Leg raises post C-section:

OK, so, leg raises (Roman chair, floor, et al) never used to be a problem for me, pre-baby, but it's now been 9 years, and I still can't get full distance in any kind of knee or leg raise. I get so far and just like... STOP. It doesn't hurt and it's not like I feel tired or strained. I just can't move my legs any higher/closer under their own steam. Bent knee or straight, doesn't appear to matter. V sit is probably the closest I can get and even that took a bit of work to improve, and it feels like it's coming out of my hips more than it used to.

I'm unclear as to whether this is a flexibility issue or a strength issue or maybe a nerve issue? It's really weird. I don't really have any NEED to do a hip pull over or pole inversion at age 42, but it's just an odd thing that kind of bugs me because I don't know why I can't.

Anyone have any trouble shooting tips or similar experiences?


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited November 2019
    I've had a surgery that was a bit more invasive than a c section in the same area though my incision with vertical.

    I found ab wheel more useful than leg raises and allowed for more useful volume. Perhaps this might be worth a try.

    I dose out a 6min timer with AMRAP for less advanced trainees. Your ROM is set by your ability with the goal of full range eventually.

    V-sits is also a viable option as well as L-sits amoung many others options. Don't get stuck on one option that isn't improving for you.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I had a horizontal incision. I don't recall any difference in my ab wheel ability, but it's not a training tool I use often. (My dogs are a huge PITA when I do things at floor level, because CLEARLY the only reason I'd be down there is to play with them.)

    I'll give it a whirl and see if it doesn't help! Thank you!