Why does MFP change daily allowances?

Does anyone know why one day I will have an allowance of 30 grams of fiber and the next 24? Same with carbs, yesterday it was 358, today it is 287 and I have not put in any weight changes. Just curious as to why this is happening with MFP?


  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Does anyone know why one day I will have an allowance of 30 grams of fiber and the next 24? Same with carbs, yesterday it was 358, today it is 287 and I have not put in any weight changes. Just curious as to why this is happening with MFP?

    I'm not sure actually!

    Maybe it changes daily depending on what you had the day before? IE if you were over on fibre one day it gives you less the next day?
  • HeatherYevette
    HeatherYevette Posts: 56 Member
    It changes according to how much exercise you do :)
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i burned 1200 kcals yesterday from exercise, so it then allows you to eat more carbs, sugar etc, because you have burned up what u have through exercise, and ur body still needs some to continue to function properly throughout the rest of the day :o)
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    It changes according to how much exercise you do :)

    Agreed! It changes according to the amount of exercise you do.
  • I burned quite a bit of calories the last couple of days, and today it is lower, so, they lower it after you exercise alot and raise it when you don't? That seems odd, but I guess they (MFP) know what they are doing lol!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Interesting - I didn't know MFP did this.

    Will have to pay a bit more attention :)
  • It's lower on the days you don't exercise and higher on the days you do.
    Look at your totals before you add in your day's exercise and then watch how it lowers after you log your workout.
    It's based on a ratio X number of allowable calories = Y amount of carbs/sugar/etc. When you increase X, your allowable portion of Y goes up. (Which usually makes your consumed days' total go down, because you've been given more room)
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I burned quite a bit of calories the last couple of days, and today it is lower, so, they lower it after you exercise alot and raise it when you don't? That seems odd, but I guess they (MFP) know what they are doing lol!
    On days you exercise, you get more of everything, except sodium. On days you don't, you get your 'base' amount.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    I burned quite a bit of calories the last couple of days, and today it is lower, so, they lower it after you exercise alot and raise it when you don't? That seems odd, but I guess they (MFP) know what they are doing lol!

    You got it backwards. It goes day by day. If you exercise, they raise the amounts. If you don't exercise, it stays the same. Once you enter your exercise for today it will go up.
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    @sarahpreece blimey! 1200 cals! What did you do?
  • You got it backwards. It goes day by day. If you exercise, they raise the amounts. If you don't exercise, it stays the same. Once you enter your exercise for today it will go up.

    Ah ok I get it now, thank you!