I need friends!!

I am totally NOT new to my fitness pal. I have downloaded and deleted this app SEVERAL times. I am currently Mrs. South Carolina Plus America 2019, a plus size beauty queen who is proud of every curve I have. I have have SEVERAL "day ones" of a quest to lose weight and love on my natural curves versus my "cornfed" ones. It lasts about a week, and then I binge and quit. This time, I want it to be my LAST first day! I want to be skank skinny. You know, skinny enough to wear skanky clothing. I WOULD NEVER, but I want to be able to! I want to be as vocal as I can on here to hold myself accountable and document my wins and losses. Add me!!


  • 1991jayjay
    1991jayjay Posts: 4 Member
    Keep the motivation going!! You can do it!👍🏻
    Best of luck (& discipline) on your quest!

    TIP: when i’m about to quit, i watch transformation videos on youtube 🙊
  • MarissaRiv23
    MarissaRiv23 Posts: 406 Member
    Hey!! You’re at the right place to surround yourself with people that will motivate you to get to your goal.
    I was in the same boat. I think the reason why I could never stick to it was because I would always do extreme diets and it would just be too drastic of a change. This time around, I decided to make small changes every week and eventually it just stuck! 2.5 years later and I am still on this journey keeping the weight off. You got this girl!! 💪🏼❤️
  • tiawna
    tiawna Posts: 95 Member
    Lol skank skinny! Yaaasssss. I’m a little too old for skank skinny but I wouldn’t mind being considered a MILF lol. Add me and we can motivate each other
  • PiscesIntuition
    PiscesIntuition Posts: 1,372 Member
    Yeeeessss sis! Skank skinny all day everyday! Glad to have you hear!
  • kenandersonwy
    kenandersonwy Posts: 4 Member
    I would enjoy accountability friends from across the globe! You help me and I'll help you! Saying hello from Wyoming!