Hey Everyone!

Hey guys!
I am new here and I am hoping to use this to my advantage to help me lose weight. My biggest problem I find is that I am never consistent with my food plan. Any tips to help out with that? I am a pretty active person and I do recognize that my eating habits are my biggest issues on why I am unable to drop the pounds. Hope everyone is accomplishing their goals!
Good luck to everyone though their weight loss journey!


  • DoriLuke
    DoriLuke Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a huge planner. I always meal plan for my family but now that I'm eating differently, I plan differently for myself. Unlike most people, it really helps me to be a creature of habit. I'm okay eating a few foods over and over. Then I don't have to think about what the nutritional value is, because I already know for the most part. I keep my household meal plan in an excel spreadsheet that doubles as a grocery list. It helps me stay on track budget-wise too, which is always good!

    Good luck!!
  • Simental1
    My name is Christina and I'm 46 yrs.old. My goal is to lose 150 lbs before the end of 2012. I want to be healthy for myself and for my 14 year old daughter. My boyfriend is really into fittness (runs everyday ,MMA, plus weights). I would love to be able to keep up with him. I do walk when motivated and know I should do it everyday but don't ( my guilt ) . Today was my first day on site and I really had a hard time getting my carbs in. Any sugestions would be great! Hope everyone has a great night.
  • Simental1
    My name is Christina and I'm 46 yrs.old. My goal is to lose 150 lbs before the end of 2012. I want to be healthy for myself and for my 14 year old daughter. My boyfriend is really into fittness (runs everyday ,MMA, plus weights). I would love to be able to keep up with him. I do walk when motivated and know I should do it everyday but don't ( my guilt ) . Today was my first day on site and I really had a hard time getting my carbs in. Any sugestions would be great! Hope everyone has a great night.
  • jillyRN21
    I feel like my problem is that I cant stay consistent. I just need to get over it and do it. I am usually doing really good but when I "treat myself" or "give in to temptation" it messes up everything. And it is this big cycle that keeps going. Happy medium with food please come! Thanks for sharing. I def need to plan all my meals.
  • jillyRN21
    Hey Christina! and welcome. I am new as well. One thing that helps me with my workout is that I mentally get in to the working out mood and amp myself up. Another thing is getting a great playlist with all the songs that pump you up. That is great that you want to get healthy for yourself and your daughter. I have just recently made up my mind to get healthy for me...before it was for other superficial things. I am not sure about getting the carbs in since I am new to all this. And thank you so much Heather! I forgot to put that in the earlier post.
  • nikkizmom1962
    nikkizmom1962 Posts: 93 Member
    welcome Christina! hope by joining mfp and connecting with some friends we will be to help you in your journey.......... feel free to add me..........good luck:)
  • Iwillshyne
    Hi, I had to dig DEEEEEP to find the motivation to start and stay consistant. My mind was over-whelmed with "No" and "Give up" and "what's the use"! I was chatting to a friend of mind and she said these words to me: "YOU ARE WORTH IT"!!! It changed my veiw of everything. She was right, as a mother , and wife, I was taking care of EVERYBODY but me. Welp, those days are over, I'm the priority now!
    Ps: Sorry if this comes off as a corny YOU-GO-girl moment, but it worked for me. Hope this encourages you---or somebody... :-)