What to set goal weight at?



  • mindstateofamonster
    Super informative.
  • wiigelec
    wiigelec Posts: 503 Member
    The difference between "elite" and "us" is how hard you're willing to work for it, no? Obviously some have the upper hand with genetics, but many times in the past and many to come hard work and dedication can surpass genetics.
    Of course hard work and excellent genetics can outperform crap work and freak genetics, but the chances of mediocre genetics making the cut regardless of work is quite minuscule.

  • Spadesheart
    Spadesheart Posts: 479 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    wiigelec wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    You don't NEED a calorie surplus to build muscle...
    How can there be a net positive increase within the system boundaries when the net inputs do not exceed the net outputs?


    Sorry but you are talking complete cobblers!
    Of course people can gain muscle mass without weight gain - hell some people even do it in a modest calorie deficit.

    Suggest you educate yourself before quoting laws of thermodynamics. Pompous and ignorant isn't a great combination.
    sijomial wrote: »
    wiigelec wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    You don't NEED a calorie surplus to build muscle...
    How can there be a net positive increase within the system boundaries when the net inputs do not exceed the net outputs?


    Sorry but you are talking complete cobblers!
    Of course people can gain muscle mass without weight gain - hell some people even do it in a modest calorie deficit.

    Suggest you educate yourself before quoting laws of thermodynamics. Pompous and ignorant isn't a great combination.

    I gained and have been gaining muscle on a not so modest deficit. Lost 70 pounds this year between December and August and my arms and legs are actually thicker than when I started, even with the fat loss. If your body fat is high enough to handle the energy needs of the deficit and there is some room left over for muscle building, and you're getting proper nutrition (meaning high enough protein), it's totally possible. It probably isn't possible the closer to negligible body fat you are.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    wiigelec wrote: »
    sijomial wrote: »
    Try reading these links.....

    Eric Helms

    Bret Contreras

    Menno Henselmans

    Real life examples from MFP members

    As at this point we don't know enough about the OP so I'm not saying recomp is the right choice, just refuting the idea that a calorie surplus is a requirement or absolute need to gain muscle mass.
    Thanks and I think I understand from my perspective where the apparent dispute arises.

    In absolute terms it is possible within the system to convert energy ie build muscle while utilizing fat with a net negative energy balance, otherwise known as “recomp”. Of course there are highly limiting circumstances involved in this process primarily the body composition of the individual. Which you of course recognize by your statement concerning the op.

    My perspective (right wrong or whatever) is that “building muscle” means in addition to whatever is already there. Like a skinny person with low body fat that wants to get bigger and would be extremely limited in a recomp.

    So absolutely one can build muscle in an energy deficit for a limited duration. Practically one can build muscle in an energy surplus much longer and more efficiently without all the “side effects” of existing in a negative energy balance.

    Forgive me if I generally ignore “recomp” though it may be applicable for the op...

    Agree with the bolded, but given the high rates of overweight and obesity, not to mention higher than recommended levels of bodyfat even in normal weight individuals, the percent of the population that should be bulking and cutting is pretty low.
  • mindstateofamonster
    wiigelec wrote: »
    The difference between "elite" and "us" is how hard you're willing to work for it, no? Obviously some have the upper hand with genetics, but many times in the past and many to come hard work and dedication can surpass genetics.
    Of course hard work and excellent genetics can outperform crap work and freak genetics, but the chances of mediocre genetics making the cut regardless of work is quite minuscule.


    Well that's a *kitten*.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    So I currently weight 190 lbs and I’m 6’. I’m new to the app and having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to set my goals.

    My main goal is to build muscle, but also not get too chubby in the process. I know I’m going to have to gain some fat during the process, but that’s fine.

    How do I set my goal weight when I’m not sure how much I should weigh with the amount of muscle I want to build? I hope that makes sense...

    I want to consistently build muscle, so I know I’ll have to up my calories, but by how much?

    Thanks in advance.

    You goal weight is something that can be assessed and reassessed as you go. I never had a goal weight.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,904 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    So I currently weight 190 lbs and I’m 6’. I’m new to the app and having a little bit of trouble figuring out how to set my goals.

    My main goal is to build muscle, but also not get too chubby in the process. I know I’m going to have to gain some fat during the process, but that’s fine.

    How do I set my goal weight when I’m not sure how much I should weigh with the amount of muscle I want to build? I hope that makes sense...

    I want to consistently build muscle, so I know I’ll have to up my calories, but by how much?

    Thanks in advance.

    You goal weight is something that can be assessed and reassessed as you go. I never had a goal weight.

    Exactly. Because it’s part of the MFP profile set-up, I think many people don’t realize that the goal weight has exactly zero impact on the calorie goal MFP will estimate for us. What counts is the demographic and activity settings, plus the weight loss/gain/maintenance rate.

    Even the exercise frequency settings don’t affect calorie goal, in MFP. Those, and goal weight, are just used for motivational/progress messages and such.