. I lost 10 lbs the last couple of months or so doing p90x and eating a well balanced meals. I'm on my week 11 :) my goal is 100 lbs.
  • binariiangel
    binariiangel Posts: 146 Member
    I'm 5'1 & my goal is like 115-105 it depends on where I feel most comfortable.
  • I'm 5'1 and my goal is 105.
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