Do you find your gym membership worth it?



  • IAmWomanHearMeRoar15
    I go to the YMCA, I think they will be worth it one day when I am able to handle all the classes, exercise rooms, ect. Right now I can only handle the pool.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    I am at my gym three or four times a week for classes. Free weights, swimming and treadmills bore me, classes have so much more energy and encouragement, plus I don't have to keep track of what I'm doing, plus what you do in them changes every so often.

    I'd actually do more classes at the gym if I weren't also paying for dance classes outside of that :)
  • Analog_Kid
    Analog_Kid Posts: 976 Member
    Yes. Anytime Fitness, $25 per month. I get a discount through my insurance carrier. :)
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,001 Member
    I am a member of 2 climbing gyms, and a commercial gym I use for swimming. I am also a member of scuba club, which get me pool access on Wednesdays.

    I also have weight equipment and a rowing machine at home.

    This is possibly sub-optimal financially, but it's relatively small sums of money and means I can exercise when it's convenient.
  • lauragreenbaum
    lauragreenbaum Posts: 1,017 Member
    edited October 2019
    I don't have a gym membership, but I pay $200 a month for my Pilates classes. Since I go every day except when I'm traveling, I average 25 classes a month. That's $8 a class. They charge $25 for single classes, so they are losing money on me. :-)

    And I know $200 a month sounds ridiculously expensive, but Pilates has been life changing for me. It's the first exercise I have loved and that I can stick to and I've tried everything!
  • therealmarceline
    therealmarceline Posts: 38 Member
    I have to drive at least 20-30 min for any signs of civilization where I live most of the time so I understand the driving part. If you have to drive 25 min to get gas and a SlimJim, 45 for a good gym isn't cray. I have a gym membership at a large chain that I love for the classes and the energetic atmosphere, the pool, the abundance of every imaginable weight machine and the steam room. I also have a membership at a serious "bro-type" gym so that I can train with my trainer once a week. I also go to a very small studio that is 20 min away (sometimes I can even make it in 15!) and take her classes. I think especially if you are home schooling, something out of the house could be really great for all of you (my younger brother was homeschooled)
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    I really like mine, it gives me structure, variety, and it makes me go because I've already paid for it!

    I think it sounds like a good deal - if you go three times a week for example. The children get to try different things, you get to do your training knowing they are safe and happy.
    You all get to play in the pool afterwards.

    I can imagine home schooling can get a bit intense in the winter If the weather is awful, this gets everyone out and about.
  • flotek72
    flotek72 Posts: 500 Member
    There's a gym at my work that has almost every machine and weights a person could want. And best of all it is free!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I have an Equinox membership which is very expensive. I'm in the gym just about every day so it's worth it to me. Plus, my health insurance pays for some of it.

    I DO travel to the gym but that's not a hindrance IMO. I either go on the way to work or on the weekend and I make it a priority so the travel time doesn't bother me.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I only use my gym for the weight room. My buddy and his wife own the gym and I train with her once per week. The other two days I go to a community center weight room that is about 2 minutes from my office. I don't think I could justify 45 minutes each way commute just to lift some program usually takes me about 30-40 minutes so the commute time would exceed my workout time.
  • fairytale_babe
    fairytale_babe Posts: 391 Member
    I make it worth it! I committed to it 100% when I signed up, get my monies worth. They have a creche for kids, a large variety of classes individual weights. Weight machines , cardio floor, saunas, cafe with plenty of shakes for every occasion! Merchandise and more!
  • Ironwoman1111
    Ironwoman1111 Posts: 3,913 Member
    edited October 2019
    I have a membership but I’m also trying to get more toys for the one at home. Soon, I will have some nice weights for my legs then I can workout at home and not have to drive to the city either. Also, I won’t have to worry about other people’s sweat (yuck).🤣
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    I am so glad you posted this. It prompted me to look up the gym near me that has a pool. The prices have gone down significantly, and the gym has improved even more significantly. I joined yesterday, on my way to the pool now! Bought 5 sessions with a trainer for the first time ever. I’m excited!
  • bobsburgersfan
    bobsburgersfan Posts: 6,368 Member
    edited October 2019
    Some people love the gym, some hate it. :smile: I prefer the gym because I like the classes, and I like having someone telling me what to do and pushing me. I go 5-6 times a week and it's totally worth it to me.

    From your comments it sounds like your main hangup is the cost, and I don't think $114/mo is bad for a family of 6. I pay $58/mo just for me (my gym also has pools). But ultimately it depends on how much you'd use it, and your own personal finances.

    Sorry if you answered this somewhere else, but is the $114/month just a month to month deal that you can leave at any point? If you don't have to commit for a certain length of time, you can always try it for a month and see if you'll use it enough to make it worth it. If you find that you don't take advantage of it, you can quit. But if it's a contract and you have to commit for a chunk of time, that's a whole different issue. And is there an enrollment cost in addition to the monthly fee?
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Some people love the gym, some hate it. :smile: I prefer the gym because I like the classes, and I like having someone telling me what to do and pushing me. I go 5-6 times a week and it's totally worth it to me.

    From your comments it sounds like your main hangup is the cost, and I don't think $114/mo is bad for a family of 6. I pay $58/mo just for me (my gym also has pools). But ultimately it depends on how much you'd use it, and your own personal finances.

    Sorry if you answered this somewhere else, but is the $114/month just a month to month deal that you can leave at any point? If you don't have to commit for a certain length of time, you can always try it for a month and see if you'll use it enough to make it worth it. If you find that you don't take advantage of it, you can quit. But if it's a contract and you have to commit for a chunk of time, that's a whole different issue. And is there an enrollment cost in addition to the monthly fee?
    It is a contract from what a friend told me - the rest of the family is playing pick up b-ball tomorrow night so I am contemplating riding up to check it out and ask questions without “help” :lol: I think I can get a free visit. Definitely part of the financial hang up... I don’t mind paying it IF it works out for all of us. We did the ropes course season pass the last two years which I thoroughly enjoyed (as did my older two) BUT my child #3 has anxiety issues and evidently a fear of heights that was getting progressively worse, not better making any and all trips NOT fun... so we’re taking a break this year.

  • ObviousPanda
    ObviousPanda Posts: 8 Member
    I go to Burn Boot Camp 3 days a week. They have free childcare and an instructor that works with you during the whole 45 minute class. I love it. It’s 15 minutes from my house. $144 a month.
  • sarko15
    sarko15 Posts: 330 Member
    $115 for a family of 6 is a great deal imho. I pay $50 just for me.

    Like others have said, I would not drive 45 minutes to go to the gym. That's when it becomes a bad deal -- when you don't go. Mine is pricier but sadly standard for my area, though it's less than 10 minutes away. I go 4-5 days a week depending on my schedule. It's made a huge difference in my fitness and how I feel about my body, and I've pushed myself physically by trying new machines, classes, exercises that I see other people do, etc. I joined a triathlon training group of people I met at my gym. It is so much more motivating and interesting than working out in front of a TV at home. I bring my gym bag with me to work and just hit it up on the way home. What will make it worth your while is if you integrate it into your routine and make it a habit.
  • fairytale_babe
    fairytale_babe Posts: 391 Member
    I am so glad you posted this. It prompted me to look up the gym near me that has a pool. The prices have gone down significantly, and the gym has improved even more significantly. I joined yesterday, on my way to the pool now! Bought 5 sessions with a trainer for the first time ever. I’m excited!

    That's so exciting! Way to go!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited November 2019
    It really depends on how much you use it. The more times you go in a month, the lower the per-use cost becomes.

    Edit for autocorrect fail.