What Is Your Weight Loss Goal? +Post For Friends!

My SW was 167 and My CW is 137. My GW is 117 but I’ve hit quite a large bump in the road. What about you guys? :)

Hoping some new faces on my newsfeed will speed things back up! Feel free to add me/each other!


  • Vjmikesell
    Vjmikesell Posts: 36 Member
    15 pounds to weight loss goal. I’m only 5’0” so the struggle is real for those last 15!
  • dulcejimenez144
    dulcejimenez144 Posts: 21 Member
    I’m 5’1” so I totally understand haha! My first 20 took me about 6 months so I’m hoping these last 20 take me less time!!
  • dulcejimenez144
    dulcejimenez144 Posts: 21 Member
    200 does seem nice! Good luck!
  • joe3302013
    joe3302013 Posts: 9 Member
    200 but muscular
  • Myki3012
    Myki3012 Posts: 152 Member
    Just another 1.7kg 😩
  • Alia_R
    Alia_R Posts: 410 Member
    My isn’t about losing weight but rather inches of body fat while building lean muscle mass. 💪🏻
  • dulcejimenez144
    dulcejimenez144 Posts: 21 Member
    Those last few lbs feel like they take forever to get rid of!! I’m hoping to start a recomo after I get down to a decent healthy weight and build back some muscle. Definitely in it for the long term!
  • dulcejimenez144
    dulcejimenez144 Posts: 21 Member
  • Machafin
    Machafin Posts: 2,988 Member
    5'10" 32 male. My starting weight last year (my heaviest ever) was 208 lbs. I am currently at 181 lbs and my final goal is around 170 lbs. I have put on a lot of muscle so I slowed down on weight loss over the last few months and am not sure at this point if I will make 170 as my most recent scan had me at 15% bf (not sure if I believe it though).
    PTA4LYF Posts: 87 Member
    My SW was 167 and My CW is 137. My GW is 117 but I’ve hit quite a large bump in the road. What about you guys? :)

    Hoping some new faces on my newsfeed will speed things back up! Feel free to add me/each other!

    SW: 349 CW: 277 GW: 200 nearly half way there
  • Willowy_Wisp
    Willowy_Wisp Posts: 2 Member
    My first goal is to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm 187 right now and want to get down to 170. Looking for a community.
  • dulcejimenez144
    dulcejimenez144 Posts: 21 Member
    My first goal is to lose 10-15 lbs. I'm 187 right now and want to get down to 170. Looking for a community.

    You definitely found the right place!
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    I was 256 when I started mfp years ago but last Oct I was 234 and went into weightloss surgery now weighing 126 on a 5ft2 body. My goal is to lose the last 6 pounds. 120 would be perfect for me!
  • chewy581819
    chewy581819 Posts: 5 Member
    I hover around 157 to 162 want to increase muscle mass. 5ft8 33yrs. Hopefully i can lose fat and replace with muscle because
    my BMI has me a little on the upper side of my target zone that i want to stay in...

    Feel free to add me!
  • gemiller87
    gemiller87 Posts: 135 Member
    32/m, started at 335-350lb in March, currently 246, goal weight 225 then re-assess. Started some strength training, at 225 probably just start focusing on toning up. I enjoy any new active friends!
  • lilstry
    lilstry Posts: 120 Member
    Aiming for 130 although if I reach my goal and I'm not content I'll go for 120. Add me people and let's share our diaries
  • RobWPowell
    RobWPowell Posts: 8 Member
    My BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is 190 but that's about 35lbs away. It will happen! Be damned the holiday eating habits ;)
  • tenacioust_y2k
    tenacioust_y2k Posts: 1 Member
    Hi 5’7” female current weight 160 goal is 145. Started working out two weeks ago. Pushing through.
  • SuzyW122
    SuzyW122 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My goal is to lose 38lbs. Add me so we can share our diaries and encourage each other as we make lifestyle changes!