Weight loss beginner looking for support - in Australia


I'm in Adelaide, Australia and just started my weight loss journey. I'm hoping to drop almost 50kg over the next 2-3 years, and then aim to keep it off. Hopefully before my 40th birthday.
I had 3 children while I was young (1st when I was 17yrs), with 3 and 1/2 years between them. When my youngest (#3) at the time was 18months, I ended up falling into a severe depression due to relationship/family issues, and my eating habits, and motivation to do anything, became abysmal (tho they weren't great to begin with).
I've been on medications and seen psychologists on and off over the years, and I've never really recovered.
Since I had my 4th daughter 9 years ago, I have put on even more weight (I was never a small girl), and my health has been going downhill. My depression hit hard again in the 2 years after she was born, and I developed anxiety.
I was recently diagnosed with pre-diabetes, after having had gestational diabetes with my 4th pregnancy, and having family history of diabetes from both sides of my family, as well as a number of other health issues. Due to this, I decided it's time to really start to look after myself better.
I have seen a dietitian who, without saying outright, basically put me onto a keto diet. I've been trying to follow this closely, and have recently started going to the gym.
My biggest struggles so far (only 3 weeks in) have been forcing myself to eat more than once every day or 2, making the calories goal while keeping the carbs down, and meal ideas.
It's very hard trying to do it on my own, with little to no support at home, and with my depression and anxiety, I've pretty much cut myself off from the outside world, and the very few friends I do have, live over 12 hours away.

Any support here would be much better than what I've currently got. Feel free to send friend requests or messages. Every little bit helps.

Good luck to everyone, whether your goal is weight loss, gain, or maintain.



  • nanajdy49
    nanajdy49 Posts: 2 Member
    Have you talked to your M.D. about Postpartum depression? I ask because of your reference to this happening after childbirth. Depression is treatable, as is anxiety. Do not continue to cut yourself off from the outside world. Asking for support is a giant step in the right direction. You are not alone. Most overweight people suffer emotionally because of the problems and prejudice people have toward obesity.
    I have certainly been on the receiving end of such behavior. I will never forget a child perhaps 3 or 4 years old commenting on how fat I was to her father while I was grocery shopping. The things I wanted to say to that parent were not fit for a child to hear so I ignored it, other than giving the father a look I bet he remembers to this day. At that time I weighed 400+ pounds. I have lost over 200 pounds of that weight. I plan to lose another 25 to 30 pounds. I started with an 1800 calorie count. Eating balanced meals made from the food I enjoyed eating and allowing myself to enjoy a treat once a week. My weight loss was steady. I found that having a salad made of crispy vegetables(celery, tomatoes, onion, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, etc. with an apple included for a touch of sweetness and my favorite fat-free Italian dressing as the first course at mealtime helped keep me on track. I included a snack mid-morning and afternoon to keep my blood sugar level. The best thing I did was to start recording the food I ate and keeping a calorie count. I found Myfitness Pal after the first 100-pound loss. I have used it since then.
    Weight loss is a slow process with ups and downs. You are learning a new way of living. It isn't easy but it is very rewarding. Your health is greatly improved. Time after time you find yourself able to do something that your weight had prevented. Simple things that are taken for granted by others without weight problems. It is so satisfying and makes you feel so good.
    Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worthy, beautiful, a wonderful person capable of reaching any goal you set. See yourself through the eyes of love. There will always be someone out there to criticize you, just remember that those people are trying to make themselves feel more important and superior and that is their problem, not yours. You can do this, one step at a time, and if you stumble brush yourself off and take the next step. Reach out, always remember you are not alone, and there will always be people to support you and help you with your journey.
  • AzarielMoon
    AzarielMoon Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for your kind words. Well done on your loss so far, amazing work. Sadly kids can be cruel, and I still have my youngest constantly saying negative things regarding my weight, and now my 'diet'.

    I have seen various psychologists over the years in regards to my depression and anxiety, and been on and off anti-depressants. I am on the medication again at the moment, and have been on the waiting list to get back into the psychologist for 2 months, and see her again in 2 weeks.

    I have been trying to get out more, to the point of even just getting to the mail box daily to force myself to go outside. I have been trying to get to the gym. I went once last week, and have been twice this week already, and plan to go again tomorrow. My aim is to get into the gym 5 days a week. Three days in the gym doing cardio and weights, and 2 days in the pool doing my hydrotherapy exercises.

  • Pinnacle1974
    Pinnacle1974 Posts: 8 Member
    I can’t really relate as I’m male never given birth but I can be very motivational if you need a friend over the sea. My wife and I have recently joined a gym together and although we can’t go at the same time as we have 2 kids, we try to motivate ourselves through exercise and diet and have a little competition around it. She’s winning by a mile but I’m still in the race :).
  • sreerajn
    sreerajn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Bettina,
    I am been struggling for 2 years with diabetes with my physician telling me to exercise more and watch my diet. It felt very futile. But i recently started improving on my A1C after following some of the leading physicians who are looking diabetes from a different perspective. I am now on intermittent fasting which has improved my blood sugars dramatically without exercise. I am slowly incorporating exercise with fasting now which is giving me even better weight loss results.

    some quick tips:
    1. 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water can help with blood sugar esp if you slip up on a meal
    2. Try to eat Fruits with Fats. For e.g; Apple slices with cheese. Fat lowers the insulin spikes in the sugar.
    3. Avoid low fat food. Fat lowers the insulin spike. Its better to have whole egg than egg white or reduced fat milk than fat free.
    4. Eat lots of vegetables to get potassium esp if you do intermittent fasting.

    Message me if yu want to discuss more.

    For inspiration, start with these videos

  • AzarielMoon
    AzarielMoon Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for sharing this information Sree. I always love watching TED talks :) It was heartwarming to see the 1st Doctor (Peter) sharing his story, and trying hard to not choke on his tears.
    I had never thought of the obesity being the result of insulin resistance. I guess I just assumed that what society was saying had to be the way of thing, but what he said makes perfect sense.
    Also, I kind of have been kind of doing IF for ages, but not realising it. I've had days where I won't eat at all, and then only one meal the next day, but my trouble has been that I'm eating a lot of carbs while doing it.
    Since cutting back the carbs drastically, I have lost about 5kg in 4 weeks. I have started going to the gym, but most of the weight loss has occurred since before starting at the gym. Still have a long way to go, at 5kg down, I'm only a 10th of the way, but I'm in it for the long run, and I know it's not going to happen overnight.