So you want to become a runner...

thedgree Posts: 6 Member
I am starting a run walk challenge and am looking for people to join me. There are so many walk to run programs out there – you don’t have to participate in the Couch to 5k (I am personally using the None to Run program but I know that Shape magazine has a program as does Sparkpeople. I am sure there are many others). It doesn’t matter which one you use – this is just to help hold you accountable.

The rules are simple (and not very strictly enforced – just an attempt to make things a little more fun):
1) Choose a program (or create your own!) that you plan to follow on your path to become a runner. Be specific and realistic. How long is it going to take? How many days a week are you going to have to work?
2) Outline any other goals that you are going to be working towards. I recommend no more than two others but you need to choose what’s best for you.
3) Decide how often you are going to check in. I recommend at least once a week on the same day every week.
4) Encourage each other. Set a goal to respond to two to three others every week. This could be a simple “keep up the good work.” Let’s lean on each other!
5) Take before and after pictures and measurements (i.e. weight, inches, body fat %, etc.) Sharing is 100% optional. This is just for you to see how far you’ve come at the end.

If this is something that you are interested in the first step is to create a first post. This post should include your specific goals from rules one and two and your starting weight if that is something that you are interested in tracking. Any other information about yourself that you are willing to share is encouraged.


  • thedgree
    thedgree Posts: 6 Member
    My Introduction

    My name is Danielle and I live in Maine. I've always wanted to be a runner and attempted to start a program several times and never been successful. Couch to 5k proved to be too difficult for me so I am choosing to use the None to Run program. My goals are as follows...
    1. Run three miles by January 31, 2020 - requires running 3 times a week beginning Monday November 4
    2. Lose 20.4 pounds by January 31, 2020 - requires losing about 1.5 pounds per week
    3. Be able to do 100 push-ups by January 31, 2020 - I will be following the 0-100 push-ups challenge as well as strength training to improve my upper body strength.

    My starting weight is 170.4.