Weight loss with yoga?

Just wondering if anyone has had success losing weight with yoga and healthy eating? I've gotta lose about 100lbs but have to start with low impact so my doc recommended yoga as opposed to my usual running regime I used to do that burned a ton of calories. I don't expect to lose a ton of weight doing yoga, I know diet is key, but just curious if anyone has actually lost a chunk of weight? :)


  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Some yoga can burn a fair number of calories but probably not the kind that counts as low impact. I have to say as a runner who has had several injuries that it’s tough to shift from being able to eat back running calories to limiting yourself to basically sedentary calories. What I do is find other cardio activities which work with my injuries, such as stationary bike. Can you do any cardio? What are your limitations? Can you swim or use the elliptical?
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    Of course you can lose weight from diet alone, so why not diet and yoga?
    For me personally, I’d have to do a heck of a lot of yoga every day to burn enough calories to make any substantial contribution to my weight loss though. At less than 100cal/hr burn, it would be about 1lb per month lost if I did 1hr of yoga every single day.
    That’s a lot of yoga for fairly minimal returns. Walking for the same duration would burn more calories.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've lost weight sitting on the couch drinking a beer.

    If you want to practice yoga as long as your in a deficit, you will lose weight.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    As others mentioned, your diet is the key to weight loss. If you want to burn some extra calories, there are a number of other low impact movements that deliver more bang for the buck. With that said, a regular yoga practice can be very helpful in improving your flexibility, core strength and balance.

  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    There are a lot of things classified as yoga. Some are relatively intense and will burn more calories than other styles that are less active. In general, though, yoga doesn't burn a lot of calories compared to something like running. I'm a runner who also practices yoga frequently, but most of my yoga is a meditative practice that I don't log as exercise. I would treat it differently if it was a fast paced "flow" class.

    You don't need to do any exercise in order to lose weight; you just need to take in fewer calories than your body burns. Do yoga if you like it or if you want the mental/physical health benefits it might provide; don't expect a big calorie burn from it.
  • LyndaBSS
    LyndaBSS Posts: 6,964 Member
    Weight loss occurs when you are in a calorie deficit. Yoga can make you leaner.

    Good luck with your journey. 🍀
  • qweck3
    qweck3 Posts: 346 Member
    I lost a lot of my weight (50+ pounds) with Yoga as my activity alone. It really came down to the diet and CICO for me but a nearly daily Yoga practice give me much more than just just a moderate calorie burn. I learned discipline to stop and respect what I was putting in my body. Total win-win.

    If you are chasing the calorie burn lean toward Ashtanga or Power Yoga styles. A trick that isn't overly brutal to the body is to take a beginner cycle class one day for that awesome calorie burn, power yoga the next for a moderate calorie burn, rest day and repeat. Doesn't hurt to get some resistance training in as well for the metabolism aspect.

    Once you get to a comfortable fit point you can just use Yoga as just part of life and as a warm up. I now do a yoga class and go straight into weight lifting right after for example. Ashtanga Yoga + Tricep day = Next level :smiley:
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    qweck3 wrote: »
    I lost a lot of my weight (50+ pounds) with Yoga as my activity alone. It really came down to the diet and CICO for me but a nearly daily Yoga practice give me much more than just just a moderate calorie burn. I learned discipline to stop and respect what I was putting in my body. Total win-win.

    Similar experience. Yoga helped with stress which helped with sleep which helped with life which helped with diet.
    So yes, it can be a very good thing, as well as building muscles.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,515 Member
    Everything @qweck3 said ^^^

    I started out with “just” yoga and lost twenty or thirty pounds, added in walking and more more more walking, then Pilates, then weight training and then running, for a total of eighty thus far.

    My trainer (god bless her!) says I have the prettiest, leanest arm and thigh muscles she’s ever seen, and says “I didn’t make those. You came to me with those!” (courtesy of lots of yoga). But she’s a doll and makes a former/still-feels-like fatty feel like a million bucks.

    Yoga, however, returns what you put into it- same as any activity. If you’re there to stretch and huddle in child’s pose when the going gets tough, you’ll get benefits but won’t get “results”. Try every pose thrown out there to the best of your ability, and laugh at yourself when you come crashing down. Remember, you’re only a few inches from the floor when it’s all said and done and sometimes you’ll utterly surprise yourself. .