What the heck!

Hi my name is Melissa and i've been using MFP for about a month now. In the beginning i was doing great. I was staying motivated, exercising and losing weight. Now recently even though nothing has changed, still exercising (45-90 min of cardio a day), eating within in my calorie alottment (usually under but over 1200 calories) but now i seem to be putting weight on. Recently i have gained back 2 lbs of the 14 i had originally lost and i don't know why. I'm getting frustrated and i don't know how to fix it. I'm going to try changing my exercise routine (I start pilates in two weeks) and hope that helps.

Any suggestions, advice or words of wisdom would be GREATLY appreciated!! I feel like at this rate i am NEVER going to reach my goal!

Thanks in advance!


  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    You definitely want to try to eat back at least half, if not all of your calories, if possible. If you are eating your exercise calories, consider increasing your calories by 200 calories and see if adjusting helps you get the weight to come off.

    Plateaus happen, unfortunately, and when they do, that only means that it is time for a change, because your body has grown accustomed to what it was used to doing. Once it is adjusted, you will get stuck on a plateau and start to feel discouraged.

    Good luck!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I think this is fairly common for people, I think your body has adjusted to a new normal. It comes off fast at first but then levels out. Are you eating your exercise calories back at all? If not, I would up calories by 200-300 for the next couple of weeks and see if this helps. Also, you are stronger now and therefore if you haven't changed up the intensity of your cardio workouts now is the time to do so -- go harder, faster, longer to get your heart rate up in the zone. Your body probably needs a jolt to get it losing again, by eating a bit more per day or switching up cardio routines or pushing harder during cardio sessions you may see results again!
  • msjac23
    msjac23 Posts: 140 Member
    I f you changed your Activity Profile on MFP it will up your calories. MFP suggested my calorie intake be 1200 a day at sedenary activity, when I change my activity to active. My calorie intake changed to 1490 a day.
  • Cat8birdie
    Cat8birdie Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with 27strange and bryn_all01. I know it seems strange to add calories to your diet, but sometimes you need to rev your metabolism. Sometimes it also helps to eat a little more often throughout the day. I have a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then another between lunch and dinner. You are doing great! Don't worry, your body will keep going!