
has anyone tried it?


  • tnc9424
    tnc9424 Posts: 47 Member
    If that is the official name for Adipex, I took it. I literally could not eat while taking it. It gave me the shakes pretty bad when I first took it. I got used to those but I could not sleep at night and man when I came off of them I had the worst headache and was angry all the time. I did lose about 40 lbs but as soon as I started eating "normal" again, I gained it right back.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    The thing is as with any weight loss tool, or any way of living if you go back to eating junk and unhealthy living you WILL gain it back, with or without weight loss tools or supplements. You have to use it as a TOOL not a way of life, teach yourself the right way to eat and maintain a healthy lifestyle even when you stop taking it.

    I take Phentermine (generic) and it helped me alot control my appetite, however, I still make sure to eat 1200 calories a day and get to the gym everyday. It's not a miracle pill it's an aid.
  • shereen62
  • lydia2012change
    I have tried it and was very successful, so I thought. I lost 30-40 pounds in 3 months and guess what, I have gained 50 back! Those pills do work but only for a short time. the weight will come back plus some and left me feeling worse than I was feeling before. A lifestyle change is the only way to get permanent results.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    A friend gave me one to try once, we went out shopping and it was a horrible, horrible afternoon. My head wasn't clear, i felt very much under the influence and a little panicky. I couldn't eat, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather be hungry than take one of those again.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    The thing is as with any weight loss tool, or any way of living if you go back to eating junk and unhealthy living you WILL gain it back, with or without weight loss tools or supplements. You have to use it as a TOOL not a way of life, teach yourself the right way to eat and maintain a healthy lifestyle even when you stop taking it.

    I take Phentermine (generic) and it helped me alot control my appetite, however, I still make sure to eat 1200 calories a day and get to the gym everyday. It's not a miracle pill it's an aid.

    I love your answer!! I am taking it now as well.. and you are 100% right!! it is an AID!!! I am almost 100% positive the people who gained all their weight back plus more was not watching what they ate and went back to eating how they use to.

    Back in the beginning of 2010 I busted my butt and lost 35 lbs in 5 months.. I ate right, exercised everyday, sometimes twice a day.. then I started slacking a bit and gained it all back plus more!! It just goes to show you that even when you do it "the right way" if you go back to your old ways you can still gain it all back. I think the Phentermine is a great TOOL for people who truly have a hard time.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    A friend gave me one to try once, we went out shopping and it was a horrible, horrible afternoon. My head wasn't clear, i felt very much under the influence and a little panicky. I couldn't eat, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather be hungry than take one of those again.

    The first day I took phentermine I felt high as well lol.. but it was a good high.. Now I have NEVER been under the influence of anything in my life! Well, except alcohol but im talking drugs. Anyway, I was super super happy and just on cloud 9 all day! and I had that feeling like I was floating lol.. It was pretty funny.. Since I have never been under the influence before my family though it was pretty hilarious lol.. Anyway, the next day I took it and nothing.. not one effect. Never had another day like the first day after that. I know what OP is talking about is slightly different than just regular phentermine.. but there isnt that much of a difference. Maybe it wouldnt have been the same for you the next day.. Not saying you should try it again.. if you had a bad experience that freaked you out I wouldnt do it either.. lol.. just saying maybe it was just the first day and your body just wasnt use to it.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member

    well of course. Stopping pretty much any kind of medication cold turkey isnt the best idea!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    A friend gave me one to try once, we went out shopping and it was a horrible, horrible afternoon. My head wasn't clear, i felt very much under the influence and a little panicky. I couldn't eat, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather be hungry than take one of those again.

    The first day I took phentermine I felt high as well lol.. but it was a good high.. Now I have NEVER been under the influence of anything in my life! Well, except alcohol but im talking drugs. Anyway, I was super super happy and just on cloud 9 all day! and I had that feeling like I was floating lol.. It was pretty funny.. Since I have never been under the influence before my family though it was pretty hilarious lol.. Anyway, the next day I took it and nothing.. not one effect. Never had another day like the first day after that. I know what OP is talking about is slightly different than just regular phentermine.. but there isnt that much of a difference. Maybe it wouldnt have been the same for you the next day.. Not saying you should try it again.. if you had a bad experience that freaked you out I wouldnt do it either.. lol.. just saying maybe it was just the first day and your body just wasnt use to it.

    See, i have taken other things in my life and enjoyed them, but under different circumstances, so you might think I wouldn't have such a bad time on this. i find it interesting that you only felt high the first day, i wonder why that is.

    Another reason i would be scared to try it again is the film Requiem for a Dream. Have you seen it?

    Out of interest, where do you buy it from? is it not illegal without a prescription?
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I've never expeirenced any side effects from the Phen. lost 24lbs in 1 month.. have maintained that within 2lbs in the last 3 weeks being off it.. (due to having surgery next week I have to be off it for now). I never had problems sleeping, jutters, rapid heart rate etc.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    A friend gave me one to try once, we went out shopping and it was a horrible, horrible afternoon. My head wasn't clear, i felt very much under the influence and a little panicky. I couldn't eat, but it wasn't worth it. I'd rather be hungry than take one of those again.

