Which activity level to pick?

Hi, is it correct to pick the low level of activity on mfp and then link my fitbit to adjust any extra I earn? I'm sure this is correct? Thanks


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Yes that’s a great way to do it unless you have a very physically demanding job.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I think its best to choose the activity level that best suites your typical day. Fitbit adjustments can be problematic at times, and I find it better to enter cardio workouts separately.
  • strongwouldbenice
    strongwouldbenice Posts: 153 Member
    Choose whichever activity level you think is closest to your day to day activity, link your fitbit, and make sure you have negative adjustments enabled.
    The closer your activity level is to being correct the smaller the adjustments will be, making it easier to plan your day imo.