What is one food



  • xcirce
    xcirce Posts: 20 Member
    Any kind of little munchable chocolate things....like chocolate covered pretzels. *salivates*
  • anelahm
    anelahm Posts: 237 Member
    Ahi Poke.

    It's raw fish cubed with green onions, seaweed, soy sauce & sesame oil. I could eat a whole container in one sitting.

    oh em gee. THIS!! aaaaaaaaaaand my uncle just gave us butt loads of fresh ahi he caught, and we gotta eat it up before it spoils. poke for dayyyyyyyyyysssss!!!
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    i love nutella too! But I never have enough bread to finish off the entire jar in one go :)

    Wait... Nutella goes on bread? my bad :laugh:
  • Stephiede
    Stephiede Posts: 130 Member
    Gummy candy. I love it so much.
    OMG!! Yes. I love gummy bears, gummy worms. I haven't had any candy since june of last year because I got braces. I was the candy lady at work. People would always come to me for candy. None of that anymore.
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    Whipped cream and tortilla chips! (Not together!)
    I could easily eat an entire can of whipped cream in like.. 2 days. Just walking into the kitchen and having a squirt every now and again, then I realize the can's gone(x
    and I've totally binged and eaten an entire bad of tortilla chips in one sitting. Terrible, I'm so addicted to those :P
  • Perfectlycrooked
    Perfectlycrooked Posts: 275 Member
    i love nutella too! But I never have enough bread to finish off the entire jar in one go :)

    Wait... Nutella goes on bread? my bad :laugh:

    GPOY to the max(x
  • Care563
    Care563 Posts: 61 Member
    Chocolate, wine, avocadoes....I was addicted to Almond Butter. I would eat it by the spoonfuls but they changed from a glass jar to a plastic jar and it doesn't taste the same. THANK GOODNESS so I don't eat it any more. That jar has been sitting in my fridge for weeks.
  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    Mine used to be nutella but I *think* I've gotten past that craving now. Currently it's a must for me to avoid the nut isle at the store...especially Planters Nut-trition with the almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts. SO. GOOD.
  • ive never had nutella, i think now i must try it since that is what you all crave
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    Nutella is a BIG one, but I LOVE Milo too! I'm good at avoiding chocolate (mum and sister eat it by the block) but I can't have nutella in the house anymore :sad:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Soda - it makes me nuts, can't leave it alone until it's gone. Baked goods would be a close second though.
  • D446
    D446 Posts: 266 Member
    mine is anything really sugary or fatty. coz i will eat it. all of it!!
  • lulabellarama
    lulabellarama Posts: 96 Member
    Bread. The really yummy bakery baguettes. And Brie.

    This, exactly. Fresh bread and French cheese.
  • MsLilly200
    MsLilly200 Posts: 192 Member
    i love nutella too! But I never have enough bread to finish off the entire jar in one go :)

    Why would you need bread?

    I can't have a certain kind of chocolate cake in the apartment... I used to make it all the time and then finish the whole thing in like 2 days.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Nutella is too sweet for me, more of a savoury girl anyway, my ultimate weakness is crisps of any flavour om nom nom nom nom nom.
  • Yep, Nutella tops the short list. Without fail, I'm sitting with the jar and a spoon.

    Other things include chocolate, chips, candy. I really have no self control anymore. If I want it, I eat it. If it's in the house, I want it. So I rarely have anything in the house and everyone's complaining there's nothing to snack on.
  • FatDadSlim
    FatDadSlim Posts: 497 Member
    Maltesers, Minstrels, M&M's
  • Diet Coke.........................we currently have 6 cans in.....I have been very good and not had any!

    I can refuse most foods but if there is a pavalova around then I will not be held accountable for my actions!
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Any cookies, but especially oreos, ruffles chips, something about the texture, I love them, pudding, cool whip, whipped cream. Oh no! Now I want it all! lol
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    Any baked goods, anything buttery or sugary milk chocolate! Traditional British puddings cooked in butter and pub food! Cinema snacks - sweet popcorn, ice-cream, minstels, malteasers and m&ms.

    Cakes, croissants, brioche, Danish pastries, crumpets - anything from a patisserie or bakers!

    Now I have to think pure salady thoughts after that outburst...
  • suemar74
    suemar74 Posts: 447 Member
    Cheetos -- the poofy kind, and Kroger bakery lemon poppy seed muffins, with sugar crystals on top. They're HUGE and taste sooo flippin' good cold, right out of the refrigerator.
  • One??
    Top 10 (in no particular order)
    1) Biscuits
    2) Ice cream
    3) Milk chocolate
    4) Peanut butter
    5) Nutella
    6) Golden Syrup (as will make Anzac biscuits!)
    7) BBQ shapes
    8) Twisties
    9) Lollies
    10) Chocolate covered licroice

    So yes I don't have any 'treats' in my house, when I want one I go to a cafe or ice cream parlour and buy one. eat it. and thats it. Self control? Um not much so why tempt myself?!
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    You and my wife will get along great. She loves Nutella.
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