    The first day I took phentermine I felt high as well lol.. but it was a good high.. Now I have NEVER been under the influence of anything in my life! Well, except alcohol but im talking drugs. Anyway, I was super super happy and just on cloud 9 all day! and I had that feeling like I was floating lol.. It was pretty funny.. Since I have never been under the influence before my family though it was pretty hilarious lol.. Anyway, the next day I took it and nothing.. not one effect. Never had another day like the first day after that. I know what OP is talking about is slightly different than just regular phentermine.. but there isnt that much of a difference. Maybe it wouldnt have been the same for you the next day.. Not saying you should try it again.. if you had a bad experience that freaked you out I wouldnt do it either.. lol.. just saying maybe it was just the first day and your body just wasnt use to it.

    See, i have taken other things in my life and enjoyed them, but under different circumstances, so you might think I wouldn't have such a bad time on this. i find it interesting that you only felt high the first day, i wonder why that is.

    Another reason i would be scared to try it again is the film Requiem for a Dream. Have you seen it?

    Out of interest, where do you buy it from? is it not illegal without a prescription?

    I found it very strange too! I really think I have a high tolerance for drugs. Like, I cant take tylenol because it doesnt help like when I have a headache or something.. I have to take ibuprofen or even Pamprin which is a period pill!! lol.. Even with taking those it doesnt seem to work as well as like my mom would say it does for her. so IDK...

    and OMG yes I have seen that movie!! It was horrible! I will admit that when I first took the phentermine I was terrified! for the first few days I had to convince myself to take the thing. lol.. even the 2nd night I was on it I freaked myself out so bad that I threw myself into a panic attack and thought my heart was pounding out of my chest because of the phen.. but it was just me panicking myself.. lol.. I called my doctor and he said it sounded like a panic attack and ever since I have been fine.. It doesnt even really give me energy.. all it does is supress my appetite.. that it! which is good enough for me lol!!

    I am not sure about where to buy it and if its legal or not without a prescription.. I get it from my doctor...I would be way too afraid to take it without being under his care..
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I've never expeirenced any side effects from the Phen. lost 24lbs in 1 month.. have maintained that within 2lbs in the last 3 weeks being off it.. (due to having surgery next week I have to be off it for now). I never had problems sleeping, jutters, rapid heart rate etc.

    I have been on it for 9 days now and I have lost 12 lbs but even when I am not taking it when I start to "diet" I drink nothing but water.. and lots of it.. and in the first week to 2 weeks I always lose about 15 lbs. so, I am not sure how much the pill has actually done for me yet.. We will see in 4 more weeks when I weigh myself again..

    Aw Im sorry you have to have surgery! I pray it goes well for you!! Its GREAT that you have been able to maintain! Fluctuating between a few lbs is completely normal so it sounds like you are doing great! Good to know you can be off of it and not gain =].

    I am the same.. no side effects at all.. just supressed hunger.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I've taken phentermine on and off for a few years. To help lose baby weight. I can tell you when I first started taking it. I would hardly eat. And what I did eat was CRAP! I was exercising, running at least 4-5 times a week. It made me SUPER thirsty. If I drank too much coffee and took it. I'd get shaky. If I just had a cup or 2 of coffee then I'd be fine.
    Eat even when you don't feel like it. Just eat healthy stuff. It will help with mood and feeling shaky.
    The only reason I gained the weight back is because I had another baby.
    I'm breast feeding now. But if I wasn't, I'd be taking phentermine again.
    I think my results would even be better than it was last time. Because now I eat pretty healthy. I make better food choices and I am still working out. I think of phentermine as a little jump start.
    The person who said it was an "AID" is exactly right. You still got to eat right and exercise.
  • lydia2012change
    This us true. That is why I said it's a lifestyle change. If you only do something temporarily to just to lose the weight and start back eating what you did before of coarse the weight is going to come back.
    The thing is as with any weight loss tool, or any way of living if you go back to eating junk and unhealthy living you WILL gain it back, with or without weight loss tools or supplements. You have to use it as a TOOL not a way of life, teach yourself the right way to eat and maintain a healthy lifestyle even when you stop taking it.

    I take Phentermine (generic) and it helped me alot control my appetite, however, I still make sure to eat 1200 calories a day and get to the gym everyday. It's not a miracle pill it's an aid.

    I love your answer!! I am taking it now as well.. and you are 100% right!! it is an AID!!! I am almost 100% positive the people who gained all their weight back plus more was not watching what they ate and went back to eating how they use to.

    Back in the beginning of 2010 I busted my butt and lost 35 lbs in 5 months.. I ate right, exercised everyday, sometimes twice a day.. then I started slacking a bit and gained it all back plus more!! It just goes to show you that even when you do it "the right way" if you go back to your old ways you can still gain it all back. I think the Phentermine is a great TOOL for people who truly have a hard time.