sometimes i eat a meal...then head to the cupboards to look for more stuff to just MUNCH on, even though i am satisfied. its a bad habit, and i really want to break it. so here i made a list of 25 tips for myself (AND YOU CAN BENEFIT, TOO!) so we can avoid doing this! READY, GO!

1. drink 2 glasses of water instead.
2. paint your nails (cant grab food with wet nails!)
3. rub some vanilla scented lotion on your hands (curbs sweet cravings)
4. grab some magazines and cut of pictures of celebrites with rockin` bodies and make an FITSPIRATION page
5. chew some gum
6. go for a walk, even if its just around the block
7. write a note to your past lovers that you wont ever send to them
8. if you want to `binge`, limit yourself to ONLY VEGETABLES...i slow down a lot faster and its a lot lower calories than a sweets binge.
9. reevalute your eating plans...are you eating too few calories at meals? how can you avoid doing this?
10. EAT MORE PROTEIN; that `fuller for a longer time` stuff isnt just a myth.
11. suck on some ice or a lozenge...sometimes its that oral fixation stuff you have to get out of the way
12. make a list of all your feelings at the moment and solve them WITHOUT using food as a pacifier
13. its a PERFECT time to get in another workout!!
14. rub elmers glue on your palms, wait for it to dry, and then peel it off your hands. its oddly satisfying. (remember doing that as a kid? haha!!)
15. get some errands done!! anything to get yourself out of the house
16. play some music, and dance out your feelings instead. even if youre not a good dancer
17. head to the bookstore, get yourself a good book to take your mind off craving things
18. grab some markers or colored pencils and draw everything you would eat on a binge...then draw yourself how you feel after a binge...very eye opening..
20. call someone up and chat with them for a while!
21. write a note to your parents on some great stationary and then mail it at the post office
22. go through your closet and gather up all your `fat clothes` and then give them to the salvation army or a similar charity
23. go off for a mini-road trip with a friend, even if its for a few hours to the next state! (or by yourself, belting out to your favorite CD!)
24. write a post it note saying, ~STOP. ARE YOU REALLY HUNGRY?~ that way, it will curb future cravings
25. remind yourself how far youve come, or how far you would like to go...put your foot down TODAY and say, FOOD WILL NOT RULE MY LIFE!!!

can you think of any more?! hope this helps you!


  • SunnyDuckz
    SunnyDuckz Posts: 59 Member
    Those are all good! Here's what I do... I brush my teeth. After every meal. That way anything more will taste yucky, lol. Whatever works, right?
  • Katz721
    Katz721 Posts: 16 Member
    These are great!!!! Thank you!! :)
  • lovinlife71
    AWESOME post!!!!! Thanks for sharing!:heart:
  • Adrian1982
    I have that habit too. These are some good ideas. Thanks!
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    thank you!!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I Love this!!!
  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    love it!! lol i do ma babies nails lol... o i miss the glue lol mayby go put on some recently fit in clothes and take some pics hay reminds me i wanna get better smaller :P
    Really enjoyed this tho :D
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    Hahaha, I looove #14. :P
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    oh my gosh, awesome! thanks for sharing!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Oooh, mind if I steal these? I'm going to post them on my fridge. [:
  • chchchangess
    these are awesome! the nail painting trick works so great when I remember it. :)
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Great ideas. I also find that having a cup of tea is good too. Although sometimes I like a treat with it! But one of my chocolates is only 50 cals so it's not a huge blow out anyways :wink:
  • MyGoodLife
    Wonderful ideas!