I REALLY wanted to write this...

No offense for those of you doing it, but HCG Diet is the biggest joke there is. It does not work, i could probably write here a million and one questions to those of you doing it and guarantee that you won't be able to answer me, hell you don't even know if its safe.

Such a shame, stay natural!


  • I know, the ONLY safe way to lose weight is to take in less calories than you burn. There is no quick way of doing it, the slower it comes off the more likely it'll stay off.
  • what exactly is the HCG diet anyway???
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yes, what is HCG?
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    It's pretty stupid. But not as stupid as eating "according to your blood type".

    Oh yeah that makes soooo much sense!! Freaking rocket scientists.
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    what exactly is the HCG diet anyway???

    Ladies. Google is your friend.
  • I read that it is pregnant lady pee.... :laugh:

    Oh, yes please... Can I inject preggo pee into me... please please please! hahaha... What a freakin joke.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Well. I don't know about you - but I'd rather not inject myself with a hormone that tells my body it is pregnant.. when it is not. No thanks.

    To each their own, I suppose. But, I didn't enjoy really being pregnant, so I'd rather not be "fake pregnant" either. ;)
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    According to the website, HCG gives you make-up, better lighting and a professional photographer. People will buy anything to avoid hard work. The "lose 1 to 2 pounds a day!" pitch sounds mighty scarey.
  • HCG is the diet where you either inject yourself with the hormone our (us as ladies) body produces when we are pregnant. You consume between 500 to 900 calories a day... and follow a very strict diet. You are said to lose between 1 - 2 lbs a day.

    I did try this diet, for about a week, but felt like this was just cheating. It definitely did work.. but i knew that this was not the way i wanted to lose weight. I wanted to be healthy.. i have tried possibly EVERY crash diet out there, and have never succeeded (for various reasons)... and i am finally doing things the correct way... and couldn't be any happier doing it.. especially since for the first time ever, my hubby is joining me!! :)
  • rebsaganes
    rebsaganes Posts: 112 Member
    You don't need all the fads and gimmicks. Just eat less and exercise more if you really want to lose weight. PERIOD.
  • I work at a clinic with 7 Doctors and 2 of the nurses I work with went on this HCG diet. The doctors ripped them a new one. They told them it was absolutely not safe.

    Having said that however the reason you will lose weight on this diet is because you're only allowed to eat 500 cals a day on it. Your body needs a 1,000 cals daily to perform your basic functions. DO NOT do this Joke of a diet
  • HCG diet is not safe caused a friend of mine to get blood clots in her lungs good thing they caught it when they did.
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    I tried the Depo shot for birth control which makes your body think its pregnant so you don't get your period and while not getting your period was great the other side effects were terrible. The biggest one was weight gain and mood swings. Not for me but to each his own.
  • Rebecca2u
    Rebecca2u Posts: 19 Member
    I considered the HCG diet very seriously, even as far as making a Dr's appt. Thankfully the doctor that prescribes the program asked that I read a couple of books on the subject, especially HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide: a Supplemental Guide to Dr. Simeon's HCG Protocol. After reading the book, I was completely amazed and dumbfounded how anyone could do this diet. Introducing a hormone into your body that isn't naturally there unless you are pregnant, this on top of limiting your caloric intake to 500 calories a day. I found the food choices to be very very limited and also the diet recommends strongly that while using the HCG diet plan that you do not use any type of moisturizer, lotions, makeup, anything that would have a topical oil that could be absorbed into the body.I could go on and on! I encourage anyone who is considering this diet to do your research and make sure it is a diet you can follow and stick with! It isn't a cheap product and as most insurances aren't going to cover weight loss, it will be on your dime. I've only known two other people to "try" the HCG diet, both complained of constant headaches, fatigue, upset stomach, and neither of them made it past the 3rd week. Please consider all your options and all the information that is out there before you make a money and health investment such as this.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    The issue is that people don't really want to put WORK into losing the weight. They didn't gain it overnight, but they surely want to lose it overnight....HCG let's them do that. It restricts their caloric intake to 500 per day....HA!!

    The ones that starve themselves will more than likely gain the weight back once they are no longer ingesting their magic p*ss...they aren't making a lifestyle change. They are allowing some "hormone" to do the work for them....Go ahead and hate...BUT IT'S THE TRUTH.
  • dbower18
    dbower18 Posts: 40 Member
    Just apply the first law of thermodynamics.


    Everything else is so much stuff and nonsense.

    Exercise is important too though.
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    The issue is that people don't really want to put WORK into losing the weight. They didn't gain it overnight, but they surely want to lose it overnight....HCG let's them do that. It restricts their caloric intake to 500 per day....HA!!

    Not related at all but I LOVE your ticker!
  • Rebecca2u
    Rebecca2u Posts: 19 Member
    The issue is that people don't really want to put WORK into losing the weight. They didn't gain it overnight, but they surely want to lose it overnight....HCG let's them do that. It restricts their caloric intake to 500 per day....HA!!

    The ones that starve themselves will more than likely gain the weight back once they are no longer ingesting their magic p*ss...they aren't making a lifestyle change. They are allowing some "hormone" to do the work for them....Go ahead and hate...BUT IT'S THE TRUTH.

    Sometimes the truth hurts!
  • 3ricaAnn
    3ricaAnn Posts: 288
    Well. I don't know about you - but I'd rather not inject myself with a hormone that tells my body it is pregnant.. when it is not. No thanks.

    To each their own, I suppose. But, I didn't enjoy really being pregnant, so I'd rather not be "fake pregnant" either. ;)

    As bad as I want to get pregnant tricking my body into thinking I'm pregnant would be a horrible tease!
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    The issue is that people don't really want to put WORK into losing the weight. They didn't gain it overnight, but they surely want to lose it overnight....HCG let's them do that. It restricts their caloric intake to 500 per day....HA!!

    The ones that starve themselves will more than likely gain the weight back once they are no longer ingesting their magic p*ss...they aren't making a lifestyle change. They are allowing some "hormone" to do the work for them....Go ahead and hate...BUT IT'S THE TRUTH.

    Amen to the above..!!....The same goes for those 'Master Cleanse' farces, which I must admit, I fell for several months ago..:huh: ..Sure, I lost 10 lbs in the 10 days that I was on it, but 2 days later after finishing, all 10 lbs were back on me..:noway: .If you want the weight loss bad enough and for it to STAY off, then do it the right way to begin with..!!... :flowerforyou: