Panic Attack over Health?!!?

Fraileya19 Posts: 42
Had my first panic attack on my way to work today. The worst feeling I have ever had and my bp spiked to 147/104 (it may even went higher because I felt my face get really flushed after that). The crazy thing is I think it was over my health. I have been so worried about my BP (I am on Metoprolol and my bp still have been spiking) so I have it in my head that I am going to have a heartattack. I am going to school 4x/wk & working FT & once a month at my other job but I have always been able to handle things like that. I didnt really feel stressed over that stuff.. just worrying about my health. I immediately made a Dr.'s appt to go over my BP pill and see if she can do an EKG on me so my mind is at ease. I am so embarrassed.

Has anyone else ever had a panic attack?!


  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I've had plenty. Although mine are usually brought on by things I'm stressing about which that I don't realize. The last one was years ago at my old job and it landed me in the hospital. It came on suddenly, where if I attempted to take a deep breath, I got a sharp pain in my chest. Then, My left shoulder blade felt pinched, my left arm felt tingly/numb and I couldn't breathe. I went to the hospital, by the time the dr came in to do any tests, it was gone. The tests came back normal and it was ruled a panic attack. I am worried they may come back, but I felt a lot better after getting checked out. Now I work on being not so stressed. I make sure to find some me time and occasionally I have to remind myself to calm down. I'll even sit somewhere quiet for a few minutes and listen to my breathing. I've also adapted the mantra "If I cannot do anything at this very moment to change this, then I need to let go, stop worrying and just let life happen". I wish you good luck at your dr's and hope they can find something to help you.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    Yes sweetie, I have had many, and while it's no fun, you have to remind yourself that it will be ok. I have terrible anxiety and I always think something bad is going to happen to me. Especially after I had my first kiddo, I was scared to death something would happen and she would be left all alone! Don't be embarrassed the docotr will help you, just be honest with him about how you feel!
  • Yes, I have. They are terrifying. Started having them in college but my anxiety got worse after having my kids by far. I was terrified that something would happen to them! I am at the point now where I can talk myself out of them (most of the time). My antidepressant helps with my anxiety also, which I have been taking regularly. Good idea to make the doctors appt. It might help ease your mind.
  • jbeauchamp1
    jbeauchamp1 Posts: 195 Member
    My husband suffers from them and they are always brought on by the fear of "what if". He will stress about something so much that it takes him into full blown anxiety and panic attacks. He had to have therapy to be able to control them because they were hindering his ability to even be able to leave the house because what if this or that happened. If they continue I would just seek some therapy because it really helped him. He did not have to get on any medication either which he was happy about.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    I have had panic attacks, but not over health. But, maybe some stuff that works for me will work for you too.

    First - medication. I love my Ativan. Frankly, it's just a security blanket most of the time - knowing its in my purse calms me down, but when I need it, I'm glad it's there!!

    Second, make a plan. For me, having a plan calms me. Write it out. So if it's your health --- meal plan, exercise plan, doc visits, maybe BP check once a day? Just knowing you are doing something about it helps.

    Third, calming down techniques - there are lots of books out there about these. One that works for me is to just sit still, close my eyes and concentrate on every little sound I hear. Concentrating on that one thing doesn't leave room for your mind to think about other stuff.

    Hope that helps!! But be sure to talk to your doc about the panic attack too and not just the BP. I found once i had my first one, the others came easier.
  • i've had plenty. they suck!! but the more you worry the worse it is. you just have to calm yourself down... i just tell myself that i am worrying about something silly... or even if it is something important.... it wont do any good to give myself a panic attack. i HATE that feeling and have struggled with it for a few years but i can mostly control it now. and i've never heard of the med that you are on but there are lots of meds that make my anxiety worse. i take buspar now for my anxiety, and it lowers my BP. sometimes too low and i get dizzy, but it really helps with the anxiety. hope this helped, or atleast made you feel better that you are not the only one.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Yup, I get them, though not as often as I used to thanks to the meds. Some of mine are brought on by circumstance... having to face a phobia or stress ... others I'll be darned if I know what sets them off. Seriously, nothing like waking out of a sound sleep into a full blown attack. ~wry smile~
  • Thank you all. It is good to know I am not alone. I work at a hospital and in my department most are men so not only was it scary because it was my first one but also embarassing as heck! Luckily, my co-worker walked with me to his unit and had a nurse take my BP and then spoke with me to calm me down. He also gets them so I felt a little better. I just do not want to have another one. It started out in the car and I was trying to calm myself down but the fear just got worse and worse. I knew I had to get out of my car before I started hyperventaliating, so scary!

    I am definately going to take all of your advice and speak with my doctor. Also, I plan to really work on techniques to calm myself. I am going to buy a BP monitor after the doctors.
  • So I went to my Dr. and she put me on a water pill along with my Metoprolol... triamterene/hydrochlorothiazide (Maxzide) is the water pill. She told me I do not need to worry, my BP is not high enough to have a heart attack and to see a Psychologist on why I am struggling with my weight. Was I picked on when I was little, etc?! Thanks Doc.

    I am a little nervous about starting another pill but I am trying to not think too much about it. I dont want to freak myself out again.
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