what is your calorie level?



  • czarkeri
    czarkeri Posts: 16
    Mine is at 1200 a day. I'm only 5' tall and I'm finding that this is the perfect amount of food for me.
  • sting9902
    sting9902 Posts: 22 Member
    1500 seems to be working out very well
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    2060 net in maintenance mode. Quite often burn 1200+ on a 2 hour cycle ride so have some difficulty actually netting those calories on those days.
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    My trainer set mine I am between 1100-1200 per day.

    My nutritionist would smack your trainer. Is that gross or net calories??

    BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA something about that just struck me as funny (pardon the pun)

    I try to eat 1200 calories ~ I go back an forth between eating back what I exercise out and not. Just depends on whether I'm hungry or not
  • losgan
    losgan Posts: 26 Member
    Mine is set at 1870 by the powers that be (computer), I generally take in 1200-1400 and I eat some of my exercise calories back.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    mine is set at 1430 before work out. I struggle to make it to 1200, but im trying my best. I think my body may need time to get use to having to eat so many calories. It was higher, but i changed some things around so that it would drop. Help a lot, but im wondering if i can get it to drop lower. I just cant eat this much, funny because looking at me, you would think differently, lol
  • curryinahurry
    curryinahurry Posts: 83 Member
    I eat 1750 and do some exercise...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    mine is set at 1430 before work out. I struggle to make it to 1200, but im trying my best. I think my body may need time to get use to having to eat so many calories. It was higher, but i changed some things around so that it would drop. Help a lot, but im wondering if i can get it to drop lower. I just cant eat this much, funny because looking at me, you would think differently, lol

    it's easy to eat more calories, you just have to eat higher calorie foods. For example, If you like hamburgers and use 95/5 meat, bump that to 90/10. Also stuff liek nuts, avocado's and cooking with olive oil helps. Stuff liek protein shakes and bars help as well.
  • naveej
    naveej Posts: 73 Member
  • soozy84
    soozy84 Posts: 118
    How did I choose my calorie level? Well, I did a bunch of research and then I played around with the numbers until I got the results that I wanted.

    I currently consume 2200-2500 net calories a day and I am maintaining 143-145lbs (today I was 145lbs).

    I've changed it many times in this journey while trying to hit on the right numbers for ME.

    how do you eat this much?!

    Quite easily I'd imagine.

    I'm at 1300 a day plus most of my exercise calories.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think it originally had me set at 1220 but now it's at 1400. I haven't changed any of my settings because I pretty much eat what I want anyway. I usually come pretty close on the calories, though.
  • eatnbetter
    eatnbetter Posts: 105
    Mine is set at 1500.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    My counter is set at 1530 but lately I've been between 2000-2600. I'm not really that concerned with the calories right now since I'm a carb watcher. It's a little tough mentally to see that red number all the time but I'm still losing so I won't be changing it anytime soon. If it slows down as I drop the weight I'll dial in the calories as necessary but for the moment I'll keep the status quo. Oh, and those numbers are with and without exercise. The exercise days tend to have a slightly higher number. :)
  • Mine is set at 1570.. and that is without the exercise.. just based off of what i plugged in when i started yesterday! :D
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    My first week I was at 1.2k, I felt super weak so went up to 1.5k, was losing weight.
    Bumped it up to 1.9k and lost weight faster.
    Bumped it up to 2.1k and lost weight even faster still.
    Then I went on a weekend seminar and came back eating like 1.9k again and I think I stalled for a couple days. When I bumped it up to 2.4k I started losing weight again, today wasn't an official weigh-in but my scale said 197.6 and a few days ago it was 201.6 so maybe I will set a new personal record for pounds lost per week! (old record not including the first week with all that water weight, was 5 lbs in a week. I was doing 3-4 lbs per week at 1.5k.)
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    MFP set mine at 1200 and I've gone with that, and it's been working so far! I am somewhat tall but have a very small frame and I sit at a desk all day - so 1200 is very reasonable for me. I am easily able to stick to it without ever feeling hungry or deprived.

    My diary is open if anyone is curious. I always forget to record my water so don't look at that. =P
  • mkupartist
    mkupartist Posts: 79 Member
    My cals are 1500 to 1800. If i eat around 1500 or less, the scale doesn't move. So I try to stay closer to 1800 to see progress.
  • h0taru
    h0taru Posts: 43
    Net is 1430, under my BMR. Thanks to exercices, I usually eat 1800-1900. And if I cannot exercice, I do not respect the Net goal.
  • em1976
    em1976 Posts: 119 Member
    1320 recently up from 1200,I was struggling to stay around the 1200,always blowing it by tonnes and always hungry so i changed to less loss per week,eat my exercises and blow out perhaps once a week big time.Still losing.Is a rare day I go under.200 plus over without exercises.
  • My doctor told me I needed to be at about 1200 & when I signed up on here it gave me the same number. It seems to be pretty accurate with the amount of weight I want to lose each week which is 2lbs.