p90x newbie and scared !!

I am going to be starting p90x tomorrow 9/1 and well I am overweight and overwhelmed !!!! Has anyone started this and had over 50+ lbs to lose? I know I won't lose that amount in 90 days, but want to know your experience with having a lot to work with.


  • mamalangz8
    Hi! I started P90X yesterday! it's totally intense. I did the original about 8 years ago and it was awesome. Do you have a workout partner? It helps a lot.

    I noticed that there is no way to track P90X on this site too... I think I'm going to email them and ask how we can do that.

    Good luck!! :)
  • emptysh0ebox
    I'm interested in it, but haven't tried it. keep me posted!
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I kind of have workout bud die also known as my roomies lol. The only thing is that they start with me but they always quit and then i get discouraged so i try to start by myself. I know a lot of people use HRM to track their stuff.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I started yesterday, im a little scared of it to........
    but im gonna do it !! add me if you like
  • gatt2000
    Did p90x a years ago and lost 25 lbs. It works great but it is NOT easy and it takes up a lot of time. Figure a hour and half each day. But it is worth it.
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I am going to be starting p90x tomorrow 9/1 and well I am overweight and overwhelmed !!!! Has anyone started this and had over 50+ lbs to lose? I know I won't lose that amount in 90 days, but want to know your experience with having a lot to work with.

    When I started P90X the first time I weighed roughly 260 lbs. So I definitely had 50+ pounds to lose. The best advice I could give you is to listen to your body. I pushed myself very hard through the first 2 months, so much so that my body started breaking down during the last month. P90X doesn't have to be a 90 day program, it can be a 120 day program or longer. If you need to take a rest, do it.

    Also you may want to start with the Lean program and work your way up to Classic. Any other questions shoot me a message.

    Good luck,
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Great program, have done it a few times now. First times did not eat well so though gained muscle, still had to much fat on top. :) - Doing better this time, and getting better results.

    For tracking exercise, I use a HRM, and then enter the Calories Burned under Cardio. I have "created" a cardo exercise for each PX90 DVD.

    Just remember, do what you can do. Modify if you need to - its okay. You WILL get results if you stick with it, and watch your diet.

    Its a challenging program, but brings noticeable results.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all.
    I've never heard of this......is this a new fitness program?
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Not new. :) Been around a few years . Version two will be out around holidays of this year.


    also available from Beachbody.com - but the Amazon reviews are a great read to help you see if its for you
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thank you..........I'm going to check it out!
  • LycosNyctereutes
    I bought the DVDs and so far have only done one workout. It is very intense, I kept having to pause it and catch my breath. But I am not discouraged. I know that I just have to do all I can each time and eventually I'll be able to breeze thru them. I work with several people who have used it, even the marathon runner thinks it's tough (but then she is really skinny not muscular). I guess that's why I'm determined to conquer it.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Ariel - consider joinging the P90X support group - there are a number of us starting on the 6th and who have already started this week or are previewing some of the DVDs you may find the support and encouragement you are looking for there! Good luck otherwise