I don’t know what to do anymore

A few years ago I got fat and lost a lot of weight with MFP since then gained back all the weight and more. I’ve learnt I’ve got a major problem with food. I try to calorie count I’ve an active job but I eat crap and I end up overeating. I feel disgusted with myself I’ve just eaten lots of crisps and chocolate as well as drinking a can of Pepsi after work. I knew I would go over my calories and just thought sod it. I need help I hate myself and how I look. I don’t want to be one of the fat ones. How can I stop overeating and stop giving up.


  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    My profile picture is from when I lost a lot of weight a few years ago with MFP.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    edited October 2019
    Figure out why you quit. If you need a therapist to help you get the answer, then do that.

    You know what you need to do to lose the weight. But if you don't know the "why", you'll end up in the same cycle.

    Good luck to you! 💙
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    Just make one small change every week to improve yourself and your habits. If you try to change everything at once, it can be overwhelming. Maybe start by packing a reduced calorie lunch every Tuesday and Thursday, or switch out your crisps for a veggie snack or switch your Pepsi to water or tea. Don't do everything at once. Just one small change at a time always moving in the direction you want to go. If you make a mistake, let it go and try again tomorrow to do better.
  • SueBarry1
    SueBarry1 Posts: 30 Member
    I also have a bad relationship with food. Have lost the same 50lbs multiple times now. Started again mid july-so far 25pounds gone. It has taken me alot of years to figure out that food will never fix the hurt. But only makes it worse. When I get upset now instead of reaching for a candy bar I go for a long walk. Please feel free to add me as a friend-we can do this together!
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • amn0619
    amn0619 Posts: 211 Member
    Very similar here. I've lost the same 10-15 lbs several times. My mind can't handle the restrictive feeling about counting calories so I do well for a while, then go off the rails the other way and gain it back. I'm just starting back so I can't say if I'll be successful this time. But I'm trying a few different things. Like another poster said above, we can't make all the changes at once. Ease in and make a new small change every couple of weeks. I also decided to make my daily calorie intake goal higher than I have in the past. I know weight will come off slower this way, but I'm hoping it doesn't feel as restrictive and will make it more sustainable long term. Slow and steady, not trying to lose quickly. I'm already very active so exercise is no issue, it's all food for me.
  • sammidelvecchio
    sammidelvecchio Posts: 791 Member
    Try switching around your mindset. Just a little each day. Start telling yourself that you love your body and appreciate everything it does for you everyday and you want to give it back what it gives you. And I mean say it outloud. It sounds silly, but I swear it can work. Thank your body. Put post its around with positive things on them. Everytime you start to have negative self talk, start to say stop it!

    One of my favorite quotes, and I say to myself quite often: What if I fall? Oh but darling, what if you fly?
  • StepWise123
    StepWise123 Posts: 180 Member
    Here's something: If you slip up (and everyone does) don't beat yourself up. Just get back on track right away. Put it behind you and look forward. Try not to think in terms of "all or nothing", e.g., I blew it by drinking that Pepsi, might as well have some ice cream. Instead say, I drank that Pepsi today. Next time I'll have some tea or water.
  • fairytale_babe
    fairytale_babe Posts: 391 Member
    Stop beating yourself up! You're only human. We've all been guilty I used to eat a litre of ice cream cause why not I like it. It's not an easy journey, but you can do it slowly you'll get better and better. Small goals at first like a small calorie deficit, don't get to hungry. Always remember tomorrow's a new day if you mess up try again tomorrow, always keep trying! You can do this!
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have been there - and got back to absolute basics. Use MFP, read up on nutrition and macros. I learned about "trigger food" (bread, bread - 2 loaves at lunch time was no problem to me...) and "food stacking". There is so much good advise from supportive members as well. I prepare a simple meal plan for the next day and take it meal by meal, day by day. With my weight the ability to exercise is still limited - but that doesn't matter. I can walk and I love water aerobics, that's a good start. It is also something I do entirely for myself - for once I am totally selfish. 571 days gone, 43 kg. (95 pounds) down - still a long way to go but that doesn't worry me.