Holiday Weight Gain


Please can I have some advice before I freak out. I've just returned from a 1 week all inclusive holiday to Greece and whilst I did eat and drink what I wanted in moderation and expected a gain the scales show I've gained 10lbs 😭😭😭. Is this possible or is a proportion likely to be water weight?. I'm feeling so upset right now as I find it hard to lose weight and it took me a year to lose 10lbs which seems to have been gained back in a week.




  • lois1231
    lois1231 Posts: 331 Member
    It is funny I always seem to lose on vacation because I go on tours and we do tons of walking despite eating like crap for a couple of weeks.
  • MercuryForce
    MercuryForce Posts: 104 Member
    I recently "gained" about that much on a week long trip to North Carolina. Within a couple days I was back to where I was before I left. Okay, maybe a pound extra, I did eat a lot of pimento cheese.....
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Flights, salt, liquid, sleeping patterns, jet lag all contribute to temporary weight gain. You most certainly did not gain 10 lbs of real weight, so enjoy the memories and soon your weight will be back to normal. OPA!
  • misscagal
    misscagal Posts: 195 Member
    edited October 2019
    As others have pointed out, I find some of the culprits for travel weight gain are saltier food than we normally eat and air travel. I just came home from 2 weeks in Spain and also showed I gained a few pounds. Seeing as we walked over 160 km in sightseeing in two weeks and ate very modestly I’m sure it’s just a blip (well at least some of it ;) )
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Likely that most of it is water weight. I suggest you weigh daily for at least a week to learn how your body handles this, how long to shed it. It usually takes me 7-10 days.
  • Suziebear165
    Suziebear165 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks so much for the advice everyone. I weighed myself this morning and I've already dropped 5lbs so I'm so relieved. Hopefully the rest will soon come off now I've resumed my normal routine x