what's helping you stick with your new healthy lifestyle



  • JohnFurie
    Afraid of dying a early death due to obesity
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I have a million reasons, the biggest of which right now is that I have so many "friends" telling me that I can't make it for whatever reason and I am going to prove them wrong.

    Someone telling me I can't do something is the fastest way to make sure I prove them wrong, particularly with nutrition and exercise! :)
  • reinach31
    OLD PHOTOS ..and my vacation coming up! :)
  • jeepgirl001
    Looking at last years photos along with the support of my husband and friends:)
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I want to get pregnant in a year or two and gaining another 20 pounds to the 200 im already carrying is not an option.
  • SunshineAndLove
    SunshineAndLove Posts: 194 Member

    Ha ha ha!
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Being healthy and living longer.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    MFP !! Without a doubt. Logging in everyday keeps me on the straight and narrow and will hopefully see me through maintenance when I get that far. Lol!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member

    Ha ha ha!

    Honestly, they keep me sane.
  • SpaceMarkus
    Being a Beachbody Coach. Knowing that I have to be accountable to so many other people and that my entire fitness life is out there in the open really helps me stick to my goals.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    post it notes...i put them on my fridge/pantry/computer screen/steering wheel/etc to remind me of my goals.
  • SweetStrawberry
    Seeing my Stomach in plank position! :sad:
  • Masterofarts
    If I do not lose weight, I will die. I am too young to die. My daughter needs me. My husband needs me. My mother needs me. I need me. So it is not an option. I can never quit.
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Looking at my son's high school graduation picture with me in it! Also reading the posts on MFP and see the success stories and pictures!

    Like someone else said, logging into MFP and adding my food really makes a difference in what I stick in my mouth.

    The scales moving weekly really motivate me for the next weigh in the following week!
  • Buddhaboy
    Buddhaboy Posts: 60 Member
    There's a particulate weight lifting exercise that I do where I set the weight, to the weight that I've lost
    Every time I start one of the reps, and feel how heavy it is, it reminds me how far I've come
    I got to smile...it's actually getting too heavy for me to lift
  • daneslord
    I've lost 42 pounds. Guys that never would have gone for me give me a second look now. There's no way in hell I'm going back.
  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    Until I lost her, my motivation used to be the woman in my life.

    I have no solid motivation now... I guess that's why I'm having so much trouble sticking with things.
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    Everytime I get in a bikini I look a little better! Plus I am going on a cruise soon
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    On the vanity side, the physical progress that I'm seeing, along with my clothes fitting better. It's nice to get dressed for work and have my clothes feel comfortable rather than feeling like a stuffed sausage in a skirt.

    On the health side, just feeling better. When I don't work out for a long time, I have tons of trouble sleeping, I wake up feeling incredibly sick every morning, my lower back pain is unbearable, and my 15 minute walking commute feels like an hour. Also, I don't want to get my family's hereditary diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
  • demonsoul
    demonsoul Posts: 16 Member
    i do all of this for my kids. so i can be around for them